package rosegoldaddons.utils; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest; import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.inventory.Container; import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3; import net.minecraft.util.Vec3i; import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent; import rosegoldaddons.Main; import rosegoldaddons.commands.Rosedrobe; import rosegoldaddons.commands.Rosepet; import rosegoldaddons.features.SexAura; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class OpenSkyblockGui { private static boolean openTrades = false; public static boolean doTrades = false; private static int deb = 0; public static int die = -1; public static boolean sellAll = false; public static boolean selling = false; public static int enableChat = -1; public static boolean doVisit = false; private static boolean didVisit = false; private static final KeyBinding[] binds =; private static int sellAttempts = 0; public static boolean storeInChest = false; public static boolean storing = false; public static boolean openedChest = false; public static String[] endermanDrops = { "summoning eye", "ender pearl", "bone", "obsidian", "crystal fragment", "eye of ender", "end stone", "arrow", "combat exp, rune" }; @SubscribeEvent public void guiDraw(GuiScreenEvent.BackgroundDrawnEvent event) { if (!Rosedrobe.openWardrobe && !openTrades && !Rosepet.openPetS && !sellAll && !storeInChest) return; if (event.gui instanceof GuiChest) { Container container = ((GuiChest) event.gui).inventorySlots; if (container instanceof ContainerChest) { String chestName = ((ContainerChest) container).getLowerChestInventory().getDisplayName().getUnformattedText(); if (Rosedrobe.openWardrobe) { if (chestName.contains("Pets")) { clickSlot(48, 0, 0); clickSlot(32, 0, 1); if (Rosedrobe.slot > 0) { clickSlot(Rosedrobe.slot + 35, 0, 2);; } Rosedrobe.openWardrobe = false; } } else if (openTrades) { if (chestName.contains("Pets")) { clickSlot(48, 0, 0); clickSlot(22, 0, 1); openTrades = false; } } else if (Rosepet.openPetS) { if (chestName.contains("Pets")) { int currPage = 1; int lastPage = 1; if (chestName.startsWith("(")) { currPage = Integer.parseInt(chestName.substring(chestName.indexOf("(") + 1, chestName.indexOf("/"))); lastPage = Integer.parseInt(chestName.substring(chestName.indexOf("/") + 1, chestName.indexOf(")"))); } String petName =; int petSlot = Rosepet.petSlot; if (petSlot != 0) { clickSlot(petSlot - 1, 0, 0); Rosepet.petSlot = 0; Rosepet.openPetS = false; return; } if (!petName.equals("")) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); for (Slot slot : chestInventory) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains(petName)) { clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 0, 0);; Rosepet.openPetS = false; return; } } if (currPage < lastPage) { clickSlot(53, 0, 0); } else { Rosepet.openPetS = false;; ChatUtils.sendMessage("No pet named " + petName + " found."); } } else { ChatUtils.sendMessage("Invalid Pet Name"); Rosepet.openPetS = false; } } } else if (sellAll && deb == 0) { selling = true; if (chestName.contains("Bazaar")) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); for (Slot slot : chestInventory) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains("Inventory Now")) { if (slot.getStack().serializeNBT().toString().contains("don't have items")) { ChatUtils.sendMessage("Couldn't find any items to sell to bazaar"); sellAttempts = 0; sellAll = false; selling = false;; } else { clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 0, 0); } } } } else if (chestName.contains("you sure?")) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); for (Slot slot : chestInventory) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains("whole inventory")) { clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 0, 0); sellAttempts++; deb = 5; break; } else if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains("sold!")) { ChatUtils.sendMessage("Sold!"); sellAttempts = 0; sellAll = false; selling = false;; return; } } } } else if(storeInChest && deb == 0) { storing = true; if (chestName.contains("Chest")) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); for (Slot slot : chestInventory) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if(slot.slotNumber < 53) continue; String display = slot.getStack().getDisplayName().toLowerCase(); for(String drop : endermanDrops) { if (display.contains(drop)) { clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 0, 1, 0); deb = 5; return; } } } ChatUtils.sendMessage("done storing"); storeInChest = false; storing = false; openedChest = false;; } } } } } @SubscribeEvent public void debounce(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) { if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END) return; if (deb > 0) deb--; if(storeInChest && !openedChest && !ShadyRotation.running) { storing = true; Vec3 chest = closestChest(); if(chest == null) { ChatUtils.sendMessage("No chest found in island, going back to macroing"); storeInChest = false; storing = false; } else { ShadyRotation.smoothLook(ShadyRotation.vec3ToRotation(chest), Main.configFile.smoothLookVelocity, () -> { rightClick(); openedChest = true; }); } } if (sellAttempts > 9) {;"/bz"); sellAttempts = 0; } if (deb == 0 && didVisit && doVisit) { doVisit = false; didVisit = false;"/trade " + removeFormatting(SexAura.sender.split(" ")[1])); doTrades = true; die = 200; } if (doTrades) { if (die > 0) { die--; } } if (die == 0) { doTrades = false; enableChat = 40; die = -1; } if (enableChat > 0) enableChat--; if (enableChat == 0) { SexAura.blocked = false; enableChat = -1; } } @SubscribeEvent public void onTick(TickEvent event) { if ( == null || == null) return; if (Main.configFile.stopKeyboard || SexAura.blocked) { for (KeyBinding keyBinding : binds) { KeyBinding.setKeyBindState(keyBinding.getKeyCode(), false); } } } @SubscribeEvent public void guiDraw2(GuiScreenEvent.BackgroundDrawnEvent event) { if(!doVisit) return; if (event.gui instanceof GuiChest) { Container container = ((GuiChest) event.gui).inventorySlots; if (container instanceof ContainerChest) { if (doVisit && deb == 0) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); for (Slot slot : chestInventory) { if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains("Visit player")) { if (!didVisit) { clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 0, 0); didVisit = true; deb = 100; } } } } if (doTrades && deb == 0) { List chestInventory = ((GuiChest); if (!chestInventory.get(30).getHasStack()) { for (int i = chestInventory.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { Slot slot = chestInventory.get(i); if (!slot.getHasStack()) continue; if (slot.getStack().getDisplayName().contains("SkyBlock")) continue; if (slot.slotNumber < 44) continue; clickSlot(slot.slotNumber, 1, 0); deb = 5; } } if (chestInventory.get(39).getHasStack() && (chestInventory.get(39).getStack().getDisplayName().contains("Warning!") || chestInventory.get(39).getStack().getDisplayName().contains("Deal!"))) { clickSlot(39, 0, 0); doTrades = false; enableChat = 40; } } } } } public static void openTradesMenu() { openTrades = true;"/pets"); } private void clickSlot(int slot, int type, int windowAdd) { + windowAdd, slot, type, 0,; } private void clickSlot(int slot, int type, int mode, int windowAdd) { + windowAdd, slot, type, mode,; } private String removeFormatting(String input) { return input.replaceAll("ยง[0-9a-fk-or]", ""); } private Vec3 closestChest() { if ( == null) return null; if ( == null) return null; int r = 6; BlockPos playerPos =; playerPos.add(0, 1, 0); Vec3 playerVec =; Vec3i vec3i = new Vec3i(r, r, r); ArrayList chests = new ArrayList<>(); for (BlockPos blockPos : BlockPos.getAllInBox(playerPos.add(vec3i), playerPos.subtract(vec3i))) { IBlockState blockState =; if (blockState.getBlock() == Blocks.chest) { chests.add(new Vec3(blockPos.getX() + 0.5, blockPos.getY(), blockPos.getZ() + 0.5)); } } double smallest = 9999; Vec3 closest = null; for (Vec3 chest : chests) { double dist = chest.distanceTo(playerVec); if (dist < smallest) { smallest = dist; closest = chest; } } return closest; } public static void rightClick() { try { Method rightClickMouse; try { rightClickMouse = Minecraft.class.getDeclaredMethod("rightClickMouse"); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { rightClickMouse = Minecraft.class.getDeclaredMethod("func_147121_ag"); } rightClickMouse.setAccessible(true); rightClickMouse.invoke(; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }