package com.replaymod.gradle.remap import com.replaymod.gradle.remap.PsiUtils.getSignature import org.cadixdev.bombe.type.signature.MethodSignature import org.cadixdev.lorenz.MappingSet import org.cadixdev.lorenz.model.ClassMapping import org.jetbrains.kotlin.asJava.getRepresentativeLightMethod import import import import import* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.CallableMemberDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.FunctionDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.resolve.diagnostics.findPsi import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens import import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.* import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext import org.jetbrains.kotlin.synthetic.SyntheticJavaPropertyDescriptor import org.jetbrains.kotlin.synthetic.SyntheticJavaPropertyDescriptor.Companion.propertyNameByGetMethodName import java.util.* internal class PsiMapper(private val map: MappingSet, private val file: PsiFile) { private val mixinMappings = mutableMapOf>() private var error: Boolean = false private val changes = TreeMap(Comparator.comparing { it.startOffset }) private fun error(at: PsiElement, message: String) { val line = StringUtil.offsetToLineNumber(file.text, at.textOffset) System.err.println( + ":" + line + ": " + message) error = true } private fun replace(e: PsiElement, with: String) { changes[e.textRange] = with } private fun replaceIdentifier(parent: PsiElement, with: String) { var child = parent.firstChild while (child != null) { if (child is PsiIdentifier || child is ASTNode && child.elementType == KtTokens.IDENTIFIER) { replace(child, with) return } child = child.nextSibling } } private fun valid(e: PsiElement): Boolean { val range = e.textRange val before = changes.ceilingKey(range) return before == null || !before.intersects(range) } private fun getResult(text: String): String? { if (error) { return null } var result = text for ((key, value) in changes.descendingMap()) { result = key.replace(result, value) } return result } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, field: PsiField) { val fieldName = ?: return val declaringClass = field.containingClass ?: return val name = declaringClass.dollarQualifiedName ?: return var mapping: ClassMapping<*, *>? = this.mixinMappings[declaringClass.qualifiedName ?: return] if (mapping == null) { mapping = map.findClassMapping(name) } if (mapping == null) return val mapped = mapping.findFieldMapping(fieldName)?.deobfuscatedName if (mapped == null || mapped == fieldName) return replaceIdentifier(expr, mapped) if (expr is PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement && !expr.isQualified // qualified access is fine && !isSwitchCase(expr) // referencing constants in case statements is fine ) { error(expr, "Implicit member reference to remapped field \"$fieldName\". " + "This can cause issues if the remapped reference becomes shadowed by a local variable and is therefore forbidden. " + "Use \"this.$fieldName\" instead.") } } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, method: PsiMethod) { if (method.isConstructor) { if (expr is KtSimpleNameExpression) { map(expr, method.containingClass ?: return) } return } val mapped = findMapping(method) if (mapped != null && mapped != { val maybeGetter = propertyNameByGetMethodName(Name.identifier(mapped)) if (maybeGetter != null // must have getter-style name && !method.hasParameters() // getters cannot take any arguments && method.returnType != PsiType.VOID // and must return some value && !method.hasModifier(JvmModifier.STATIC) // synthetic properties cannot be static // `super.getDebugInfo()` is a special case which cannot be replaced with a synthetic property && expr.parent.parent.let { it !is KtDotQualifiedExpression || it.firstChild !is KtSuperExpression } // cannot use synthetic properties outside of kotlin files (cause they're a kotlin thing) && expr.containingFile is KtFile) { // E.g. `entity.canUsePortal()` maps to `entity.isNonBoss()` but when we're using kotlin and the target // isn't (as should be the case for remapped names), we can also write that as `entity.isNonBoss` (i.e. // as a synthetic property). // This is the reverse to the operation in [map(PsiElement, SyntheticJavaPropertyDescriptor)]. replace(expr.parent, maybeGetter.identifier) return } replaceIdentifier(expr, mapped) } } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, method: KtNamedFunction) { val psiMethod = method.getRepresentativeLightMethod() val mapped = findMapping(psiMethod ?: return) if (mapped != null && mapped != { replaceIdentifier(expr, mapped) } } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, property: SyntheticJavaPropertyDescriptor) { val getter = property.getMethod.findPsi() as? PsiMethod ?: return val mappedGetter = findMapping(getter) ?: return if (mappedGetter != { val maybeMapped = propertyNameByGetMethodName(Name.identifier(mappedGetter)) if (maybeMapped == null) { // Can happen if a method is a synthetic property in the current mapping (e.g. `isNonBoss`) but not // in the target mapping (e.g. `canUsePortal()`) // TODO probably also want to convert in the opposite direction, though that's a lot harder replaceIdentifier(expr, "$mappedGetter()") } else { val mapped = maybeMapped.identifier replaceIdentifier(expr, mapped) } } } // See caller for why this exists private fun map(expr: PsiElement, method: FunctionDescriptor) { for (overriddenDescriptor in method.overriddenDescriptors) { val overriddenPsi = overriddenDescriptor.findPsi() if (overriddenPsi != null) { map(expr, overriddenPsi) // found a psi element, continue as usually } else { map(expr, overriddenDescriptor) // recursion } } } private fun findMapping(method: PsiMethod): String? { var declaringClass: PsiClass? = method.containingClass ?: return null val parentQueue = ArrayDeque() parentQueue.offer(declaringClass) var mapping: ClassMapping<*, *>? = null var name = declaringClass!!.qualifiedName if (name != null) { mapping = mixinMappings[name] } while (true) { if (mapping != null) { val mapped = mapping.findMethodMapping(getSignature(method))?.deobfuscatedName if (mapped != null) { return mapped } mapping = null } while (mapping == null) { declaringClass = parentQueue.poll() if (declaringClass == null) return null val superClass = declaringClass.superClass if (superClass != null) { parentQueue.offer(superClass) } for (anInterface in declaringClass.interfaces) { parentQueue.offer(anInterface) } name = declaringClass.dollarQualifiedName if (name == null) continue mapping = map.findClassMapping(name) } } } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, resolved: PsiQualifiedNamedElement) { val name = resolved.qualifiedName ?: return val dollarName = (if (resolved is PsiClass) resolved.dollarQualifiedName else name) ?: return val mapping = map.findClassMapping(dollarName) ?: return var mapped = mapping.fullDeobfuscatedName if (mapped == dollarName) return mapped = mapped.replace('/', '.').replace('$', '.') if (expr.text == name) { replace(expr, mapped) return } val parent: PsiElement? = expr.parent if ((parent is KtUserType || parent is KtQualifiedExpression) && parent.text == name) { replace(parent, mapped) return } // FIXME this incorrectly filters things like "Packet" and doesn't filter same-name type aliases // if (expr.text != name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)) { // return // type alias, will be remapped at its definition // } replaceIdentifier(expr, mapped.substring(mapped.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)) } private fun map(expr: PsiElement, resolved: PsiElement?) { when (resolved) { is PsiField -> map(expr, resolved) is PsiMethod -> map(expr, resolved) is KtNamedFunction -> map(expr, resolved.getRepresentativeLightMethod()) is PsiClass, is PsiPackage -> map(expr, resolved as PsiQualifiedNamedElement) } } // Note: Supports only Mixins with a single target (ignores others) private fun getMixinTarget(annotation: PsiAnnotation): ClassMapping<*, *>? { for (pair in annotation.parameterList.attributes) { val name = if (name == null || "value" == name) { val value = pair.value if (value !is PsiClassObjectAccessExpression) continue val type = value.operand val reference = type.innermostComponentReferenceElement ?: continue val qualifiedName = (reference.resolve() as PsiClass?)?.dollarQualifiedName ?: continue return map.findClassMapping(qualifiedName) ?: continue } if ("targets" == name) { val value = pair.value if (value !is PsiLiteral) continue val qualifiedName = value.value as? String ?: continue val mapping = map.findClassMapping(qualifiedName) ?: continue val mapped = mapping.fullDeobfuscatedName?.replace('/', '.') if (mapped != qualifiedName) { replace(value, "\"$mapped\"") } return mapping } } return null } private fun remapAccessors(mapping: ClassMapping<*, *>) { file.accept(object : JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { override fun visitMethod(method: PsiMethod) { val annotation = method.getAnnotation(CLASS_ACCESSOR) ?: method.getAnnotation(CLASS_INVOKER) ?: return val methodName = val targetByName = when { methodName.startsWith("invoke") -> methodName.substring(6) methodName.startsWith("is") -> methodName.substring(2) methodName.startsWith("get") || methodName.startsWith("set") -> methodName.substring(3) else -> null }?.decapitalize() val target = annotation.parameterList.attributes.find { == null || == "value" }?.literalValue ?: targetByName ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot determine accessor target for $method") val mapped = if (methodName.startsWith("invoke")) { mapping.methodMappings.find { it.obfuscatedName == target }?.deobfuscatedName } else { mapping.findFieldMapping(target)?.deobfuscatedName } if (mapped != null && mapped != target) { // Update accessor target replace(annotation.parameterList, if (mapped == targetByName) { // Mapped name matches implied target, can just remove the explict target "" } else { // Mapped name does not match implied target, need to set the target as annotation value "(\"" + StringUtil.escapeStringCharacters(mapped) + "\")" }) } } }) } private fun remapInjectsAndRedirects(mapping: ClassMapping<*, *>) { file.accept(object : JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { override fun visitMethod(method: PsiMethod) { val annotation = method.getAnnotation(CLASS_INJECT) ?: method.getAnnotation(CLASS_REDIRECT) ?: return for (attribute in annotation.parameterList.attributes) { if ("method" != continue // Note: mixin supports multiple targets, we do not (yet) val literalValue = attribute.literalValue ?: continue var mapped: String? if (literalValue.contains("(")) { mapped = mapping.findMethodMapping(MethodSignature.of(literalValue))?.deobfuscatedName } else { mapped = null for (methodMapping in mapping.methodMappings) { if (methodMapping.obfuscatedName == literalValue) { val name = methodMapping.deobfuscatedName if (mapped != null && mapped != name) { error(attribute, "Ambiguous mixin method \"$literalValue\" maps to \"$mapped\" and \"$name\"") } mapped = name } } } if (mapped != null && mapped != literalValue) { val value = attribute.value!! replace(value, '"'.toString() + mapped + '"'.toString()) } } } }) } private fun remapInternalType(internalType: String): String = StringBuilder().apply { remapInternalType(internalType, this) }.toString() private fun remapInternalType(internalType: String, result: StringBuilder): ClassMapping<*, *>? { if (internalType[0] == 'L') { val type = internalType.substring(1, internalType.length - 1).replace('/', '.') val mapping = map.findClassMapping(type) if (mapping != null) { result.append('L').append(mapping.fullDeobfuscatedName).append(';') return mapping } } result.append(internalType) return null } private fun remapMixinTarget(target: String): String { return if (target.contains(':') || target.contains('(')) { remapFullyQualifiedMethodOrField(target) } else { if (target[0] == 'L') { remapInternalType(target) } else { remapInternalType("L$target;").drop(1).dropLast(1) } } } private fun remapFullyQualifiedMethodOrField(signature: String): String { val ownerEnd = signature.indexOf(';') var argsBegin = signature.indexOf('(') var argsEnd = signature.indexOf(')') val method = argsBegin != -1 if (!method) { argsEnd = signature.indexOf(':') argsBegin = argsEnd } val owner = signature.substring(0, ownerEnd + 1) val name = signature.substring(ownerEnd + 1, argsBegin) val returnType = signature.substring(argsEnd + 1) val builder = StringBuilder(signature.length + 32) val mapping = remapInternalType(owner, builder) var mapped: String? = null if (mapping != null) { mapped = (if (method) { mapping.findMethodMapping(MethodSignature.of(signature.substring(ownerEnd + 1))) } else { mapping.findFieldMapping(name) })?.deobfuscatedName } builder.append(mapped ?: name) if (method) { builder.append('(') val args = signature.substring(argsBegin + 1, argsEnd) var i = 0 while (i < args.length) { val c = args[i] if (c != 'L') { builder.append(c) i++ continue } val end = args.indexOf(';', i) val arg = args.substring(i, end + 1) remapInternalType(arg, builder) i = end i++ } builder.append(')') } else { builder.append(':') } remapInternalType(returnType, builder) return builder.toString() } private fun remapAtTargets() { file.accept(object : JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { override fun visitAnnotation(annotation: PsiAnnotation) { if (CLASS_AT != annotation.qualifiedName) { super.visitAnnotation(annotation) return } for (attribute in annotation.parameterList.attributes) { if ("target" != continue val signature = attribute.literalValue ?: continue val newSignature = remapMixinTarget(signature) if (newSignature != signature) { val value = attribute.value!! replace(value, "\"$newSignature\"") } } } }) } fun remapFile(bindingContext: BindingContext): String? { file.accept(object : JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { override fun visitClass(psiClass: PsiClass) { val annotation = psiClass.getAnnotation(CLASS_MIXIN) ?: return remapAtTargets() val mapping = getMixinTarget(annotation) ?: return mixinMappings[psiClass.qualifiedName!!] = mapping if (!mapping.fieldMappings.isEmpty()) { remapAccessors(mapping) } if (!mapping.methodMappings.isEmpty()) { remapInjectsAndRedirects(mapping) } } }) file.accept(object : JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { override fun visitField(field: PsiField) { if (valid(field)) { map(field, field) } super.visitField(field) } override fun visitMethod(method: PsiMethod) { if (valid(method)) { map(method, method) } super.visitMethod(method) } override fun visitReferenceElement(reference: PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) { if (valid(reference)) { map(reference, reference.resolve()) } super.visitReferenceElement(reference) } }) if (file is KtFile) { file.accept(object : KtTreeVisitor() { override fun visitNamedFunction(function: KtNamedFunction, data: Void?): Void? { if (valid(function)) { map(function, function) } return super.visitNamedFunction(function, data) } override fun visitReferenceExpression(expression: KtReferenceExpression, data: Void?): Void? { if (valid(expression)) { val target = bindingContext[BindingContext.REFERENCE_TARGET, expression] if (target is SyntheticJavaPropertyDescriptor) { map(expression, target) } else if (target != null && (target as? CallableMemberDescriptor)?.kind != CallableMemberDescriptor.Kind.SYNTHESIZED) { val targetPsi = target.findPsi() if (targetPsi != null) { map(expression, targetPsi) } else if (target is FunctionDescriptor) { // Appears to be the case if we're referencing an overwritten function in a previously // compiled kotlin file // E.g. A.f overwrites B.f overwrites C.f // C is a Minecraft class, B is a previously compiled (and already remapped) kotlin // class and we're currently in A.f trying to call `super.f()`. // `target` is a DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor with no linked PSI element. map(expression, target) } } } return super.visitReferenceExpression(expression, data) } }, null) } return getResult(file.text) } companion object { private const val CLASS_MIXIN = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin" private const val CLASS_ACCESSOR = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.gen.Accessor" private const val CLASS_INVOKER = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.gen.Invoker" private const val CLASS_AT = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At" private const val CLASS_INJECT = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject" private const val CLASS_REDIRECT = "org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Redirect" private fun isSwitchCase(e: PsiElement): Boolean { if (e is PsiSwitchLabelStatement) { return true } val parent = e.parent return parent != null && isSwitchCase(parent) } } }