package tech.thatgravyboat.rewardclaim.ui import gg.essential.api.utils.Multithreading.runAsync import gg.essential.api.utils.Multithreading.schedule import gg.essential.elementa.WindowScreen import gg.essential.elementa.components.* import gg.essential.elementa.constraints.CenterConstraint import gg.essential.elementa.dsl.* import gg.essential.universal.ChatColor import gg.essential.universal.UDesktop import gg.essential.vigilance.gui.VigilancePalette import import tech.thatgravyboat.rewardclaim.Config import tech.thatgravyboat.rewardclaim.ExternalConfiguration import tech.thatgravyboat.rewardclaim.types.WebData import java.awt.Color import* import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit private val BUTTON_HOVER = Color(0, 212, 105) private val SECURITY_REGEX = Regex("window\\.securityToken = \"(?.*)\";") private val DATA_REGEX = Regex("window\\.appData = '(?\\{.*})';") private val I18N_REGEX = Regex("window.i18n = \\{(?.*)};", RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL) class RewardClaimGui(private val id: String) : WindowScreen() { private var state: State = State.LOADING private var selected = -1 // Raw Data private lateinit var data: WebData private val background = UIBlock(VigilancePalette.getBackground()).constrain { width = 100.percent() height = 100.percent() } childOf this.window private val selectedReward = UISelectedReward(30.percent() - 0.5.pixel()) childOf background init { UIBlock(VigilancePalette.getDivider()).constrain { width = 1.pixel() height = 75.percent() x = 50.percent() - 0.5.pixel() y = 12.5.percent() } childOf background UIBlock(VigilancePalette.getDivider()).constrain { width = 1.pixel() height = 75.percent() x = 10.percent() - 0.5.pixel() y = 12.5.percent() } childOf background UIBlock(VigilancePalette.getDivider()).constrain { width = 30.percent() - 1.pixel() height = 1.pixel() x = 15.percent() y = 70.percent() } childOf background UIText("Click to claim 1 of the 3 Rewards").apply { constrain { x = 30.percent() - 0.5.pixel() - (getTextWidth() / 2f).pixel() y = 15.percent() } childOf background } UIText("Reward Options").apply { constrain { x = 75.percent() - (getTextWidth() / 2f).pixel() y = 15.percent() } childOf background } UIText("§lClaim Reward", false).let { text -> UIBlock(VigilancePalette.getAccent()).let { button -> button.constrain { width = text.getTextWidth().pixel() + 18.pixel() height = 17.pixel() y = 60.percent() x = 30.percent() - 0.5.pixel() - (text.getTextWidth() / 2f + 9f).pixel() } childOf background text.constrain { x = CenterConstraint() y = CenterConstraint() } childOf button button.onMouseEnter { setColor(BUTTON_HOVER) } button.onMouseLeave { setColor(VigilancePalette.getAccent()) } button.onMouseClick { event -> if (event.mouseButton == 0 && selected != -1) { if (Config.showConfirmation) confirmPopup() else claimReward() } event.stopPropagation() } } } UIText("Daily Streak").apply { constrain { x = 30.percent() - 0.5.pixel() - (getTextWidth() / 2f).pixel() y = 72.percent() } childOf background } adPopup(false) } //region Daily Streak private val streakSubHeading = UIText(String.format("Current: %d Highest: %d", 0, 0)).apply { constrain { x = 30.percent() - 0.5.pixel() - (getTextWidth() / 2f).pixel() y = 77.percent() } childOf background } private val streaks = Array(9) { i -> UICircle(5f, VigilancePalette.getDivider(), 15).let { it.constrain { x = ((15.percent() + (15.percent() - 0.5.pixel())) - 45.pixel()) + (it.getWidth() * i).pixel() y = 83.percent() } childOf background } } //endregion private val rewards = Array(3) { i -> UIReward(57.5.percent(), 30.percent() + (18 * i).percent()) childOf background }.also { for (reward in it) { reward.onMouseClick { event -> if (event.mouseButton == 0 && state == State.SUCCESSFUL) { for (j in 0..2) { it[j].setSelected(it[j] == reward) if (it[j] != event.currentTarget) continue selected = j selectedReward.updateInfo(data.rewards[selected], data.language) } if (event.clickCount >= 2) { if (Config.showDoubleClickConfirmation) confirmPopup() else claimReward() } } } reward.hide(true) } } init { runAsync( Runnable { try { val cookieManager = CookieManager() CookieHandler.setDefault(cookieManager) val url = URL("$id") (url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection).apply { requestMethod = "GET" useCaches = true addRequestProperty("User-Agent", ExternalConfiguration.userAgent) readTimeout = 15000 connectTimeout = 15000 doOutput = true inputStream.use { val html = IOUtils.toString(it, Charset.defaultCharset()) val securityMatcher = SECURITY_REGEX.find(html) val dataMatcher = DATA_REGEX.find(html) val i18nMatcher = I18N_REGEX.find(html) if (securityMatcher != null && dataMatcher != null && i18nMatcher != null) { data = WebData(securityMatcher, dataMatcher, i18nMatcher) if (data.rewards.isEmpty()) { state = State.FAILED_REWARDS errorPopup("Rewards were empty.") } else { state = State.SUCCESSFUL updateElements() } if (data.skippable || data.duration == 0) { adPopup(true) } else { schedule({ adPopup(true) }, data.duration.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS) } } else { state = State.FAILED_REWARDS errorPopup("Regex could not be found.\nUrl:${this.url}\nSecurity: ${securityMatcher != null}\nI18n: ${i18nMatcher != null}\nData: $${dataMatcher != null}") } } } } catch (e: Exception) { state = State.FAILED errorPopup("Error: " + e.message) e.printStackTrace() } } ) adPopup(false) } private fun updateElements() { data.let { for (i in 0 until data.streak.progress) streaks[i].setColor(VigilancePalette.getAccent()) streakSubHeading.setText(String.format("Current: %d Highest: %d", data.streak.current, data.streak.highest)) streakSubHeading.setX(30.percent() - 0.5.pixel() - (streakSubHeading.getTextWidth() / 2f).pixel()) for (i in 0 until 3) { rewards[i].let { it.setData(data.rewards[i], data.language) it.unhide(true) } } } } private var popup: UIPopup? = null private fun errorPopup(error: String) { Window.enqueueRenderOperation { popup?.let { if (it.parent.hasParent) { it.parent.removeChild(it) popup = null } } popup = UIPopup( "${ChatColor.RED}An Error Occurred!", error, UIImage.ofResourceCached("/vigilance/cancel.png"), { restorePreviousScreen() }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Close", UIImage.ofResourceCached("/rewardclaim/external_link.png"), { UDesktop.browse(URI("$id")) }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Reward" ) childOf this.window } } private fun confirmPopup() { popup = UIPopup( "Confirmation", "Are you sure you want to claim this reward. Click 'Back' if you would like to change which reward you would like to claim or 'Continue' if you like to go ahead with your reward.", null, { removePopup() }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Back", null, { claimReward() }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Continue" ) childOf this.window } private fun claimReward() { runAsync { try { (URL("$selected&id=$id&activeAd=${data.activeAd}&_csrf=${data.securityToken}&watchedFallback=false").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection).apply { requestMethod = "POST" useCaches = true addRequestProperty("User-Agent", ExternalConfiguration.userAgent) readTimeout = 15000 connectTimeout = 15000 responseCode CookieManager.setDefault(null) restorePreviousScreen() } } catch (e: Exception) { errorPopup("Error: " + e.message) e.printStackTrace() } } } private fun removePopup() { Window.enqueueRenderOperation { popup?.let { if (it.parent.hasParent) { it.parent.removeChild(it) popup = null } } } } private fun adPopup(skip: Boolean) { Window.enqueueRenderOperation { popup?.let { if (it.parent.hasParent) { it.parent.removeChild(it) popup = null } } popup = if (skip) { UIPopup( "Reward Claim AD", "Hypixel is a great server and as such we don't want to remove their ad for their store. You can click the skip button when it appears to remove this message and claim your reward.", UIImage.ofResourceCached("/rewardclaim/external_link.png"), { UDesktop.browse(getAd()) }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Store", null, { removePopup() }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Skip" ) childOf this.window } else { UIPopup( "Reward Claim AD", "Hypixel is a great server and as such we don't want to remove their ad for their store. You can click the skip button when it appears to remove this message and claim your reward.", UIImage.ofResourceCached("/rewardclaim/external_link.png"), { UDesktop.browse(getAd()) }, "${ChatColor.BOLD}Store" ) childOf this.window } } } private fun getAd(): URI { return if (this::data.isInitialized) URI(data.adLink) else URI("") } override fun onDrawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) { this.window.draw() } private enum class State { LOADING, FAILED, SUCCESSFUL, FAILED_REWARDS } }