path: root/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml b/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml
index 7213e286..c909b203 100644
--- a/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml
+++ b/src/SMAPI.Web/Views/LogParser/Index.cshtml
@@ -44,11 +44,36 @@
** Intro
<p id="blurb">This page lets you upload, view, and share a SMAPI log to help troubleshoot mod issues.</p>
-<input type="button" id="upload-button" value="Share a new log" />
@if (Model.ParsedLog?.IsValid == true)
- <h2>Parsed log</h2>
+ <div class="banner success" v-pre>
+ <strong>The log was uploaded successfully!</strong><br/>
+ Share this URL when asking for help: <code>@(new Uri(new Uri(Model.SectionUrl), Model.PasteID))</code><br/>
+ (Or <a id="upload-button" href="#">upload a new log</a>.)
+ </div>
+else if (Model.ParsedLog?.IsValid == false)
+ <div class="banner error" v-pre>
+ <strong>Oops, couldn't parse that file. (Make sure you upload the log file, not the console text.)</strong><br />
+ Share this URL when asking for help: <code>@(new Uri(new Uri(Model.SectionUrl), Model.PasteID))</code><br />
+ (Or <a id="upload-button" href="#">upload a new log</a>.)<br />
+ <br />
+ <small v-pre>Error details: @Model.ParsedLog.Error</small>
+ </div>
+ <input type="button" id="upload-button" value="Share a new log" />
+** Parsed log
+@if (Model.ParsedLog?.IsValid == true)
+ <h2>Log info</h2>
<div id="output">
<table id="metadata">
<caption>Game info:</caption>
@@ -148,12 +173,6 @@
else if (Model.ParsedLog?.IsValid == false)
- <h2>Parsed log</h2>
- <div id="error" class="color-red">
- <p><strong>We couldn't parse that file, but you can still share the link.</strong></p>
- <p v-pre>Error details: @Model.ParsedLog.Error</p>
- </div>
<h3>Raw log</h3>
<pre v-pre>@Model.ParsedLog.RawText</pre>
@@ -166,7 +185,6 @@ else if (Model.ParsedLog?.IsValid == false)
<li><a href="" target="_blank">Find your SMAPI log file</a> (not the console text).</li>
<li>Drag the file onto the textbox below (or paste the text in).</li>
<li>Click <em>Parse</em>.</li>
- <li>Share the URL of the new page.</li>
<textarea id="input" placeholder="Paste or drag the log here"></textarea>
<div class="buttons">