path: root/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities
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2 files changed, 557 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25acbaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SDateTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Utilities;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests.Utilities
+ /// <summary>Unit tests for <see cref="SDate"/>.</summary>
+ [TestFixture]
+ internal class SDateTests
+ {
+ /*********
+ ** Properties
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>All valid seasons.</summary>
+ private static readonly string[] ValidSeasons = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" };
+ /// <summary>All valid days of a month.</summary>
+ private static readonly int[] ValidDays = Enumerable.Range(1, 28).ToArray();
+ /// <summary>Sample relative dates for test cases.</summary>
+ private static class Dates
+ {
+ /// <summary>The base date to which other dates are relative.</summary>
+ public const string Now = "02 summer Y2";
+ /// <summary>The day before <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string PrevDay = "01 summer Y2";
+ /// <summary>The month before <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string PrevMonth = "02 spring Y2";
+ /// <summary>The year before <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string PrevYear = "02 summer Y1";
+ /// <summary>The day after <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string NextDay = "03 summer Y2";
+ /// <summary>The month after <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string NextMonth = "02 fall Y2";
+ /// <summary>The year after <see cref="Now"/>.</summary>
+ public const string NextYear = "02 summer Y3";
+ }
+ /*********
+ ** Unit tests
+ *********/
+ /****
+ ** Constructor
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the constructor sets the expected values for all valid dates.")]
+ public void Constructor_SetsExpectedValues([ValueSource(nameof(SDateTests.ValidSeasons))] string season, [ValueSource(nameof(SDateTests.ValidDays))] int day, [Values(1, 2, 100)] int year)
+ {
+ // act
+ SDate date = new SDate(day, season, year);
+ // assert
+ Assert.AreEqual(day, date.Day);
+ Assert.AreEqual(season, date.Season);
+ Assert.AreEqual(year, date.Year);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the constructor throws an exception if the values are invalid.")]
+ [TestCase(01, "Spring", 1)] // seasons are case-sensitive
+ [TestCase(01, "springs", 1)] // invalid season name
+ [TestCase(-1, "spring", 1)] // day < 0
+ [TestCase(29, "spring", 1)] // day > 28
+ [TestCase(01, "spring", -1)] // year < 1
+ [TestCase(01, "spring", 0)] // year < 1
+ [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "AssignmentIsFullyDiscarded", Justification = "Deliberate for unit test.")]
+ public void Constructor_RejectsInvalidValues(int day, string season, int year)
+ {
+ // act & assert
+ Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => _ = new SDate(day, season, year), "Constructing the invalid date didn't throw the expected exception.");
+ }
+ /****
+ ** ToString
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that ToString returns the expected string.")]
+ [TestCase("14 spring Y1", ExpectedResult = "14 spring Y1")]
+ [TestCase("01 summer Y16", ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y16")]
+ [TestCase("28 fall Y10", ExpectedResult = "28 fall Y10")]
+ [TestCase("01 winter Y1", ExpectedResult = "01 winter Y1")]
+ public string ToString(string dateStr)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(dateStr).ToString();
+ }
+ /****
+ ** AddDays
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that AddDays returns the expected date.")]
+ [TestCase("01 spring Y1", 15, ExpectedResult = "16 spring Y1")] // day transition
+ [TestCase("01 spring Y1", 28, ExpectedResult = "01 summer Y1")] // season transition
+ [TestCase("01 spring Y1", 28 * 4, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y2")] // year transition
+ [TestCase("01 spring Y1", 28 * 7 + 17, ExpectedResult = "18 winter Y2")] // year transition
+ [TestCase("15 spring Y1", -14, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y1")] // negative day transition
+ [TestCase("15 summer Y1", -28, ExpectedResult = "15 spring Y1")] // negative season transition
+ [TestCase("15 summer Y2", -28 * 4, ExpectedResult = "15 summer Y1")] // negative year transition
+ [TestCase("01 spring Y3", -(28 * 7 + 17), ExpectedResult = "12 spring Y1")] // negative year transition
+ [TestCase("06 fall Y2", 50, ExpectedResult = "28 winter Y3")] // test for zero-index errors
+ [TestCase("06 fall Y2", 51, ExpectedResult = "01 spring Y3")] // test for zero-index errors
+ public string AddDays(string dateStr, int addDays)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(dateStr).AddDays(addDays).ToString();
+ }
+ /****
+ ** GetHashCode
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that GetHashCode returns a unique ordered value for every date.")]
+ public void GetHashCode_ReturnsUniqueOrderedValue()
+ {
+ IDictionary<int, SDate> hashes = new Dictionary<int, SDate>();
+ int lastHash = int.MinValue;
+ for (int year = 1; year <= 4; year++)
+ {
+ foreach (string season in SDateTests.ValidSeasons)
+ {
+ foreach (int day in SDateTests.ValidDays)
+ {
+ SDate date = new SDate(day, season, year);
+ int hash = date.GetHashCode();
+ if (hashes.TryGetValue(hash, out SDate otherDate))
+ Assert.Fail($"Received identical hash code {hash} for dates {otherDate} and {date}.");
+ if (hash < lastHash)
+ Assert.Fail($"Received smaller hash code for date {date} ({hash}) relative to {hashes[lastHash]} ({lastHash}).");
+ lastHash = hash;
+ hashes[hash] = date;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the == operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ public bool Operators_Equals(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) == this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the != operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ public bool Operators_NotEquals(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) != this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the < operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ public bool Operators_LessThan(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) < this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the <= operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ public bool Operators_LessThanOrEqual(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) <= this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the > operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ public bool Operators_MoreThan(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) > this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the > operator returns the expected values. We only need a few test cases, since it's based on GetHashCode which is tested more thoroughly.")]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, null, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevDay, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevMonth, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.PrevYear, ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.Now, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextDay, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextMonth, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase(Dates.Now, Dates.NextYear, ExpectedResult = false)]
+ public bool Operators_MoreThanOrEqual(string now, string other)
+ {
+ return this.GetDate(now) > this.GetDate(other);
+ }
+ /*********
+ ** Private methods
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>Convert a string date into a game date, to make unit tests easier to read.</summary>
+ /// <param name="dateStr">The date string like "dd MMMM yy".</param>
+ private SDate GetDate(string dateStr)
+ {
+ if (dateStr == null)
+ return null;
+ void Fail(string reason) => throw new AssertionException($"Couldn't parse date '{dateStr}' because {reason}.");
+ // parse
+ Match match = Regex.Match(dateStr, @"^(?<day>\d+) (?<season>\w+) Y(?<year>\d+)$");
+ if (!match.Success)
+ Fail("it doesn't match expected pattern (should be like 28 spring Y1)");
+ // extract parts
+ string season = match.Groups["season"].Value;
+ if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups["day"].Value, out int day))
+ Fail($"'{match.Groups["day"].Value}' couldn't be parsed as a day.");
+ if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups["year"].Value, out int year))
+ Fail($"'{match.Groups["year"].Value}' couldn't be parsed as a year.");
+ // build date
+ return new SDate(day, season, year);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SemanticVersionTests.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SemanticVersionTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03cd26c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI.Tests/Utilities/SemanticVersionTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
+namespace StardewModdingAPI.Tests.Utilities
+ /// <summary>Unit tests for <see cref="SemanticVersion"/>.</summary>
+ [TestFixture]
+ internal class SemanticVersionTests
+ {
+ /*********
+ ** Unit tests
+ *********/
+ /****
+ ** Constructor
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the constructor sets the expected values for all valid versions.")]
+ [TestCase("1.0", ExpectedResult = "1.0")]
+ [TestCase("1.0.0", ExpectedResult = "1.0")]
+ [TestCase("3000.4000.5000", ExpectedResult = "3000.4000.5000")]
+ [TestCase("1.2-some-tag.4", ExpectedResult = "1.2-some-tag.4")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.3-some-tag.4", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3-some-tag.4")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.3-some-tag.4 ", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3-some-tag.4")]
+ public string Constructor_FromString(string input)
+ {
+ return new SemanticVersion(input).ToString();
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the constructor sets the expected values for all valid versions.")]
+ [TestCase(1, 0, 0, null, ExpectedResult = "1.0")]
+ [TestCase(3000, 4000, 5000, null, ExpectedResult = "3000.4000.5000")]
+ [TestCase(1, 2, 3, "", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3")]
+ [TestCase(1, 2, 3, " ", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3")]
+ [TestCase(1, 2, 3, "some-tag.4", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3-some-tag.4")]
+ [TestCase(1, 2, 3, "some-tag.4 ", ExpectedResult = "1.2.3-some-tag.4")]
+ public string Constructor_FromParts(int major, int minor, int patch, string tag)
+ {
+ // act
+ ISemanticVersion version = new SemanticVersion(major, minor, patch, tag);
+ // assert
+ Assert.AreEqual(major, version.MajorVersion, "The major version doesn't match the given value.");
+ Assert.AreEqual(minor, version.MinorVersion, "The minor version doesn't match the given value.");
+ Assert.AreEqual(patch, version.PatchVersion, "The patch version doesn't match the given value.");
+ Assert.AreEqual(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag) ? null : tag.Trim(), version.Build, "The tag doesn't match the given value.");
+ return version.ToString();
+ }
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the constructor throws the expected exception for invalid versions.")]
+ [TestCase(null)]
+ [TestCase("")]
+ [TestCase(" ")]
+ [TestCase("1")]
+ [TestCase("01.0")]
+ [TestCase("1.05")]
+ [TestCase("1.5.06")] // leading zeros specifically prohibited by spec
+ [TestCase("")]
+ [TestCase("")]
+ [TestCase("")]
+ [TestCase("")]
+ [TestCase("1..2..3")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.3-")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.3-some-tag...")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.3-some-tag...4")]
+ [TestCase("apple")]
+ [TestCase("-apple")]
+ [TestCase("-5")]
+ public void Constructor_FromString_WithInvalidValues(string input)
+ {
+ if (input == null)
+ this.AssertAndLogException<ArgumentNullException>(() => new SemanticVersion(input));
+ else
+ this.AssertAndLogException<FormatException>(() => new SemanticVersion(input));
+ }
+ /****
+ ** CompareTo
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that version.CompareTo returns the expected value.")]
+ // equal
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = 0)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0", ExpectedResult = 0)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = 0)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = 0)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta ", ExpectedResult = 0)]
+ // less than
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.8", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.1", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.1", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-2", "1.0-beta-10", ExpectedResult = -1)]
+ // more than
+ [TestCase("0.5.8", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.1", "1.0", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.1", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-10", "1.0-beta-2", ExpectedResult = 1)]
+ public int CompareTo(string versionStrA, string versionStrB)
+ {
+ ISemanticVersion versionA = new SemanticVersion(versionStrA);
+ ISemanticVersion versionB = new SemanticVersion(versionStrB);
+ return versionA.CompareTo(versionB);
+ }
+ /****
+ ** IsOlderThan
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that version.IsOlderThan returns the expected value.")]
+ // keep test cases in sync with CompareTo for simplicity.
+ // equal
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta ", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ // less than
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.8", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.1", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.1", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-2", "1.0-beta-10", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ // more than
+ [TestCase("0.5.8", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.1", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.1", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-10", "1.0-beta-2", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ public bool IsOlderThan(string versionStrA, string versionStrB)
+ {
+ ISemanticVersion versionA = new SemanticVersion(versionStrA);
+ ISemanticVersion versionB = new SemanticVersion(versionStrB);
+ return versionA.IsOlderThan(versionB);
+ }
+ /****
+ ** IsNewerThan
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that version.IsNewerThan returns the expected value.")]
+ // keep test cases in sync with CompareTo for simplicity.
+ // equal
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta ", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ // less than
+ [TestCase("0.5.7", "0.5.8", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.1", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.1", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.10", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-2", "1.0-beta-10", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ // more than
+ [TestCase("0.5.8", "0.5.7", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.1", "1.0", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.1", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.2", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-10", "1.0-beta-2", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ public bool IsNewerThan(string versionStrA, string versionStrB)
+ {
+ ISemanticVersion versionA = new SemanticVersion(versionStrA);
+ ISemanticVersion versionB = new SemanticVersion(versionStrB);
+ return versionA.IsNewerThan(versionB);
+ }
+ /****
+ ** IsBetween
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that version.IsNewerThan returns the expected value.")]
+ // is between
+ [TestCase("0.5.7-beta.3", "0.5.7-beta.3", "0.5.7-beta.3", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0", "1.1", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.0-beta", "1.1", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "0.5", "1.1", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.1", "1.0-beta.3", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-2", "1.0-beta-1", "1.0-beta-3", ExpectedResult = true)]
+ // is not between
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta", "1.0", "1.1", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0", "1.1", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.1", "1.0", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta.2", "1.0-beta.10", "1.0-beta.3", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ [TestCase("1.0-beta-2", "1.0-beta-10", "1.0-beta-3", ExpectedResult = false)]
+ public bool IsBetween(string versionStr, string lowerStr, string upperStr)
+ {
+ ISemanticVersion lower = new SemanticVersion(lowerStr);
+ ISemanticVersion upper = new SemanticVersion(upperStr);
+ ISemanticVersion version = new SemanticVersion(versionStr);
+ return version.IsBetween(lower, upper);
+ }
+ /****
+ ** Serialisable
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that SemanticVersion can be round-tripped through JSON with no special configuration.")]
+ [TestCase("1.0")]
+ public void Serialisable(string versionStr)
+ {
+ // act
+ string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new SemanticVersion(versionStr));
+ SemanticVersion after = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SemanticVersion>(json);
+ // assert
+ Assert.IsNotNull(after, "The semantic version after deserialisation is unexpectedly null.");
+ Assert.AreEqual(versionStr, after.ToString(), "The semantic version after deserialisation doesn't match the input version.");
+ }
+ /****
+ ** GameVersion
+ ****/
+ [Test(Description = "Assert that the GameVersion subclass correctly parses legacy game versions.")]
+ [TestCase("1.0")]
+ [TestCase("1.01")]
+ [TestCase("1.02")]
+ [TestCase("1.03")]
+ [TestCase("1.04")]
+ [TestCase("1.05")]
+ [TestCase("1.051")]
+ [TestCase("1.051b")]
+ [TestCase("1.06")]
+ [TestCase("1.07")]
+ [TestCase("1.07a")]
+ [TestCase("1.1")]
+ [TestCase("1.11")]
+ [TestCase("1.2")]
+ [TestCase("1.2.15")]
+ public void GameVersion(string versionStr)
+ {
+ // act
+ GameVersion version = new GameVersion(versionStr);
+ // assert
+ Assert.AreEqual(versionStr, version.ToString(), "The game version did not round-trip to the same value.");
+ Assert.IsTrue(version.IsOlderThan(new SemanticVersion("1.2.30")), "The game version should be considered older than the later semantic versions.");
+ }
+ /*********
+ ** Private methods
+ *********/
+ /// <summary>Assert that the expected exception type is thrown, and log the action output and thrown exception.</summary>
+ /// <typeparam name="T">The expected exception type.</typeparam>
+ /// <param name="action">The action which may throw the exception.</param>
+ /// <param name="message">The message to log if the expected exception isn't thrown.</param>
+ [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "UnusedParameter.Local", Justification = "The message argument is deliberately only used in precondition checks since this is an assertion method.")]
+ private void AssertAndLogException<T>(Func<object> action, string message = null)
+ where T : Exception
+ {
+ this.AssertAndLogException<T>(() =>
+ {
+ object result = action();
+ TestContext.WriteLine($"Func result: {result}");
+ });
+ }
+ /// <summary>Assert that the expected exception type is thrown, and log the thrown exception.</summary>
+ /// <typeparam name="T">The expected exception type.</typeparam>
+ /// <param name="action">The action which may throw the exception.</param>
+ /// <param name="message">The message to log if the expected exception isn't thrown.</param>
+ [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "UnusedParameter.Local", Justification = "The message argument is deliberately only used in precondition checks since this is an assertion method.")]
+ private void AssertAndLogException<T>(Action action, string message = null)
+ where T : Exception
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ action();
+ }
+ catch (T ex)
+ {
+ TestContext.WriteLine($"Exception thrown:\n{ex}");
+ return;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex) when (!(ex is AssertionException))
+ {
+ TestContext.WriteLine($"Exception thrown:\n{ex}");
+ Assert.Fail(message ?? $"Didn't throw the expected exception; expected {typeof(T).FullName}, got {ex.GetType().FullName}.");
+ }
+ // no exception thrown
+ Assert.Fail(message ?? "Didn't throw an exception.");
+ }
+ }