path: root/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
index 62b9dabd..090098ca 100644
--- a/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
+++ b/src/StardewModdingAPI/Program.cs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ using StardewModdingAPI.AssemblyRewriters;
using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.AssemblyRewriting;
+using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Models;
using StardewModdingAPI.Inheritance;
using StardewValley;
using Monitor = StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Monitor;
@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
/// <summary>The core logger for SMAPI.</summary>
private static readonly Monitor Monitor = new Monitor("SMAPI", Program.LogFile);
- /// <summary>Whether SMAPI is running in developer mode.</summary>
- private static bool DeveloperMode;
+ /// <summary>The user settings for SMAPI.</summary>
+ private static UserSettings Settings;
/// <summary>Tracks whether the game should exit immediately and any pending initialisation should be cancelled.</summary>
private static readonly CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
@@ -98,28 +99,33 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-GB");
// add info header
- Program.Monitor.Log($"SMAPI {Constants.Version} with Stardew Valley {Game1.version} on {Environment.OSVersion}", LogLevel.Info);
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"SMAPI {Constants.ApiVersion} with Stardew Valley {Game1.version} on {Environment.OSVersion}", LogLevel.Info);
- // load user settings
+ // initialise user settings
- string settingsFileName = $"{typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Name}-settings.json";
- string settingsPath = Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, settingsFileName);
+ string settingsPath = Constants.ApiConfigPath;
if (File.Exists(settingsPath))
string json = File.ReadAllText(settingsPath);
- UserSettings settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserSettings>(json);
- Program.DeveloperMode = settings?.DeveloperMode == true;
- if (Program.DeveloperMode)
- {
- Program.Monitor.ShowTraceInConsole = true;
- Program.Monitor.Log($"SMAPI is running in developer mode. The console may be much more verbose. You can disable developer mode by deleting the {settingsFileName} file in the game directory.", LogLevel.Alert);
- }
+ Program.Settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserSettings>(json);
+ else
+ Program.Settings = new UserSettings();
+ File.WriteAllText(settingsPath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Program.Settings, Formatting.Indented));
+ // add warning headers
+ if (Program.Settings.DeveloperMode)
+ {
+ Program.Monitor.ShowTraceInConsole = true;
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"You configured SMAPI to run in developer mode. The console may be much more verbose. You can disable developer mode by installing the non-developer version of SMAPI, or by editing or deleting {Constants.ApiConfigPath}.", LogLevel.Warn);
+ }
+ if (!Program.Settings.CheckForUpdates)
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"You configured SMAPI to not check for updates. Running an old version of SMAPI is not recommended. You can enable update checks by editing or deleting {Constants.ApiConfigPath}.", LogLevel.Warn);
// initialise legacy log
- Log.Monitor = new Monitor("legacy mod", Program.LogFile) { ShowTraceInConsole = Program.DeveloperMode };
+ Log.Monitor = new Monitor("legacy mod", Program.LogFile) { ShowTraceInConsole = Program.Settings.DeveloperMode };
Log.ModRegistry = Program.ModRegistry;
// hook into & launch the game
@@ -145,7 +151,8 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
// check for update when game loads
- GameEvents.GameLoaded += (sender, e) => Program.CheckForUpdateAsync();
+ if (Program.Settings.CheckForUpdates)
+ GameEvents.GameLoaded += (sender, e) => Program.CheckForUpdateAsync();
// launch game
@@ -191,9 +198,9 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
GitRelease release = UpdateHelper.GetLatestVersionAsync(Constants.GitHubRepository).Result;
- Version latestVersion = new Version(release.Tag);
- if (latestVersion.IsNewerThan(Constants.Version))
- Program.Monitor.Log($"You can update SMAPI from version {Constants.Version} to {latestVersion}", LogLevel.Alert);
+ ISemanticVersion latestVersion = new SemanticVersion(release.Tag);
+ if (latestVersion.IsNewerThan(Constants.ApiVersion))
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"You can update SMAPI from version {Constants.ApiVersion} to {latestVersion}", LogLevel.Alert);
catch (Exception ex)
@@ -212,7 +219,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
Program.StardewAssembly = Assembly.UnsafeLoadFrom(Program.GameExecutablePath);
Program.StardewProgramType = Program.StardewAssembly.GetType("StardewValley.Program", true);
Program.StardewGameInfo = Program.StardewProgramType.GetField("gamePtr");
- Game1.version += $"-Z_MODDED | SMAPI {Constants.Version}";
+ Game1.version += $"-Z_MODDED | SMAPI {Constants.ApiVersion}";
// add error interceptors
@@ -308,11 +315,27 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
ModAssemblyLoader modAssemblyLoader = new ModAssemblyLoader(Program.CacheDirName, Program.TargetPlatform, Program.Monitor);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, e) => modAssemblyLoader.ResolveAssembly(e.Name);
+ // get known incompatible mods
+ IDictionary<string, IncompatibleMod> incompatibleMods;
+ try
+ {
+ incompatibleMods = File.Exists(Constants.ApiModMetadataPath)
+ ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IncompatibleMod[]>(File.ReadAllText(Constants.ApiModMetadataPath)).ToDictionary(p => p.ID, p => p)
+ : new Dictionary<string, IncompatibleMod>(0);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ incompatibleMods = new Dictionary<string, IncompatibleMod>();
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"Couldn't read metadata file at {Constants.ApiModMetadataPath}. SMAPI will still run, but some features may be disabled.\n{ex}", LogLevel.Warn);
+ }
// load mods
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(Program.ModPath))
+ string directoryName = new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name;
// ignore internal directory
- if (new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name == ".cache")
+ if (directoryName == ".cache")
// check for cancellation
@@ -329,13 +352,13 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
string manifestPath = Path.Combine(directory, "manifest.json");
if (!File.Exists(manifestPath))
- Program.Monitor.Log($"Ignored folder \"{new DirectoryInfo(directory).Name}\" which doesn't have a manifest.json.", LogLevel.Warn);
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"Ignored folder \"{directoryName}\" which doesn't have a manifest.json.", LogLevel.Warn);
string errorPrefix = $"Couldn't load mod for manifest '{manifestPath}'";
// read manifest
- Manifest manifest;
+ ManifestImpl manifest;
// read manifest text
@@ -347,7 +370,7 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
// deserialise manifest
- manifest = helper.ReadJsonFile<Manifest>("manifest.json");
+ manifest = helper.ReadJsonFile<ManifestImpl>("manifest.json");
if (manifest == null)
Program.Monitor.Log($"{errorPrefix}: the manifest file does not exist.", LogLevel.Error);
@@ -369,19 +392,36 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
- // validate version
+ // validate known incompatible mods
+ IncompatibleMod compatibility;
+ if (incompatibleMods.TryGetValue(manifest.UniqueID ?? $"{manifest.Name}|{manifest.Author}|{manifest.EntryDll}", out compatibility))
+ {
+ if (!compatibility.IsCompatible(manifest.Version))
+ {
+ string warning = $"Skipped {compatibility.Name} ≤v{compatibility.Version} because this version is not compatible with the latest version of the game. Please check for a newer version of the mod here:";
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(compatibility.UpdateUrl))
+ warning += $"{Environment.NewLine}- official mod: {compatibility.UpdateUrl}";
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(compatibility.UnofficialUpdateUrl))
+ warning += $"{Environment.NewLine}- unofficial update: {compatibility.UnofficialUpdateUrl}";
+ Program.Monitor.Log(warning, LogLevel.Error);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ // validate SMAPI version
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.MinimumApiVersion))
- Version minVersion = new Version(manifest.MinimumApiVersion);
- if (minVersion.IsNewerThan(Constants.Version))
+ ISemanticVersion minVersion = new SemanticVersion(manifest.MinimumApiVersion);
+ if (minVersion.IsNewerThan(Constants.ApiVersion))
Program.Monitor.Log($"{errorPrefix}: this mod requires SMAPI {minVersion} or later. Please update SMAPI to the latest version to use this mod.", LogLevel.Error);
- catch (FormatException ex) when (ex.Message.Contains("not a semantic version"))
+ catch (FormatException ex) when (ex.Message.Contains("not a valid semantic version"))
Program.Monitor.Log($"{errorPrefix}: the mod specified an invalid minimum SMAPI version '{manifest.MinimumApiVersion}'. This should be a semantic version number like {Constants.Version}.", LogLevel.Error);
@@ -462,37 +502,53 @@ namespace StardewModdingAPI
- // hook up mod
+ // get mod instance
+ Mod mod;
+ // get implementation
TypeInfo modEntryType = modAssembly.DefinedTypes.First(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod));
- Mod modEntry = (Mod)modAssembly.CreateInstance(modEntryType.ToString());
- if (modEntry != null)
+ mod = (Mod)modAssembly.CreateInstance(modEntryType.ToString());
+ if (mod == null)
- // track mod
- Program.ModRegistry.Add(manifest, modAssembly);
- // hook up mod
- modEntry.Manifest = manifest;
- modEntry.Helper = helper;
- modEntry.Monitor = new Monitor(manifest.Name, Program.LogFile) { ShowTraceInConsole = Program.DeveloperMode };
- modEntry.PathOnDisk = directory;
- Program.Monitor.Log($"Loaded mod: {modEntry.Manifest.Name} by {modEntry.Manifest.Author}, v{modEntry.Manifest.Version} | {modEntry.Manifest.Description}", LogLevel.Info);
- Program.ModsLoaded += 1;
- modEntry.Entry(); // deprecated since 1.0
- modEntry.Entry((ModHelper)modEntry.Helper); // deprecated since 1.1
- modEntry.Entry(modEntry.Helper); // deprecated since 1.1
- // raise deprecation warning for old Entry() method
- if (Program.DeprecationManager.IsVirtualMethodImplemented(modEntryType, typeof(Mod), nameof(Mod.Entry), new[] { typeof(object[]) }))
- Program.DeprecationManager.Warn(manifest.Name, $"an old version of {nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}", "1.0", DeprecationLevel.Notice);
- if (Program.DeprecationManager.IsVirtualMethodImplemented(modEntryType, typeof(Mod), nameof(Mod.Entry), new[] { typeof(ModHelper) }))
- Program.DeprecationManager.Warn(manifest.Name, $"an old version of {nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}", "1.1", DeprecationLevel.Notice);
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"{errorPrefix}: the mod's entry class could not be instantiated.");
+ continue;
+ // inject data
+ mod.ModManifest = manifest;
+ mod.Helper = helper;
+ mod.Monitor = new Monitor(manifest.Name, Program.LogFile) { ShowTraceInConsole = Program.Settings.DeveloperMode };
+ mod.PathOnDisk = directory;
+ // track mod
+ Program.ModRegistry.Add(mod);
+ Program.ModsLoaded += 1;
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"Loaded mod: {manifest.Name} by {manifest.Author}, v{manifest.Version} | {manifest.Description}", LogLevel.Info);
catch (Exception ex)
Program.Monitor.Log($"{errorPrefix}: an error occurred while loading the target DLL.\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // call mod entry
+ try
+ {
+ // call entry methods
+ mod.Entry(); // deprecated since 1.0
+ mod.Entry((ModHelper)mod.Helper); // deprecated since 1.1
+ mod.Entry(mod.Helper);
+ // raise deprecation warning for old Entry() methods
+ if (Program.DeprecationManager.IsVirtualMethodImplemented(mod.GetType(), typeof(Mod), nameof(Mod.Entry), new[] { typeof(object[]) }))
+ Program.DeprecationManager.Warn(manifest.Name, $"{nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}(object[]) instead of {nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}({nameof(IModHelper)})", "1.0", DeprecationLevel.Notice);
+ if (Program.DeprecationManager.IsVirtualMethodImplemented(mod.GetType(), typeof(Mod), nameof(Mod.Entry), new[] { typeof(ModHelper) }))
+ Program.DeprecationManager.Warn(manifest.Name, $"{nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}({nameof(ModHelper)}) instead of {nameof(Mod)}.{nameof(Mod.Entry)}({nameof(IModHelper)})", "1.1", DeprecationLevel.Info);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ Program.Monitor.Log($"The {manifest.Name} mod failed on entry initialisation. It will still be loaded, but may not function correctly.\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Warn);