using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Menus; using StardewValley.Network; using Keys = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys; namespace StardewModdingAPI { public class Program { public static string DataPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley")); public static string ModPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley")), "Mods"); public static Game1 gamePtr; public static bool ready; public static Assembly StardewAssembly; public static Type StardewProgramType; public static FieldInfo StardewGameInfo; public static Form StardewForm; public static Thread gameThread; public static Thread consoleInputThread; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Stardew Modding API Console"; if (File.Exists(ModPath)) File.Delete(ModPath); if (!Directory.Exists(ModPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(ModPath); Log(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); LogInfo("Initializing SDV Assembly..."); StardewAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().First(x => x.GetName().Name.Equals("Stardew Valley")); StardewProgramType = StardewAssembly.GetType("StardewValley.Program", true); StardewGameInfo = StardewProgramType.GetField("gamePtr"); LogInfo("Injecting New SDV Version..."); Game1.version += "-Z_MODDED"; gameThread = new Thread(RunGame); LogInfo("Starting SDV..."); gameThread.Start(); while (!ready) { } Log("SDV Loaded Into Memory"); consoleInputThread = new Thread(ConsoleInputThread); LogInfo("Initializing Console Input Thread..."); consoleInputThread.Start(); LogInfo("Applying Final SDV Tweaks..."); StardewInvoke(() => { gamePtr.IsMouseVisible = false; gamePtr.Window.Title = "Stardew Valley"; }); LogInfo("Game Loaded"); LogColour(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Type 'help' for help, or 'help ' for a command's usage"); Events.InvokeGameLoaded(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void RunGame() { try { gamePtr = new Game1(); = GraphicsProfile.HiDef; LoadMods(); StardewForm = Control.FromHandle(Program.gamePtr.Window.Handle).FindForm(); StardewGameInfo.SetValue(StardewProgramType, gamePtr); KeyboardInput.KeyDown += KeyboardInput_KeyDown; ready = true; gamePtr.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("Game failed to start: " + ex); } if (consoleInputThread != null && consoleInputThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running) consoleInputThread.Abort(); Log("Game Execution Finished"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } public static void LoadMods() { LogColour(ConsoleColor.Green, "LOADING MODS"); foreach (String s in Directory.GetFiles(ModPath, "*.dll")) { LogColour(ConsoleColor.Green, "Found DLL: " + s); Assembly mod = Assembly.LoadFile(s); if (mod.DefinedTypes.Count(x => x.BaseType == typeof (Mod)) > 0) { LogColour(ConsoleColor.Green, "Loading Mod DLL..."); TypeInfo tar = mod.DefinedTypes.First(x => x.BaseType == typeof(Mod)); Mod m = (Mod)mod.CreateInstance(tar.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("LOADED MOD: {0} by {1} - Version {2} | Description: {3}", m.Name, m.Authour, m.Version, m.Description); m.Entry(); } else { LogError("Invalid Mod DLL"); } } } public static void ConsoleInputThread() { string input = string.Empty; RegisterCommands(); while (true) { Command.CallCommand(Console.ReadLine()); } } static void KeyboardInput_KeyDown(object sender, StardewValley.KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.KeyCode) { case Keys.B: Game1.player.hairstyleColor = Extensions.RandomColour(); break; case Keys.OemPlus: Game1.player.Money += 5000; break; } } public static void StardewInvoke(Action a) { StardewForm.Invoke(a); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Commands public static void RegisterCommands() { Command.RegisterCommand("help", "Lists all commands | 'help ' returns command description").CommandFired += help_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("types", "Lists all value types | types").CommandFired += types_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("hide", "Hides the game form | hide").CommandFired += hide_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("show", "Shows the game form | show").CommandFired += show_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("save", "Saves the game? Doesn't seem to work. | save").CommandFired += save_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("exit", "Closes the game | exit").CommandFired += exit_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("stop", "Closes the game | stop").CommandFired += exit_CommandFired; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setname", "Sets the player's name | player_setname ", new[] { "(player, pet, farm) (String) The target name" }).CommandFired += player_setName; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmoney", "Sets the player's money | player_setmoney ", new[] { "(Int32) The target money" }).CommandFired += player_setMoney; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setenergy", "Sets the player's energy | player_setenergy ", new[] { "(Int32) The target energy" }).CommandFired += player_setEnergy; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setmaxenergy", "Sets the player's max energy | player_setmaxenergy ", new[] { "(Int32) The target max energy" }).CommandFired += player_setMaxEnergy; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setlevel", "Sets the player's specified skill to the specified value | player_setlevel ", new[] { "(luck, mining, combat, farming, fishing, foraging) (1-10) The target level" }).CommandFired += player_setLevel; Command.RegisterCommand("player_setspeed", "Sets the player's speed to the specified value?", new[] {"(Int32:5) The target speed"}).CommandFired += player_setSpeed; Command.RegisterCommand("player_changecolour", "Sets the player's colour of the specified object | player_changecolor ", new[] { "(hair, eyes, pants) (r,g,b)" }).CommandFired += player_changeColour; Command.RegisterCommand("player_changestyle", "Sets the player's style of the specified object | player_changecolor ", new[] { "(hair, shirt, skin, acc, shoe, swim, gender) (Int32)" }).CommandFired += player_changeStyle; } static void help_CommandFired(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { Command fnd = Command.FindCommand(cmd.CalledArgs[0]); if (fnd == null) LogError("The command specified could not be found"); else { if (fnd.CommandArgs.Length > 0) LogInfo("{0}: {1} - {2}", fnd.CommandName, fnd.CommandDesc, fnd.CommandArgs.ToSingular()); else LogInfo("{0}: {1}", fnd.CommandName, fnd.CommandDesc); } } else LogInfo("Commands: " + Command.RegisteredCommands.Select(x => x.CommandName).ToSingular()); } static void types_CommandFired(Command cmd) { LogInfo("[Int32: {0} - {1}], [Int64: {2} - {3}], [String: \"raw text\"], [Colour: r,g,b (EG: 128, 32, 255)]", Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, Int64.MinValue, Int64.MaxValue); } static void hide_CommandFired(Command cmd) { StardewInvoke(() => { StardewForm.Hide(); }); } static void show_CommandFired(Command cmd) { StardewInvoke(() => { StardewForm.Show(); }); } static void save_CommandFired(Command cmd) { StardewValley.SaveGame.Save(); } static void exit_CommandFired(Command cmd) { Application.Exit(); Environment.Exit(0); } static void player_setName(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { string obj = cmd.CalledArgs[0]; string[] objs = "player,pet,farm".Split(new[] {','}); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { switch (obj) { case "player": Game1.player.Name = cmd.CalledArgs[1]; break; case "pet": LogError("Pets cannot currently be renamed."); break; case "farm": Game1.player.farmName = cmd.CalledArgs[1]; break; } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" and must be specified"); } } static void player_setMoney(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { int ou = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(cmd.CalledArgs[0], out ou)) { Game1.player.Money = ou; LogInfo("Set {0}'s money to {1}", Game1.player.Name, Game1.player.Money); } else { LogError(" must be a whole number (Int32)"); } } else { LogError(" must be specified"); } } static void player_setEnergy(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { int ou = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(cmd.CalledArgs[0], out ou)) { Game1.player.Stamina = ou; LogInfo("Set {0}'s energy to {1}", Game1.player.Name, Game1.player.Stamina); } else { LogError(" must be a whole number (Int32)"); } } else { LogError(" must be specified"); } } static void player_setMaxEnergy(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { int ou = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(cmd.CalledArgs[0], out ou)) { Game1.player.MaxStamina = ou; LogInfo("Set {0}'s max energy to {1}", Game1.player.Name, Game1.player.MaxStamina); } else { LogError(" must be a whole number (Int32)"); } } else { LogError(" must be specified"); } } static void player_setLevel(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { string skill = cmd.CalledArgs[0]; string[] skills = "luck,mining,combat,farming,fishing,foraging".Split(new[] { ',' }); if (skills.Contains(skill)) { int ou = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(cmd.CalledArgs[1], out ou)) { switch (skill) { case "luck": Game1.player.LuckLevel = ou; break; case "mining": Game1.player.MiningLevel = ou; break; case "combat": Game1.player.CombatLevel = ou; break; case "farming": Game1.player.FarmingLevel = ou; break; case "fishing": Game1.player.FishingLevel = ou; break; case "foraging": Game1.player.ForagingLevel = ou; break; } } else { LogError(" must be a whole number (Int32)"); } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" and must be specified"); } } static void player_setSpeed(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 0) { if (cmd.CalledArgs[0].IsInt32()) { Game1.player.Speed = cmd.CalledArgs[0].AsInt32(); LogInfo("Set {0}'s speed to {1}", Game1.player.Name, Game1.player.Speed); } else { LogError(" must be a whole number (Int32)"); } } else { LogError(" must be specified"); } } static void player_changeColour(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { string obj = cmd.CalledArgs[0]; string[] objs = "hair,eyes,pants".Split(new[] { ',' }); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { string[] cs = cmd.CalledArgs[1].Split(new[] {','}, 3); if (cs[0].IsInt32() && cs[1].IsInt32() && cs[2].IsInt32()) { Color c = new Color(cs[0].AsInt32(), cs[1].AsInt32(), cs[2].AsInt32()); switch (obj) { case "hair": Game1.player.hairstyleColor = c; break; case "eyes": Game1.player.changeEyeColor(c); break; case "pants": Game1.player.pantsColor = c; break; } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" and must be specified"); } } static void player_changeStyle(Command cmd) { if (cmd.CalledArgs.Length > 1) { string obj = cmd.CalledArgs[0]; string[] objs = "hair,shirt,skin,acc,shoe,swim,gender".Split(new[] { ',' }); if (objs.Contains(obj)) { if (cmd.CalledArgs[1].IsInt32()) { int i = cmd.CalledArgs[1].AsInt32(); switch (obj) { case "hair": Game1.player.changeHairStyle(i); break; case "shirt": Game1.player.changeShirt(i); break; case "acc": Game1.player.changeAccessory(i); break; case "skin": Game1.player.changeSkinColor(i); break; case "shoe": Game1.player.changeShoeColor(i); break; case "swim": if (i == 0) Game1.player.changeOutOfSwimSuit(); else if (i == 1) Game1.player.changeIntoSwimsuit(); else LogError(" must be 0 or 1 for this "); break; case "gender": if (i == 0) Game1.player.changeGender(true); else if (i == 1) Game1.player.changeGender(false); else LogError(" must be 0 or 1 for this "); break; } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" is invalid"); } } else { LogError(" and must be specified"); } } #endregion ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #region Logging public static void Log(object o, params object[] format) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", System.DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), String.Format(o.ToString(), format)); } public static void LogColour(ConsoleColor c, object o, params object[] format) { Console.ForegroundColor = c; Log(o.ToString(), format); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } public static void LogInfo(object o, params object[] format) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Log(o.ToString(), format); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } public static void LogError(object o, params object[] format) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Log(o.ToString(), format); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } #endregion } }