using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Common.Models { /// <summary>Specifies mods whose update-check info to fetch.</summary> internal class ModSearchModel { /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// <summary>The namespaced mod keys to search.</summary> public string[] ModKeys { get; set; } /// <summary>Whether to allow non-semantic versions, instead of returning an error for those.</summary> public bool AllowInvalidVersions { get; set; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an empty instance.</summary> public ModSearchModel() { // needed for JSON deserialising } /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="modKeys">The namespaced mod keys to search.</param> /// <param name="allowInvalidVersions">Whether to allow non-semantic versions, instead of returning an error for those.</param> public ModSearchModel(IEnumerable<string> modKeys, bool allowInvalidVersions) { this.ModKeys = modKeys.ToArray(); this.AllowInvalidVersions = allowInvalidVersions; } } }