using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using StardewModdingApi.Installer.Enums; using StardewModdingAPI.Installer.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal.ConsoleWriting; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModScanning; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Utilities; namespace StardewModdingApi.Installer { /// <summary>Interactively performs the install and uninstall logic.</summary> internal class InteractiveInstaller { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// <summary>The absolute path to the directory containing the files to copy into the game folder.</summary> private readonly string BundlePath; /// <summary>The mod IDs which the installer should allow as bundled mods.</summary> private readonly string[] BundledModIDs = { "SMAPI.SaveBackup", "SMAPI.ConsoleCommands", "SMAPI.ErrorHandler" }; /// <summary>Get the absolute file or folder paths to remove when uninstalling SMAPI.</summary> /// <param name="installDir">The folder for Stardew Valley and SMAPI.</param> /// <param name="modsDir">The folder for SMAPI mods.</param> private IEnumerable<string> GetUninstallPaths(DirectoryInfo installDir, DirectoryInfo modsDir) { string GetInstallPath(string path) => Path.Combine(installDir.FullName, path); // current files yield return GetInstallPath("libgdiplus.dylib"); // Linux/macOS only yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI"); // Linux/macOS only yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.exe"); yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.exe.config"); yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.exe.mdb"); // Linux/macOS only yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.pdb"); // Windows only yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.xml"); yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI-x64.exe"); // not normally added to game folder, but may be mistakenly added by a manual install yield return GetInstallPath("smapi-internal"); yield return GetInstallPath("steam_appid.txt"); // obsolete yield return GetInstallPath(Path.Combine("Mods", ".cache")); // 1.3-1.4 yield return GetInstallPath(Path.Combine("Mods", "TrainerMod")); // *–2.0 (renamed to ConsoleCommands) yield return GetInstallPath("Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll"); // 1.3–1.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI-settings.json"); // 1.0-1.4 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.AssemblyRewriters.dll"); // 1.3-2.5.5 yield return GetInstallPath("0Harmony.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("0Harmony.pdb"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("Mono.Cecil.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("Newtonsoft.Json.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.config.json"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.crash.marker"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.update.marker"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.pdb"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.xml"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.pdb"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.CoreInterfaces.xml"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("System.Numerics.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("System.Runtime.Caching.dll"); // moved in 2.8 yield return GetInstallPath("System.ValueTuple.dll"); // moved in 2.8 if (modsDir.Exists) { foreach (DirectoryInfo modDir in modsDir.EnumerateDirectories()) yield return Path.Combine(modDir.FullName, ".cache"); // 1.4–1.7 } yield return Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley", "ErrorLogs"); // remove old log files } /// <summary>Handles writing text to the console.</summary> private IConsoleWriter ConsoleWriter; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="bundlePath">The absolute path to the directory containing the files to copy into the game folder.</param> public InteractiveInstaller(string bundlePath) { this.BundlePath = bundlePath; this.ConsoleWriter = new ColorfulConsoleWriter(EnvironmentUtility.DetectPlatform()); } /// <summary>Run the install or uninstall script.</summary> /// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param> /// <remarks> /// Initialization flow: /// 1. Collect information (mainly OS and install path) and validate it. /// 2. Ask the user whether to install or uninstall. /// /// Uninstall logic: /// 1. On Linux/macOS: if a backup of the launcher exists, delete the launcher and restore the backup. /// 2. Delete all files and folders in the game directory matching one of the values returned by <see cref="GetUninstallPaths"/>. /// /// Install flow: /// 1. Run the uninstall flow. /// 2. Copy the SMAPI files from package/Windows or package/Mono into the game directory. /// 3. On Linux/macOS: back up the game launcher and replace it with the SMAPI launcher. (This isn't possible on Windows, so the user needs to configure it manually.) /// 4. Create the 'Mods' directory. /// 5. Copy the bundled mods into the 'Mods' directory (deleting any existing versions). /// 6. Move any mods from app data into game's mods directory. /// </remarks> public void Run(string[] args) { /********* ** Step 1: initial setup *********/ /**** ** Get basic info & set window title ****/ ModToolkit toolkit = new ModToolkit(); var context = new InstallerContext(); Console.Title = $"SMAPI {context.GetInstallerVersion()} installer on {context.Platform} {context.PlatformName}"; Console.WriteLine(); /**** ** Check if correct installer ****/ #if SMAPI_FOR_WINDOWS if (context.IsUnix) { this.PrintError($"This is the installer for Windows. Run the 'install on {context.Platform}.{(context.Platform == Platform.Mac ? "command" : "sh")}' file instead."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } #else if (context.IsWindows) { this.PrintError($"This is the installer for Linux/macOS. Run the 'install on Windows.exe' file instead."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } #endif /**** ** Check Windows dependencies ****/ if (context.IsWindows) { // .NET Framework 4.5+ if (!context.HasNetFramework45()) { this.PrintError(context.CanInstallLatestNetFramework() ? "Please install the latest version of .NET Framework before installing SMAPI." : "Please install .NET Framework 4.5 before installing SMAPI." ); this.PrintError("See the download page at for details."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } if (!context.HasXna()) { this.PrintError("You don't seem to have XNA Framework installed. Please run the game at least once before installing SMAPI, so it can perform its first-time setup."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } /**** ** read command-line arguments ****/ // get action from CLI bool installArg = args.Contains("--install"); bool uninstallArg = args.Contains("--uninstall"); if (installArg && uninstallArg) { this.PrintError("You can't specify both --install and --uninstall command-line flags."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // get game path from CLI string gamePathArg = null; { int pathIndex = Array.LastIndexOf(args, "--game-path") + 1; if (pathIndex >= 1 && args.Length >= pathIndex) gamePathArg = args[pathIndex]; } /********* ** Step 2: choose a theme (can't auto-detect on Linux/macOS) *********/ MonitorColorScheme scheme = MonitorColorScheme.AutoDetect; if (context.IsUnix) { /**** ** print header ****/ this.PrintPlain("Hi there! I'll help you install or remove SMAPI. Just a few questions first."); this.PrintPlain("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); /**** ** show theme selector ****/ // get theme writers var lightBackgroundWriter = new ColorfulConsoleWriter(context.Platform, ColorfulConsoleWriter.GetDefaultColorSchemeConfig(MonitorColorScheme.LightBackground)); var darkBackgroundWriter = new ColorfulConsoleWriter(context.Platform, ColorfulConsoleWriter.GetDefaultColorSchemeConfig(MonitorColorScheme.DarkBackground)); // print question this.PrintPlain("Which text looks more readable?"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(" [1] "); lightBackgroundWriter.WriteLine("Dark text on light background", ConsoleLogLevel.Info); Console.Write(" [2] "); darkBackgroundWriter.WriteLine("Light text on dark background", ConsoleLogLevel.Info); Console.WriteLine(); // handle choice string choice = this.InteractivelyChoose("Type 1 or 2, then press enter.", new[] { "1", "2" }); switch (choice) { case "1": scheme = MonitorColorScheme.LightBackground; this.ConsoleWriter = lightBackgroundWriter; break; case "2": scheme = MonitorColorScheme.DarkBackground; this.ConsoleWriter = darkBackgroundWriter; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected action key '{choice}'."); } } Console.Clear(); /********* ** Step 3: find game folder *********/ InstallerPaths paths; { /**** ** print header ****/ this.PrintInfo("Hi there! I'll help you install or remove SMAPI. Just a few questions first."); this.PrintDebug($"Color scheme: {this.GetDisplayText(scheme)}"); this.PrintDebug("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); /**** ** collect details ****/ // get game path DirectoryInfo installDir = this.InteractivelyGetInstallPath(toolkit, context, gamePathArg); if (installDir == null) { this.PrintError("Failed finding your game path."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // get folders DirectoryInfo bundleDir = new DirectoryInfo(this.BundlePath); paths = new InstallerPaths(bundleDir, installDir, context.ExecutableName); } Console.Clear(); /********* ** Step 4: detect 64-bit Stardew Valley *********/ // detect 64-bit mode bool isWindows64Bit = false; if (context.Platform == Platform.Windows) { FileInfo linuxExecutable = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(paths.GamePath, "StardewValley.exe")); isWindows64Bit = linuxExecutable.Exists && this.Is64Bit(linuxExecutable.FullName); if (isWindows64Bit) paths.SetExecutableFileName(linuxExecutable.Name); } /********* ** Step 5: validate assumptions *********/ // executable exists if (!File.Exists(paths.ExecutablePath)) { this.PrintError("The detected game install path doesn't contain a Stardew Valley executable."); Console.ReadLine(); return; } // game folder doesn't contain paths beyond the max limit { string[] tooLongPaths = PathUtilities.GetTooLongPaths(Path.Combine(paths.GamePath, "Mods")).ToArray(); if (tooLongPaths.Any()) { this.PrintError($"SMAPI can't install to the detected game folder, because some of its files exceed the maximum {context.Platform} path length.\nIf you need help fixing this error, see\n\nAffected paths:\n {string.Join("\n ", tooLongPaths)}"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } /********* ** Step 6: ask what to do *********/ ScriptAction action; { /**** ** print header ****/ this.PrintInfo("Hi there! I'll help you install or remove SMAPI. Just one question first."); this.PrintDebug($"Game path: {paths.GamePath}{(context.IsWindows ? $" [{(isWindows64Bit ? "64-bit" : "32-bit")}]" : "")}"); this.PrintDebug($"Color scheme: {this.GetDisplayText(scheme)}"); this.PrintDebug("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); /**** ** ask what to do ****/ if (installArg) action = ScriptAction.Install; else if (uninstallArg) action = ScriptAction.Uninstall; else { this.PrintInfo("What do you want to do?"); Console.WriteLine(); this.PrintInfo("[1] Install SMAPI."); this.PrintInfo("[2] Uninstall SMAPI."); Console.WriteLine(); string choice = this.InteractivelyChoose("Type 1 or 2, then press enter.", new[] { "1", "2" }); switch (choice) { case "1": action = ScriptAction.Install; break; case "2": action = ScriptAction.Uninstall; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unexpected action key '{choice}'."); } } } Console.Clear(); /********* ** Step 7: apply *********/ { /**** ** print header ****/ this.PrintInfo($"That's all I need! I'll {action.ToString().ToLower()} SMAPI now."); this.PrintDebug($"Game path: {paths.GamePath}{(context.IsWindows ? $" [{(isWindows64Bit ? "64-bit" : "32-bit")}]" : "")}"); this.PrintDebug($"Color scheme: {this.GetDisplayText(scheme)}"); this.PrintDebug("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(); /**** ** Back up user settings ****/ if (File.Exists(paths.ApiUserConfigPath)) File.Copy(paths.ApiUserConfigPath, paths.BundleApiUserConfigPath); /**** ** Always uninstall old files ****/ // restore game launcher if (context.IsUnix && File.Exists(paths.UnixBackupLauncherPath)) { this.PrintDebug("Removing SMAPI launcher..."); this.InteractivelyDelete(paths.UnixLauncherPath); File.Move(paths.UnixBackupLauncherPath, paths.UnixLauncherPath); } // remove old files string[] removePaths = this.GetUninstallPaths(paths.GameDir, paths.ModsDir) .Where(path => Directory.Exists(path) || File.Exists(path)) .ToArray(); if (removePaths.Any()) { this.PrintDebug(action == ScriptAction.Install ? "Removing previous SMAPI files..." : "Removing SMAPI files..."); foreach (string path in removePaths) this.InteractivelyDelete(path); } // move global save data folder (changed in 3.2) { string dataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley"); DirectoryInfo oldDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(dataPath, "Saves", ".smapi")); DirectoryInfo newDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(dataPath, ".smapi")); if (oldDir.Exists) { if (newDir.Exists) this.InteractivelyDelete(oldDir.FullName); else oldDir.MoveTo(newDir.FullName); } } /**** ** Install new files ****/ if (action == ScriptAction.Install) { // copy SMAPI files to game dir this.PrintDebug("Adding SMAPI files..."); foreach (FileSystemInfo sourceEntry in paths.BundleDir.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Where(this.ShouldCopy)) { this.InteractivelyDelete(Path.Combine(paths.GameDir.FullName, sourceEntry.Name)); this.RecursiveCopy(sourceEntry, paths.GameDir); } // handle 64-bit file { FileInfo x64Executable = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(paths.GameDir.FullName, "StardewModdingAPI-x64.exe")); if (isWindows64Bit) { this.PrintDebug("Making SMAPI 64-bit..."); if (x64Executable.Exists) { string targetPath = Path.Combine(paths.GameDir.FullName, "StardewModdingAPI.exe"); this.InteractivelyDelete(targetPath); x64Executable.MoveTo(targetPath); } else this.PrintError($"Oops! Could not find the required '{x64Executable.Name}' installer file. SMAPI may not work correctly."); } else if (x64Executable.Exists) x64Executable.Delete(); } // replace mod launcher (if possible) if (context.IsUnix) { this.PrintDebug("Safely replacing game launcher..."); // back up & remove current launcher if (File.Exists(paths.UnixLauncherPath)) { if (!File.Exists(paths.UnixBackupLauncherPath)) File.Move(paths.UnixLauncherPath, paths.UnixBackupLauncherPath); else this.InteractivelyDelete(paths.UnixLauncherPath); } // add new launcher File.Move(paths.UnixSmapiLauncherPath, paths.UnixLauncherPath); // mark file executable // (MSBuild doesn't keep permission flags for files zipped in a build task.) new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "chmod", Arguments = $"755 \"{paths.UnixLauncherPath}\"", CreateNoWindow = true } }.Start(); } // create mods directory (if needed) if (!paths.ModsDir.Exists) { this.PrintDebug("Creating mods directory..."); paths.ModsDir.Create(); } // add or replace bundled mods DirectoryInfo bundledModsDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(paths.BundlePath, "Mods")); if (bundledModsDir.Exists && bundledModsDir.EnumerateDirectories().Any()) { this.PrintDebug("Adding bundled mods..."); ModFolder[] targetMods = toolkit.GetModFolders(paths.ModsPath).ToArray(); foreach (ModFolder sourceMod in toolkit.GetModFolders(bundledModsDir.FullName)) { // validate source mod if (sourceMod.Manifest == null) { this.PrintWarning($" ignored invalid bundled mod {sourceMod.DisplayName}: {sourceMod.ManifestParseError}"); continue; } if (!this.BundledModIDs.Contains(sourceMod.Manifest.UniqueID)) { this.PrintWarning($" ignored unknown '{sourceMod.DisplayName}' mod in the installer folder. To add mods, put them here instead: {paths.ModsPath}"); continue; } // find target folder ModFolder targetMod = targetMods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Manifest?.UniqueID?.Equals(sourceMod.Manifest.UniqueID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true); DirectoryInfo defaultTargetFolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(paths.ModsPath, sourceMod.Directory.Name)); DirectoryInfo targetFolder = targetMod?.Directory ?? defaultTargetFolder; this.PrintDebug(targetFolder.FullName == defaultTargetFolder.FullName ? $" adding {sourceMod.Manifest.Name}..." : $" adding {sourceMod.Manifest.Name} to {Path.Combine(paths.ModsDir.Name, PathUtilities.GetRelativePath(paths.ModsPath, targetFolder.FullName))}..." ); // remove existing folder if (targetFolder.Exists) this.InteractivelyDelete(targetFolder.FullName); // copy files this.RecursiveCopy(sourceMod.Directory, paths.ModsDir, filter: this.ShouldCopy); } } // set SMAPI's color scheme if defined if (scheme != MonitorColorScheme.AutoDetect) { string text = File .ReadAllText(paths.ApiConfigPath) .Replace(@"""UseScheme"": ""AutoDetect""", $@"""UseScheme"": ""{scheme}"""); File.WriteAllText(paths.ApiConfigPath, text); } // remove obsolete appdata mods this.InteractivelyRemoveAppDataMods(paths.ModsDir, bundledModsDir); } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); /********* ** Step 7: final instructions *********/ if (context.IsWindows) { if (action == ScriptAction.Install) { this.PrintSuccess("SMAPI is installed! If you use Steam, set your launch options to enable achievements (see"); this.PrintSuccess($" \"{Path.Combine(paths.GamePath, "StardewModdingAPI.exe")}\" %command%"); Console.WriteLine(); this.PrintSuccess("If you don't use Steam, launch StardewModdingAPI.exe in your game folder to play with mods."); } else this.PrintSuccess("SMAPI is removed! If you configured Steam to launch SMAPI, don't forget to clear your launch options."); } else { this.PrintSuccess(action == ScriptAction.Install ? "SMAPI is installed! Launch the game the same way as before to play with mods." : "SMAPI is removed! Launch the game the same way as before to play without mods." ); } Console.ReadKey(); } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// <summary>Get whether an executable is 64-bit.</summary> /// <param name="executablePath">The absolute path to the executable file.</param> private bool Is64Bit(string executablePath) { return LowLevelEnvironmentUtility.Is64BitAssembly(executablePath); } /// <summary>Get the display text for a color scheme.</summary> /// <param name="scheme">The color scheme.</param> private string GetDisplayText(MonitorColorScheme scheme) { switch (scheme) { case MonitorColorScheme.AutoDetect: return "auto-detect"; case MonitorColorScheme.DarkBackground: return "light text on dark background"; case MonitorColorScheme.LightBackground: return "dark text on light background"; default: return scheme.ToString(); } } /// <summary>Print a message without formatting.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintPlain(string text) => Console.WriteLine(text); /// <summary>Print a debug message.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintDebug(string text) => this.ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(text, ConsoleLogLevel.Debug); /// <summary>Print a debug message.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintInfo(string text) => this.ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(text, ConsoleLogLevel.Info); /// <summary>Print a warning message.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintWarning(string text) => this.ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(text, ConsoleLogLevel.Warn); /// <summary>Print a warning message.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintError(string text) => this.ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(text, ConsoleLogLevel.Error); /// <summary>Print a success message.</summary> /// <param name="text">The text to print.</param> private void PrintSuccess(string text) => this.ConsoleWriter.WriteLine(text, ConsoleLogLevel.Success); /// <summary>Interactively delete a file or folder path, and block until deletion completes.</summary> /// <param name="path">The file or folder path.</param> private void InteractivelyDelete(string path) { while (true) { try { FileUtilities.ForceDelete(Directory.Exists(path) ? new DirectoryInfo(path) : (FileSystemInfo)new FileInfo(path)); break; } catch (Exception ex) { this.PrintError($"Oops! The installer couldn't delete {path}: [{ex.GetType().Name}] {ex.Message}."); this.PrintError("Try rebooting your computer and then run the installer again. If that doesn't work, try deleting it yourself then press any key to retry."); Console.ReadKey(); } } } /// <summary>Recursively copy a directory or file.</summary> /// <param name="source">The file or folder to copy.</param> /// <param name="targetFolder">The folder to copy into.</param> /// <param name="filter">A filter which matches directories and files to copy, or <c>null</c> to match all.</param> private void RecursiveCopy(FileSystemInfo source, DirectoryInfo targetFolder, Func<FileSystemInfo, bool> filter = null) { if (filter != null && !filter(source)) return; if (!targetFolder.Exists) targetFolder.Create(); switch (source) { case FileInfo sourceFile: sourceFile.CopyTo(Path.Combine(targetFolder.FullName, sourceFile.Name)); break; case DirectoryInfo sourceDir: DirectoryInfo targetSubfolder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(targetFolder.FullName, sourceDir.Name)); foreach (var entry in sourceDir.EnumerateFileSystemInfos()) this.RecursiveCopy(entry, targetSubfolder, filter); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown filesystem info type '{source.GetType().FullName}'."); } } /// <summary>Interactively ask the user to choose a value.</summary> /// <param name="print">A callback which prints a message to the console.</param> /// <param name="message">The message to print.</param> /// <param name="options">The allowed options (not case sensitive).</param> /// <param name="indent">The indentation to prefix to output.</param> private string InteractivelyChoose(string message, string[] options, string indent = "", Action<string> print = null) { print ??= this.PrintInfo; while (true) { print(indent + message); Console.Write(indent); string input = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim().ToLowerInvariant(); if (!options.Contains(input)) { print($"{indent}That's not a valid option."); continue; } return input; } } /// <summary>Interactively locate the game install path to update.</summary> /// <param name="toolkit">The mod toolkit.</param> /// <param name="context">The installer context.</param> /// <param name="specifiedPath">The path specified as a command-line argument (if any), which should override automatic path detection.</param> private DirectoryInfo InteractivelyGetInstallPath(ModToolkit toolkit, InstallerContext context, string specifiedPath) { // use specified path if (specifiedPath != null) { var dir = new DirectoryInfo(specifiedPath); if (!dir.Exists) { this.PrintError($"You specified --game-path \"{specifiedPath}\", but that folder doesn't exist."); return null; } if (!context.LooksLikeGameFolder(dir)) { this.PrintError($"You specified --game-path \"{specifiedPath}\", but that folder doesn't contain the Stardew Valley executable."); return null; } return dir; } // let user choose detected path DirectoryInfo[] defaultPaths = this.DetectGameFolders(toolkit, context).ToArray(); if (defaultPaths.Any()) { this.PrintInfo("Where do you want to add or remove SMAPI?"); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < defaultPaths.Length; i++) this.PrintInfo($"[{i + 1}] {defaultPaths[i].FullName}"); this.PrintInfo($"[{defaultPaths.Length + 1}] Enter a custom game path."); Console.WriteLine(); string[] validOptions = Enumerable.Range(1, defaultPaths.Length + 1).Select(p => p.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToArray(); string choice = this.InteractivelyChoose("Type the number next to your choice, then press enter.", validOptions); int index = int.Parse(choice, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) - 1; if (index < defaultPaths.Length) return defaultPaths[index]; } else this.PrintInfo("Oops, couldn't find the game automatically."); // let user enter manual path while (true) { // get path from user Console.WriteLine(); this.PrintInfo($"Type the file path to the game directory (the one containing '{context.ExecutableName}'), then press enter."); string path = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) { this.PrintWarning("You must specify a directory path to continue."); continue; } // normalize path path = context.IsWindows ? path.Replace("\"", "") // in Windows, quotes are used to escape spaces and aren't part of the file path : path.Replace("\\ ", " "); // in Linux/macOS, spaces in paths may be escaped if copied from the command line if (path.StartsWith("~/")) { string home = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME") ?? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); path = Path.Combine(home, path.Substring(2)); } // get directory if (File.Exists(path)) path = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(path); // validate path if (!directory.Exists) { this.PrintWarning("That directory doesn't seem to exist."); continue; } if (!context.LooksLikeGameFolder(directory)) { this.PrintWarning("That directory doesn't contain a Stardew Valley executable."); continue; } // looks OK this.PrintInfo(" OK!"); return directory; } } /// <summary>Get the possible game paths to update.</summary> /// <param name="toolkit">The mod toolkit.</param> /// <param name="context">The installer context.</param> private IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> DetectGameFolders(ModToolkit toolkit, InstallerContext context) { HashSet<string> foundPaths = new HashSet<string>(); // game folder which contains the installer, if any { DirectoryInfo curPath = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).Directory; while (curPath?.Parent != null) // must be in a folder (not at the root) { if (context.LooksLikeGameFolder(curPath)) { foundPaths.Add(curPath.FullName); yield return curPath; break; } curPath = curPath.Parent; } } // game paths detected by toolkit foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in toolkit.GetGameFolders()) { if (foundPaths.Add(dir.FullName)) yield return dir; } } /// <summary>Interactively move mods out of the appdata directory.</summary> /// <param name="properModsDir">The directory which should contain all mods.</param> /// <param name="packagedModsDir">The installer directory containing packaged mods.</param> private void InteractivelyRemoveAppDataMods(DirectoryInfo properModsDir, DirectoryInfo packagedModsDir) { // get packaged mods to delete string[] packagedModNames = packagedModsDir.GetDirectories().Select(p => p.Name).ToArray(); // get path string appDataPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley"); DirectoryInfo modDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(appDataPath, "Mods")); // check if migration needed if (!modDir.Exists) return; this.PrintDebug($"Found an obsolete mod path: {modDir.FullName}"); this.PrintDebug(" Support for mods here was dropped in SMAPI 1.0 (it was never officially supported)."); // move mods if no conflicts (else warn) foreach (FileSystemInfo entry in modDir.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Where(this.ShouldCopy)) { // get type bool isDir = entry is DirectoryInfo; if (!isDir && !(entry is FileInfo)) continue; // should never happen // delete packaged mods (newer version bundled into SMAPI) if (isDir && packagedModNames.Contains(entry.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.PrintDebug($" Deleting {entry.Name} because it's bundled into SMAPI..."); this.InteractivelyDelete(entry.FullName); continue; } // check paths string newPath = Path.Combine(properModsDir.FullName, entry.Name); if (isDir ? Directory.Exists(newPath) : File.Exists(newPath)) { this.PrintWarning($" Can't move {entry.Name} because it already exists in your game's mod directory."); continue; } // move into mods this.PrintDebug($" Moving {entry.Name} into the game's mod directory..."); this.Move(entry, newPath); } // delete if empty if (modDir.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Any()) this.PrintWarning(" You have files in this folder which couldn't be moved automatically. These will be ignored by SMAPI."); else { this.PrintDebug(" Deleted empty directory."); modDir.Delete(recursive: true); } } /// <summary>Move a filesystem entry to a new parent directory.</summary> /// <param name="entry">The filesystem entry to move.</param> /// <param name="newPath">The destination path.</param> /// <remarks>We can't use <see cref="FileInfo.MoveTo"/> or <see cref="DirectoryInfo.MoveTo"/>, because those don't work across partitions.</remarks> private void Move(FileSystemInfo entry, string newPath) { // file if (entry is FileInfo file) { file.CopyTo(newPath); file.Delete(); } // directory else { Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); DirectoryInfo directory = (DirectoryInfo)entry; foreach (FileSystemInfo child in directory.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Where(this.ShouldCopy)) this.Move(child, Path.Combine(newPath, child.Name)); directory.Delete(recursive: true); } } /// <summary>Get whether a file or folder should be copied from the installer files.</summary> /// <param name="entry">The file or folder info.</param> private bool ShouldCopy(FileSystemInfo entry) { switch (entry.Name) { case "mcs": return false; // ignore macOS symlink case "Mods": return false; // Mods folder handled separately default: return true; } } } }