using System; using System.Reflection; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Internal { /// Provides extension methods for handling exceptions. internal static class ExceptionExtensions { /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Get a string representation of an exception suitable for writing to the error log. /// The error to summarize. public static string GetLogSummary(this Exception exception) { switch (exception) { case TypeLoadException ex: return $"Failed loading type '{ex.TypeName}': {exception}"; case ReflectionTypeLoadException ex: string summary = ex.ToString(); foreach (Exception childEx in ex.LoaderExceptions ?? new Exception[0]) summary += $"\n\n{childEx?.GetLogSummary()}"; return summary; default: return exception.ToString(); } } /// Get the lowest exception in an exception stack. /// The exception from which to search. public static Exception GetInnermostException(this Exception exception) { while (exception.InnerException != null) exception = exception.InnerException; return exception; } } }