using System;
using System.Linq;
using StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework.ItemData;
using StardewValley;
using Object = StardewValley.Object;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework.Commands.Player
/// A command which adds an item to the player inventory.
internal class AddCommand : TrainerCommand
** Properties
/// Provides methods for searching and constructing items.
private readonly ItemRepository Items = new ItemRepository();
/// The type names recognised by this command.
private readonly string[] ValidTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemType)).Concat(new[] { "Name" }).ToArray();
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
public AddCommand()
: base("player_add", AddCommand.GetDescription()) { }
/// Handle the command.
/// Writes messages to the console and log file.
/// The command name.
/// The command arguments.
public override void Handle(IMonitor monitor, string command, ArgumentParser args)
// validate
if (!Context.IsWorldReady)
monitor.Log("You need to load a save to use this command.", LogLevel.Error);
// read arguments
if (!args.TryGet(0, "item type", out string type, oneOf: this.ValidTypes))
if (!args.TryGetInt(2, "count", out int count, min: 1, required: false))
count = 1;
if (!args.TryGetInt(3, "quality", out int quality, min: Object.lowQuality, max: Object.bestQuality, required: false))
quality = Object.lowQuality;
// find matching item
SearchableItem match = Enum.TryParse(type, true, out ItemType itemType)
? this.FindItemByID(monitor, args, itemType)
: this.FindItemByName(monitor, args);
if (match == null)
// apply count
match.Item.Stack = count;
// apply quality
if (match.Item is Object obj)
obj.Quality = quality;
else if (match.Item is Tool tool)
tool.UpgradeLevel = quality;
// add to inventory
monitor.Log($"OK, added {match.Name} ({match.Type} #{match.ID}) to your inventory.", LogLevel.Info);
** Private methods
/// Get a matching item by its ID.
/// Writes messages to the console and log file.
/// The command arguments.
/// The item type.
private SearchableItem FindItemByID(IMonitor monitor, ArgumentParser args, ItemType type)
// read arguments
if (!args.TryGetInt(1, "item ID", out int id, min: 0))
return null;
// find matching item
SearchableItem item = this.Items.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Type == type && p.ID == id);
if (item == null)
monitor.Log($"There's no {type} item with ID {id}.", LogLevel.Error);
return item;
/// Get a matching item by its name.
/// Writes messages to the console and log file.
/// The command arguments.
private SearchableItem FindItemByName(IMonitor monitor, ArgumentParser args)
// read arguments
if (!args.TryGet(1, "item name", out string name))
return null;
// find matching items
SearchableItem[] matches = this.Items.GetAll().Where(p => p.NameContains(name)).ToArray();
if (!matches.Any())
monitor.Log($"There's no item with name '{name}'. You can use the 'list_items [name]' command to search for items.", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
// handle single exact match
SearchableItem[] exactMatches = matches.Where(p => p.NameEquivalentTo(name)).ToArray();
if (exactMatches.Length == 1)
return exactMatches[0];
// handle ambiguous results
string options = this.GetTableString(
data: matches,
header: new[] { "type", "name", "command" },
getRow: item => new[] { item.Type.ToString(), item.DisplayName, $"player_add {item.Type} {item.ID}" }
monitor.Log($"There's no item with name '{name}'. Do you mean one of these?\n\n{options}", LogLevel.Info);
return null;
/// Get the command description.
private static string GetDescription()
string[] typeValues = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemType));
return "Gives the player an item.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Usage: player_add - [count] [quality]\n"
+ $"- type: the item type (one of {string.Join(", ", typeValues)}).\n"
+ "- item: the item ID (use the 'list_items' command to see a list).\n"
+ "- count (optional): how many of the item to give.\n"
+ $"- quality (optional): one of {Object.lowQuality} (normal), {Object.medQuality} (silver), {Object.highQuality} (gold), or {Object.bestQuality} (iridium).\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Usage: player_add name \"\" [count] [quality]\n"
+ "- name: the item name to search (use the 'list_items' command to see a list). This will add the item immediately if it's an exact match, else show a table of matching items.\n"
+ "- count (optional): how many of the item to give.\n"
+ $"- quality (optional): one of {Object.lowQuality} (normal), {Object.medQuality} (silver), {Object.highQuality} (gold), or {Object.bestQuality} (iridium).\n"
+ "\n"
+ "These examples both add the galaxy sword to your inventory:\n"
+ " player_add weapon 4\n"
+ " player_add name \"Galaxy Sword\"";