using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework.ItemData;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.GameData.FishPond;
using StardewValley.Menus;
using StardewValley.Objects;
using StardewValley.Tools;
using SObject = StardewValley.Object;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ConsoleCommands.Framework
/// Provides methods for searching and constructing items.
internal class ItemRepository
** Fields
/// The custom ID offset for items don't have a unique ID in the game.
private readonly int CustomIDOffset = 1000;
** Public methods
/// Get all spawnable items.
/// The item types to fetch (or null for any type).
/// Whether to include flavored variants like "Sunflower Honey".
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "AccessToModifiedClosure", Justification = $"{nameof(ItemRepository.TryCreate)} invokes the lambda immediately.")]
public IEnumerable GetAll(ItemType[]? itemTypes = null, bool includeVariants = true)
// Be careful about closure variable capture here!
// SearchableItem stores the Func- to create new instances later. Loop variables passed into the
// function will be captured, so every func in the loop will use the value from the last iteration. Use the
// TryCreate(type, id, entity => item) form to avoid the issue, or create a local variable to pass in.
IEnumerable GetAllRaw()
HashSet? types = itemTypes?.Any() == true ? new HashSet(itemTypes) : null;
bool ShouldGet(ItemType type) => types == null || types.Contains(type);
// get tools
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Tool))
for (int q = Tool.stone; q <= Tool.iridium; q++)
int quality = q;
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.axe, _ => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.axe, quality));
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.hoe, _ => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.hoe, quality));
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.pickAxe, _ => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.pickAxe, quality));
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.wateringCan, _ => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.wateringCan, quality));
if (quality != Tool.iridium)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, ToolFactory.fishingRod, _ => ToolFactory.getToolFromDescription(ToolFactory.fishingRod, quality));
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset, _ => new MilkPail()); // these don't have any sort of ID, so we'll just assign some arbitrary ones
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 1, _ => new Shears());
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 2, _ => new Pan());
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Tool, this.CustomIDOffset + 3, _ => new Wand());
// clothing
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Clothing))
foreach (int id in this.GetShirtIds())
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Clothing, id, p => new Clothing(p.ID));
// wallpapers
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Wallpaper))
for (int id = 0; id < 112; id++)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Wallpaper, id, p => new Wallpaper(p.ID) { Category = SObject.furnitureCategory });
// flooring
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Flooring))
for (int id = 0; id < 56; id++)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Flooring, id, p => new Wallpaper(p.ID, isFloor: true) { Category = SObject.furnitureCategory });
// equipment
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Boots))
foreach (int id in this.TryLoad("Data\\Boots").Keys)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Boots, id, p => new Boots(p.ID));
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Hat))
foreach (int id in this.TryLoad("Data\\hats").Keys)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Hat, id, p => new Hat(p.ID));
// weapons
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Weapon))
Dictionary weaponsData = this.TryLoad("Data\\weapons");
foreach (KeyValuePair pair in weaponsData)
string rawFields = pair.Value;
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Weapon, pair.Key, p =>
string[] fields = rawFields.Split('/');
bool isSlingshot = fields.Length > 8 && fields[8] == "4";
return isSlingshot
? new Slingshot(p.ID)
: new MeleeWeapon(p.ID);
// furniture
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Furniture))
foreach (int id in this.TryLoad("Data\\Furniture").Keys)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Furniture, id, p => Furniture.GetFurnitureInstance(p.ID));
// craftables
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.BigCraftable))
foreach (int id in Game1.bigCraftablesInformation.Keys)
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.BigCraftable, id, p => new SObject(Vector2.Zero, p.ID));
// objects
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Object) || ShouldGet(ItemType.Ring))
foreach (int id in Game1.objectInformation.Keys)
string[]? fields = Game1.objectInformation[id]?.Split('/');
// ring
if (id != 801 && fields?.Length >= 4 && fields[3] == "Ring") // 801 = wedding ring, which isn't an equippable ring
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Ring))
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Ring, id, p => new Ring(p.ID));
// journal scrap
else if (id == 842)
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Object))
foreach (SearchableItem? journalScrap in this.GetSecretNotes(isJournalScrap: true))
yield return journalScrap;
// secret notes
else if (id == 79)
if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Object))
foreach (SearchableItem? secretNote in this.GetSecretNotes(isJournalScrap: false))
yield return secretNote;
// object
else if (ShouldGet(ItemType.Object))
// spawn main item
SObject? item = null;
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, id, p =>
return item = (p.ID == 812 // roe
? new ColoredObject(p.ID, 1, Color.White)
: new SObject(p.ID, 1)
if (item == null)
// flavored items
if (includeVariants)
foreach (SearchableItem? variant in this.GetFlavoredObjectVariants(item))
yield return variant;
return (
from item in GetAllRaw()
where item != null
select item
** Private methods
/// Get the individual secret note or journal scrap items.
/// Whether to get journal scraps.
/// Derived from .
private IEnumerable GetSecretNotes(bool isJournalScrap)
// get base item ID
int baseId = isJournalScrap ? 842 : 79;
// get secret note IDs
var ids = this
? id => (id >= GameLocation.JOURNAL_INDEX)
: id => (id < GameLocation.JOURNAL_INDEX)
? id => (id - GameLocation.JOURNAL_INDEX)
: id => id
// build items
foreach (int id in ids)
int fakeId = this.CustomIDOffset * 8 + id;
if (isJournalScrap)
fakeId += GameLocation.JOURNAL_INDEX;
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, fakeId, _ =>
SObject note = new(baseId, 1);
note.Name = $"{note.Name} #{id}";
return note;
/// Get flavored variants of a base item (like Blueberry Wine for Blueberry), if any.
/// A sample of the base item.
private IEnumerable GetFlavoredObjectVariants(SObject item)
int id = item.ParentSheetIndex;
switch (item.Category)
// fruit products
case SObject.FruitsCategory:
// wine
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 2 + id, _ => new SObject(348, 1)
Name = $"{item.Name} Wine",
Price = item.Price * 3,
preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Wine },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
// jelly
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 3 + id, _ => new SObject(344, 1)
Name = $"{item.Name} Jelly",
Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Jelly },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
// vegetable products
case SObject.VegetableCategory:
// juice
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 4 + id, _ => new SObject(350, 1)
Name = $"{item.Name} Juice",
Price = (int)(item.Price * 2.25d),
preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Juice },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
// pickled
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, _ => new SObject(342, 1)
Name = $"Pickled {item.Name}",
Price = 50 + item.Price * 2,
preserve = { SObject.PreserveType.Pickle },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
// flower honey
case SObject.flowersCategory:
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 5 + id, _ =>
SObject honey = new(Vector2.Zero, 340, $"{item.Name} Honey", false, true, false, false)
Name = $"{item.Name} Honey",
preservedParentSheetIndex = { id }
honey.Price += item.Price * 2;
return honey;
// roe and aged roe (derived from FishPond.GetFishProduce)
case SObject.sellAtFishShopCategory when id == 812:
this.GetRoeContextTagLookups(out HashSet simpleTags, out List
> complexTags);
foreach (var pair in Game1.objectInformation)
// get input
SObject? input = this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, pair.Key, p => new SObject(p.ID, 1))?.Item as SObject;
if (input == null)
HashSet inputTags = input.GetContextTags();
if (!inputTags.Any())
// check if roe-producing fish
if (!inputTags.Any(tag => simpleTags.Contains(tag)) && !complexTags.Any(set => set.All(tag => input.HasContextTag(tag))))
// yield roe
SObject? roe = null;
Color color = this.GetRoeColor(input);
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, _ =>
roe = new ColoredObject(812, 1, color)
name = $"{input.Name} Roe",
preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.Roe },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex }
roe.Price += input.Price / 2;
return roe;
// aged roe
if (roe != null && pair.Key != 698) // aged sturgeon roe is caviar, which is a separate item
yield return this.TryCreate(ItemType.Object, this.CustomIDOffset * 7 + id, _ => new ColoredObject(447, 1, color)
name = $"Aged {input.Name} Roe",
Category = -27,
preserve = { Value = SObject.PreserveType.AgedRoe },
preservedParentSheetIndex = { Value = input.ParentSheetIndex },
Price = roe.Price * 2
/// Get optimized lookups to match items which produce roe in a fish pond.
/// A lookup of simple singular tags which match a roe-producing fish.
/// A list of tag sets which match roe-producing fish.
private void GetRoeContextTagLookups(out HashSet simpleTags, out List> complexTags)
simpleTags = new HashSet();
complexTags = new List>();
foreach (FishPondData data in Game1.content.Load>("Data\\FishPondData"))
if (data.ProducedItems.All(p => p.ItemID != 812))
continue; // doesn't produce roe
if (data.RequiredTags.Count == 1 && !data.RequiredTags[0].StartsWith("!"))
/// Try to load a data file, and return empty data if it's invalid.
/// The asset key type.
/// The asset value type.
/// The data asset name.
private Dictionary TryLoad(string assetName)
where TKey : notnull
return Game1.content.Load>(assetName);
catch (ContentLoadException)
// generally due to a player incorrectly replacing a data file with an XNB mod
return new Dictionary();
/// Create a searchable item if valid.
/// The item type.
/// The unique ID (if different from the item's parent sheet index).
/// Create an item instance.
private SearchableItem? TryCreate(ItemType type, int id, Func createItem)
var item = new SearchableItem(type, id, createItem);
item.Item.getDescription(); // force-load item data, so it crashes here if it's invalid
return item;
return null; // if some item data is invalid, just don't include it
/// Get the color to use a given fish's roe.
/// The fish whose roe to color.
/// Derived from .
private Color GetRoeColor(SObject fish)
return fish.ParentSheetIndex == 698 // sturgeon
? new Color(61, 55, 42)
: (TailoringMenu.GetDyeColor(fish) ?? Color.Orange);
/// Get valid shirt IDs.
/// Shirts have a possible range of 1000–1999, but not all of those IDs are valid. There are two sets of IDs:
/// -
/// Shirts which exist in .
/// -
/// Shirts with a dynamic ID and no entry in . These automatically
/// use the generic shirt entry with ID -1 and are mapped to a calculated position in the
/// Characters/Farmer/shirts spritesheet. There's no constant we can use, but some known valid
/// ranges are 1000–1111 (used in for the customization screen and
/// 1000–1127 (used in and ).
/// Based on the spritesheet, the max valid ID is 1299.
private IEnumerable GetShirtIds()
// defined shirt items
foreach (int id in Game1.clothingInformation.Keys)
if (id < 0)
continue; // placeholder data for character customization clothing below
yield return id;
// dynamic shirts
HashSet clothingIds = new HashSet(Game1.clothingInformation.Keys);
for (int id = 1000; id <= 1299; id++)
if (!clothingIds.Contains(id))
yield return id;