using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Reflection; using HarmonyLib; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Content; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal.Patching; // // This is part of a three-part fix for PyTK 1.23.* and earlier. When removing this, search // 'Platonymous.Toolkit' to find the other part in SMAPI and Content Patcher. // namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ErrorHandler.ModPatches { /// Harmony patches for the PyTK mod for compatibility with newer SMAPI versions. /// Patch methods must be static for Harmony to work correctly. See the Harmony documentation before renaming patch arguments. [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming", Justification = "Argument names are defined by Harmony and methods are named for clarity.")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "IdentifierTypo", Justification = "Argument names are defined by Harmony and methods are named for clarity.")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StringLiteralTypo", Justification = "'Platonymous' is part of the mod ID.")] internal class PyTkPatcher : BasePatcher { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// The PyTK mod metadata, if it's installed. private static IModMetadata? PyTk; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The mod registry from which to read PyTK metadata. public PyTkPatcher(IModRegistry modRegistry) { IModMetadata? pyTk = (IModMetadata?)modRegistry.Get(@"Platonymous.Toolkit"); if (pyTk is not null && pyTk.Manifest.Version.IsOlderThan("1.24.0")) PyTkPatcher.PyTk = pyTk; } /// public override void Apply(Harmony harmony, IMonitor monitor) { try { // get mod info IModMetadata? pyTk = PyTkPatcher.PyTk; if (pyTk is null) return; // get patch method const string patchMethodName = "PatchImage"; MethodInfo? patch = AccessTools.Method(pyTk.Mod!.GetType(), patchMethodName); if (patch is null) { monitor.Log("Failed applying compatibility patch for PyTK. Its image scaling feature may not work correctly.", LogLevel.Warn); monitor.Log($"Couldn't find patch method '{pyTk.Mod.GetType().FullName}.{patchMethodName}'."); return; } // apply patch harmony = new($"{harmony.Id}.compatibility-patches.PyTK"); harmony.Patch( original: AccessTools.Method(typeof(AssetDataForImage), nameof(AssetDataForImage.PatchImage), new[] { typeof(Texture2D), typeof(Rectangle), typeof(Rectangle), typeof(PatchMode) }), prefix: new HarmonyMethod(patch) ); } catch (Exception ex) { monitor.Log("Failed applying compatibility patch for PyTK. Its image scaling feature may not work correctly.", LogLevel.Warn); monitor.Log(ex.GetLogSummary()); } } } }