using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using HarmonyLib;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using StardewModdingAPI.Internal;
using StardewModdingAPI.Internal.Patching;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Buildings;
using StardewValley.Locations;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Mods.ErrorHandler.Patches
/// Harmony patches for which prevent some errors due to broken save data.
/// Patch methods must be static for Harmony to work correctly. See the Harmony documentation before renaming patch arguments.
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming", Justification = "Argument names are defined by Harmony and methods are named for clarity.")]
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "IdentifierTypo", Justification = "Argument names are defined by Harmony and methods are named for clarity.")]
internal class SaveGamePatcher : BasePatcher
** Fields
/// Writes messages to the console and log file.
private static IMonitor Monitor;
/// A callback invoked when custom content is removed from the save data to avoid a crash.
private static Action OnContentRemoved;
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// Writes messages to the console and log file.
/// A callback invoked when custom content is removed from the save data to avoid a crash.
public SaveGamePatcher(IMonitor monitor, Action onContentRemoved)
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor = monitor;
SaveGamePatcher.OnContentRemoved = onContentRemoved;
public override void Apply(Harmony harmony, IMonitor monitor)
original: this.RequireMethod(nameof(SaveGame.loadDataToLocations)),
prefix: this.GetHarmonyMethod(nameof(SaveGamePatcher.Before_LoadDataToLocations))
original: this.RequireMethod(nameof(SaveGame.LoadFarmType)),
finalizer: this.GetHarmonyMethod(nameof(SaveGamePatcher.Finalize_LoadFarmType))
** Private methods
/// The method to call instead of .
/// The game locations being loaded.
/// Returns whether to execute the original method.
private static bool Before_LoadDataToLocations(List gamelocations)
// missing locations/NPCs
IDictionary npcs = Game1.content.Load>("Data\\NPCDispositions");
if (SaveGamePatcher.RemoveBrokenContent(gamelocations, npcs))
return true;
/// The method to call after throws an exception.
/// The exception thrown by the wrapped method, if any.
/// Returns the exception to throw, if any.
private static Exception Finalize_LoadFarmType(Exception __exception)
// missing custom farm type
if (__exception?.Message?.Contains("not a valid farm type") == true && !int.TryParse(SaveGame.loaded.whichFarm, out _))
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor.Log(__exception.GetLogSummary(), LogLevel.Error);
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor.Log($"Removed invalid custom farm type '{SaveGame.loaded.whichFarm}' to avoid a crash when loading save '{Constants.SaveFolderName}'. (Did you remove a custom farm type mod?)", LogLevel.Warn);
SaveGame.loaded.whichFarm = Farm.default_layout.ToString();
__exception = null;
return __exception;
/// Remove content which no longer exists in the game data.
/// The current game locations.
/// The NPC data.
private static bool RemoveBrokenContent(IEnumerable locations, IDictionary npcs)
bool removedAny = false;
foreach (GameLocation location in locations)
removedAny |= SaveGamePatcher.RemoveBrokenContent(location, npcs);
return removedAny;
/// Remove content which no longer exists in the game data.
/// The current game location.
/// The NPC data.
private static bool RemoveBrokenContent(GameLocation location, IDictionary npcs)
bool removedAny = false;
if (location == null)
return false;
// check buildings
if (location is BuildableGameLocation buildableLocation)
foreach (Building building in buildableLocation.buildings.ToArray())
BluePrint _ = new BluePrint(building.buildingType.Value);
catch (ContentLoadException)
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor.Log($"Removed invalid building type '{building.buildingType.Value}' in {location.Name} ({building.tileX}, {building.tileY}) to avoid a crash when loading save '{Constants.SaveFolderName}'. (Did you remove a custom building mod?)", LogLevel.Warn);
removedAny = true;
SaveGamePatcher.RemoveBrokenContent(building.indoors.Value, npcs);
// check NPCs
foreach (NPC npc in location.characters.ToArray())
if (npc.isVillager() && !npcs.ContainsKey(npc.Name))
npc.reloadSprite(); // this won't crash for special villagers like Bouncer
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor.Log($"Removed invalid villager '{npc.Name}' in {location.Name} ({npc.getTileLocation()}) to avoid a crash when loading save '{Constants.SaveFolderName}'. (Did you remove a custom NPC mod?)", LogLevel.Warn);
removedAny = true;
// check objects
foreach (var pair in location.objects.Pairs.ToArray())
// SpaceCore can leave null values when removing its custom content
if (pair.Value == null)
SaveGamePatcher.Monitor.Log($"Removed invalid null object in {location.Name} ({pair.Key}) to avoid a crash when loading save '{Constants.SaveFolderName}'. (Did you remove a custom item mod?)", LogLevel.Warn);
removedAny = true;
return removedAny;