#nullable disable

using System;
using SMAPI.Tests.ModApiConsumer.Interfaces;

namespace SMAPI.Tests.ModApiConsumer
    /// <summary>A simulated API consumer.</summary>
    public class ApiConsumer
        ** Public methods
        /// <summary>Call the event field on the given API.</summary>
        /// <param name="api">The API to call.</param>
        /// <param name="getValues">Get the number of times the event was called and the last value received.</param>
        public void UseEventField(ISimpleApi api, out Func<(int timesCalled, int actualValue)> getValues)
            // act
            int calls = 0;
            int lastValue = -1;
            api.OnEventRaised += (_, value) =>
                lastValue = value;

            getValues = () => (timesCalled: calls, actualValue: lastValue);

        /// <summary>Call the event property on the given API.</summary>
        /// <param name="api">The API to call.</param>
        /// <param name="getValues">Get the number of times the event was called and the last value received.</param>
        public void UseEventProperty(ISimpleApi api, out Func<(int timesCalled, int actualValue)> getValues)
            // act
            int calls = 0;
            int lastValue = -1;
            api.OnEventRaisedProperty += (_, value) =>
                lastValue = value;

            getValues = () => (timesCalled: calls, actualValue: lastValue);