using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialization;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialization.Models;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModScanning
/// Scans folders for mod data.
public class ModScanner
** Fields
/// The JSON helper with which to read manifests.
private readonly JsonHelper JsonHelper;
/// A list of filesystem entry names to ignore when checking whether a folder should be treated as a mod.
private readonly HashSet IgnoreFilesystemNames = new HashSet
new Regex(@"^__folder_managed_by_vortex$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), // Vortex mod manager
new Regex(@"(?:^\._|^\.DS_Store$|^__MACOSX$|^mcs$)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), // macOS
new Regex(@"^(?:desktop\.ini|Thumbs\.db)$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) // Windows
/// A list of file extensions to ignore when searching for mod files.
private readonly HashSet IgnoreFileExtensions = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// text
// images
// archives
// backup files
// Windows shortcut files
/// The extensions for packed content files.
private readonly HashSet StrictXnbModExtensions = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
/// The extensions for files which an XNB mod may contain, in addition to .
private readonly HashSet PotentialXnbModExtensions = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
/// The name of the marker file added by Vortex to indicate it's managing the folder.
private readonly string VortexMarkerFileName = "__folder_managed_by_vortex";
/// The name for a mod's configuration JSON file.
private readonly string ConfigFileName = "config.json";
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// The JSON helper with which to read manifests.
public ModScanner(JsonHelper jsonHelper)
this.JsonHelper = jsonHelper;
/// Extract information about all mods in the given folder.
/// The root folder containing mods.
public IEnumerable GetModFolders(string rootPath)
DirectoryInfo root = new DirectoryInfo(rootPath);
return this.GetModFolders(root, root);
/// Extract information about all mods in the given folder.
/// The root folder containing mods. Only the will be searched, but this field allows it to be treated as a potential mod folder of its own.
/// The mod path to search.
// /// If the folder contains multiple XNB mods, treat them as subfolders of a single mod. This is useful when reading a single mod archive, as opposed to a mods folder.
public IEnumerable GetModFolders(string rootPath, string modPath)
return this.GetModFolders(root: new DirectoryInfo(rootPath), folder: new DirectoryInfo(modPath));
/// Extract information from a mod folder.
/// The root folder containing mods.
/// The folder to search for a mod.
public ModFolder ReadFolder(DirectoryInfo root, DirectoryInfo searchFolder)
// find manifest.json
FileInfo manifestFile = this.FindManifest(searchFolder);
// set appropriate invalid-mod error
if (manifestFile == null)
FileInfo[] files = this.RecursivelyGetFiles(searchFolder).ToArray();
FileInfo[] relevantFiles = files.Where(this.IsRelevant).ToArray();
// empty Vortex folder
// (this filters relevant files internally so it can check for the normally-ignored Vortex marker file)
if (this.IsEmptyVortexFolder(files))
return new ModFolder(root, searchFolder, ModType.Invalid, null, ModParseError.EmptyVortexFolder, "it's an empty Vortex folder (is the mod disabled in Vortex?).");
// empty folder
if (!relevantFiles.Any())
return new ModFolder(root, searchFolder, ModType.Invalid, null, ModParseError.EmptyFolder, "it's an empty folder.");
// XNB mod
if (this.IsXnbMod(relevantFiles))
return new ModFolder(root, searchFolder, ModType.Xnb, null, ModParseError.XnbMod, "it's not a SMAPI mod (see for info).");
// SMAPI installer
if (relevantFiles.Any(p => p.Name == "install on" || p.Name == "install on macOS.command" || p.Name == "install on Windows.bat"))
return new ModFolder(root, searchFolder, ModType.Invalid, null, ModParseError.ManifestMissing, "the SMAPI installer isn't a mod (you can delete this folder after running the installer file).");
// not a mod?
return new ModFolder(root, searchFolder, ModType.Invalid, null, ModParseError.ManifestMissing, "it contains files, but none of them are manifest.json.");
// read mod info
Manifest manifest = null;
ModParseError error = ModParseError.None;
string errorText = null;
if (!this.JsonHelper.ReadJsonFileIfExists(manifestFile.FullName, out manifest) || manifest == null)
error = ModParseError.ManifestInvalid;
errorText = "its manifest is invalid.";
catch (SParseException ex)
error = ModParseError.ManifestInvalid;
errorText = $"parsing its manifest failed: {ex.Message}";
catch (Exception ex)
error = ModParseError.ManifestInvalid;
errorText = $"parsing its manifest failed:\n{ex}";
// normalize display fields
if (manifest != null)
manifest.Name = this.StripNewlines(manifest.Name);
manifest.Description = this.StripNewlines(manifest.Description);
manifest.Author = this.StripNewlines(manifest.Author);
// get mod type
ModType type;
bool isContentPack = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest?.ContentPackFor?.UniqueID);
bool isSmapi = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest?.EntryDll);
if (isContentPack == isSmapi)
type = ModType.Invalid;
else if (isContentPack)
type = ModType.ContentPack;
type = ModType.Smapi;
// build result
return new ModFolder(root, manifestFile.Directory, type, manifest, error, errorText);
** Private methods
/// Recursively extract information about all mods in the given folder.
/// The root mod folder.
/// The folder to search for mods.
private IEnumerable GetModFolders(DirectoryInfo root, DirectoryInfo folder)
bool isRoot = folder.FullName == root.FullName;
// skip
if (!isRoot)
if (folder.Name.StartsWith("."))
yield return new ModFolder(root, folder, ModType.Ignored, null, ModParseError.IgnoredFolder, "ignored folder because its name starts with a dot.");
yield break;
if (!this.IsRelevant(folder))
yield break;
// find mods in subfolders
if (this.IsModSearchFolder(root, folder))
IEnumerable subfolders = folder.EnumerateDirectories().SelectMany(sub => this.GetModFolders(root, sub));
if (!isRoot)
subfolders = this.TryConsolidate(root, folder, subfolders.ToArray());
foreach (ModFolder subfolder in subfolders)
yield return subfolder;
// treat as mod folder
yield return this.ReadFolder(root, folder);
/// Consolidate adjacent folders into one mod folder, if possible.
/// The folder containing both parent and subfolders.
/// The parent folder to consolidate, if possible.
/// The subfolders to consolidate, if possible.
private IEnumerable TryConsolidate(DirectoryInfo root, DirectoryInfo parentFolder, ModFolder[] subfolders)
if (subfolders.Length > 1)
// a collection of empty folders
if (subfolders.All(p => p.ManifestParseError == ModParseError.EmptyFolder))
return new[] { new ModFolder(root, parentFolder, ModType.Invalid, null, ModParseError.EmptyFolder, subfolders[0].ManifestParseErrorText) };
// an XNB mod
if (subfolders.All(p => p.Type == ModType.Xnb || p.ManifestParseError == ModParseError.EmptyFolder))
return new[] { new ModFolder(root, parentFolder, ModType.Xnb, null, ModParseError.XnbMod, subfolders[0].ManifestParseErrorText) };
return subfolders;
/// Find the manifest for a mod folder.
/// The folder to search.
private FileInfo FindManifest(DirectoryInfo folder)
while (true)
// check for manifest in current folder
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(folder.FullName, "manifest.json"));
if (file.Exists)
return file;
// check for single subfolder
FileSystemInfo[] entries = folder.EnumerateFileSystemInfos().Take(2).ToArray();
if (entries.Length == 1 && entries[0] is DirectoryInfo subfolder)
folder = subfolder;
// not found
return null;
/// Get whether a given folder should be treated as a search folder (i.e. look for subfolders containing mods).
/// The root mod folder.
/// The folder to search for mods.
private bool IsModSearchFolder(DirectoryInfo root, DirectoryInfo folder)
if (root.FullName == folder.FullName)
return true;
DirectoryInfo[] subfolders = folder.GetDirectories().Where(this.IsRelevant).ToArray();
FileInfo[] files = folder.GetFiles().Where(this.IsRelevant).ToArray();
return subfolders.Any() && !files.Any();
/// Recursively get all files in a folder.
/// The root folder to search.
private IEnumerable RecursivelyGetFiles(DirectoryInfo folder)
foreach (FileSystemInfo entry in folder.GetFileSystemInfos())
if (entry is DirectoryInfo && !this.IsRelevant(entry))
if (entry is FileInfo file)
yield return file;
if (entry is DirectoryInfo subfolder)
foreach (FileInfo subfolderFile in this.RecursivelyGetFiles(subfolder))
yield return subfolderFile;
/// Get whether a file or folder is relevant when deciding how to process a mod folder.
/// The file or folder.
private bool IsRelevant(FileSystemInfo entry)
// ignored file extension
if (entry is FileInfo file && this.IgnoreFileExtensions.Contains(file.Extension))
return false;
// ignored entry name
return !this.IgnoreFilesystemNames.Any(p => p.IsMatch(entry.Name));
/// Get whether a set of files looks like an XNB mod.
/// The files in the mod.
private bool IsXnbMod(IEnumerable files)
bool hasXnbFile = false;
foreach (FileInfo file in files.Where(this.IsRelevant))
if (this.StrictXnbModExtensions.Contains(file.Extension))
hasXnbFile = true;
if (!this.PotentialXnbModExtensions.Contains(file.Extension))
return false;
return hasXnbFile;
/// Get whether a set of files looks like an XNB mod.
/// The files in the mod.
private bool IsEmptyVortexFolder(IEnumerable files)
bool hasVortexMarker = false;
foreach (FileInfo file in files)
if (file.Name == this.VortexMarkerFileName)
hasVortexMarker = true;
if (this.IsRelevant(file) && file.Name != this.ConfigFileName)
return false;
return hasVortexMarker;
/// Strip newlines from a string.
/// The input to strip.
private string StripNewlines(string input)
return input?.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");