using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.Clients.WebApi; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.Clients.Wiki; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModData; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.UpdateData; using StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.Clients.Chucklefish; using StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.Clients.GitHub; using StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.Clients.Nexus; using StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.ConfigModels; using StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.ModRepositories; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Web.Controllers { /// Provides an API to perform mod update checks. [Produces("application/json")] [Route("api/v{version:semanticVersion}/mods")] internal class ModsApiController : Controller { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// The mod repositories which provide mod metadata. private readonly IDictionary Repositories; /// The cache in which to store mod metadata. private readonly IMemoryCache Cache; /// The number of minutes successful update checks should be cached before refetching them. private readonly int SuccessCacheMinutes; /// The number of minutes failed update checks should be cached before refetching them. private readonly int ErrorCacheMinutes; /// A regex which matches SMAPI-style semantic version. private readonly string VersionRegex; /// The internal mod metadata list. private readonly ModDatabase ModDatabase; /// The web URL for the wiki compatibility list. private readonly string WikiCompatibilityPageUrl; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The web hosting environment. /// The cache in which to store mod metadata. /// The config settings for mod update checks. /// The Chucklefish API client. /// The GitHub API client. /// The Nexus API client. public ModsApiController(IHostingEnvironment environment, IMemoryCache cache, IOptions configProvider, IChucklefishClient chucklefish, IGitHubClient github, INexusClient nexus) { this.ModDatabase = new ModToolkit().GetModDatabase(Path.Combine(environment.WebRootPath, "StardewModdingAPI.metadata.json")); ModUpdateCheckConfig config = configProvider.Value; this.WikiCompatibilityPageUrl = config.WikiCompatibilityPageUrl; this.Cache = cache; this.SuccessCacheMinutes = config.SuccessCacheMinutes; this.ErrorCacheMinutes = config.ErrorCacheMinutes; this.VersionRegex = config.SemanticVersionRegex; this.Repositories = new IModRepository[] { new ChucklefishRepository(chucklefish), new GitHubRepository(github), new NexusRepository(nexus) } .ToDictionary(p => p.VendorKey); } /// Fetch version metadata for the given mods. /// The mod search criteria. [HttpPost] public async Task> PostAsync([FromBody] ModSearchModel model) { if (model?.Mods == null) return new ModEntryModel[0]; // fetch wiki data WikiCompatibilityEntry[] wikiData = await this.GetWikiDataAsync(); IDictionary mods = new Dictionary(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (ModSearchEntryModel mod in model.Mods) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mod.ID)) continue; ModEntryModel result = await this.GetModData(mod, wikiData, model.IncludeExtendedMetadata); mods[mod.ID] = result; } // return data return mods.Values; } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Get the metadata for a mod. /// The mod data to match. /// The wiki data. /// Whether to include extended metadata for each mod. /// Returns the mod data if found, else null. private async Task GetModData(ModSearchEntryModel search, WikiCompatibilityEntry[] wikiData, bool includeExtendedMetadata) { // crossreference data ModDataRecord record = this.ModDatabase.Get(search.ID); WikiCompatibilityEntry wikiEntry = wikiData.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry.ID.Contains(search.ID.Trim(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); string[] updateKeys = this.GetUpdateKeys(search.UpdateKeys, record, wikiEntry).ToArray(); // get latest versions ModEntryModel result = new ModEntryModel { ID = search.ID }; IList errors = new List(); foreach (string updateKey in updateKeys) { // fetch data ModInfoModel data = await this.GetInfoForUpdateKeyAsync(updateKey); if (data.Error != null) { errors.Add(data.Error); continue; } // handle main version if (data.Version != null) { if (!SemanticVersion.TryParse(data.Version, out ISemanticVersion version)) { errors.Add($"The update key '{updateKey}' matches a mod with invalid semantic version '{data.Version}'."); continue; } if (this.IsNewer(version, result.Main?.Version)) result.Main = new ModEntryVersionModel(version, data.Url); } // handle optional version if (data.PreviewVersion != null) { if (!SemanticVersion.TryParse(data.PreviewVersion, out ISemanticVersion version)) { errors.Add($"The update key '{updateKey}' matches a mod with invalid optional semantic version '{data.PreviewVersion}'."); continue; } if (this.IsNewer(version, result.Optional?.Version)) result.Optional = new ModEntryVersionModel(version, data.Url); } } // get unofficial version if (wikiEntry?.UnofficialVersion != null && this.IsNewer(wikiEntry.UnofficialVersion, result.Main?.Version) && this.IsNewer(wikiEntry.UnofficialVersion, result.Optional?.Version)) result.Unofficial = new ModEntryVersionModel(wikiEntry.UnofficialVersion, this.WikiCompatibilityPageUrl); // get unofficial version for beta if (wikiEntry?.HasBetaInfo == true) { result.HasBetaInfo = true; if (wikiEntry.BetaStatus == WikiCompatibilityStatus.Unofficial) { if (wikiEntry.BetaUnofficialVersion != null) { result.UnofficialForBeta = (wikiEntry.BetaUnofficialVersion != null && this.IsNewer(wikiEntry.BetaUnofficialVersion, result.Main?.Version) && this.IsNewer(wikiEntry.BetaUnofficialVersion, result.Optional?.Version)) ? new ModEntryVersionModel(wikiEntry.BetaUnofficialVersion, this.WikiCompatibilityPageUrl) : null; } else result.UnofficialForBeta = result.Unofficial; } } // fallback to preview if latest is invalid if (result.Main == null && result.Optional != null) { result.Main = result.Optional; result.Optional = null; } // special cases if (result.ID == "Pathoschild.SMAPI") { if (result.Main != null) result.Main.Url = ""; if (result.Optional != null) result.Optional.Url = ""; } // add extended metadata if (includeExtendedMetadata && (wikiEntry != null || record != null)) result.Metadata = new ModExtendedMetadataModel(wikiEntry, record); // add result result.Errors = errors.ToArray(); return result; } /// Get whether a version is newer than an version. /// The current version. /// The other version. private bool IsNewer(ISemanticVersion current, ISemanticVersion other) { return current != null && (other == null || other.IsOlderThan(current)); } /// Get mod data from the wiki compatibility list. private async Task GetWikiDataAsync() { ModToolkit toolkit = new ModToolkit(); return await this.Cache.GetOrCreateAsync("_wiki", async entry => { try { WikiCompatibilityEntry[] entries = await toolkit.GetWikiCompatibilityListAsync(); entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(this.SuccessCacheMinutes); return entries; } catch { entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(this.ErrorCacheMinutes); return new WikiCompatibilityEntry[0]; } }); } /// Get the mod info for an update key. /// The namespaced update key. private async Task GetInfoForUpdateKeyAsync(string updateKey) { // parse update key UpdateKey parsed = UpdateKey.Parse(updateKey); if (!parsed.LooksValid) return new ModInfoModel($"The update key '{updateKey}' isn't in a valid format. It should contain the site key and mod ID like 'Nexus:541'."); // get matching repository if (!this.Repositories.TryGetValue(parsed.Repository, out IModRepository repository)) return new ModInfoModel($"There's no mod site with key '{parsed.Repository}'. Expected one of [{string.Join(", ", this.Repositories.Keys)}]."); // fetch mod info return await this.Cache.GetOrCreateAsync($"{repository.VendorKey}:{parsed.ID}".ToLower(), async entry => { ModInfoModel result = await repository.GetModInfoAsync(parsed.ID); if (result.Error != null) { if (result.Version == null) result.Error = $"The update key '{updateKey}' matches a mod with no version number."; else if (!Regex.IsMatch(result.Version, this.VersionRegex, RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) result.Error = $"The update key '{updateKey}' matches a mod with invalid semantic version '{result.Version}'."; } entry.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(result.Error == null ? this.SuccessCacheMinutes : this.ErrorCacheMinutes); return result; }); } /// Get update keys based on the available mod metadata, while maintaining the precedence order. /// The specified update keys. /// The mod's entry in SMAPI's internal database. /// The mod's entry in the wiki list. public IEnumerable GetUpdateKeys(string[] specifiedKeys, ModDataRecord record, WikiCompatibilityEntry entry) { IEnumerable GetRaw() { // specified update keys if (specifiedKeys != null) { foreach (string key in specifiedKeys) yield return key?.Trim(); } // default update key string defaultKey = record?.GetDefaultUpdateKey(); if (defaultKey != null) yield return defaultKey; // wiki metadata if (entry != null) { if (entry.NexusID.HasValue) yield return $"Nexus:{entry.NexusID}"; if (entry.ChucklefishID.HasValue) yield return $"Chucklefish:{entry.ChucklefishID}"; } } HashSet seen = new HashSet(StringComparer.InvariantCulture); foreach (string key in GetRaw()) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) && seen.Add(key)) yield return key; } } } }