// Copyright 2022 Jamie Taylor
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.UpdateData;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.Clients.UpdateManifest {
/// Metadata about an update manifest "page".
internal class UpdateManifestModPage : GenericModPage {
/// The update manifest model.
private UpdateManifestModel manifest;
/// Constuct an instance.
/// The "id" (i.e., URL) of this update manifest.
/// The manifest object model.
public UpdateManifestModPage(string id, UpdateManifestModel manifest) : base(ModSiteKey.UpdateManifest, id) {
this.IsSubkeyStrict = true;
this.manifest = manifest;
this.SetInfo(name: id, url: id, version: null, downloads: TranslateDownloads(manifest).ToArray());
/// Return the mod name for the given subkey, if it exists in this update manifest.
/// The subkey.
/// The mod name for the given subkey, or if this manifest does not contain the given subkey.
public override string? GetName(string? subkey) {
if (subkey is null)
return null;
this.manifest.Subkeys.TryGetValue(subkey, out UpdateManifestModModel? modModel);
return modModel?.Name;
/// Return the mod URL for the given subkey, if it exists in this update manifest.
/// The subkey.
/// The mod URL for the given subkey, or if this manifest does not contain the given subkey.
public override string? GetUrl(string? subkey) {
if (subkey is null)
return null;
this.manifest.Subkeys.TryGetValue(subkey, out UpdateManifestModModel? modModel);
return modModel?.Url;
** Private methods
/// Translate the downloads from the manifest's object model into objects.
/// The manifest object model.
/// An for each in the manifest.
private static IEnumerable TranslateDownloads(UpdateManifestModel manifest) {
foreach (var entry in manifest.Subkeys) {
foreach (var version in entry.Value.Versions) {
yield return new UpdateManifestModDownload(entry.Key, entry.Value.Name, version.Version, version.DownloadFileUrl ?? version.DownloadPageUrl);