using System;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Web.Framework.LogParsing.Models
/// Parsed metadata for a log.
public class ParsedLog
** Accessors
** Metadata
/// Whether the log file was successfully parsed.
public bool IsValid { get; set; }
/// An error message indicating why the log file is invalid.
public string Error { get; set; }
/// The raw text if is false.
public string RawTextIfError { get; set; }
** Log data
/// The SMAPI version.
public string ApiVersion { get; set; }
/// The game version.
public string GameVersion { get; set; }
/// The player's operating system.
public string OperatingSystem { get; set; }
/// The mod folder path.
public string ModPath { get; set; }
/// The ISO 8601 timestamp when the log was started.
public DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; set; }
/// Metadata about installed mods and content packs.
public LogModInfo[] Mods { get; set; } = new LogModInfo[0];
/// The log messages.
public LogMessage[] Messages { get; set; }