using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.Clients.Wiki; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Web.ViewModels { /// Metadata about a mod. public class ModModel { /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// The mod name. public string? Name { get; } /// The mod's alternative names, if any. public string AlternateNames { get; } /// The mod author's name. public string? Author { get; } /// The mod author's alternative names, if any. public string AlternateAuthors { get; } /// The GitHub repo, if any. public string? GitHubRepo { get; } /// The URL to the mod's source code, if any. public string? SourceUrl { get; } /// The compatibility status for the stable version of the game. public ModCompatibilityModel Compatibility { get; } /// The compatibility status for the beta version of the game. public ModCompatibilityModel? BetaCompatibility { get; } /// Links to the available mod pages. public ModLinkModel[] ModPages { get; } /// The human-readable warnings for players about this mod. public string[] Warnings { get; } /// The URL of the pull request which submits changes for an unofficial update to the author, if any. public string? PullRequestUrl { get; } /// Special notes intended for developers who maintain unofficial updates or submit pull requests. public string? DevNote { get; } /// A unique identifier for the mod that can be used in an anchor URL. public string? Slug { get; } /// The sites where the mod can be downloaded. public string[] ModPageSites => this.ModPages.Select(p => p.Text).ToArray(); /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The mod name. /// The mod's alternative names, if any. /// The mod author's name. /// The mod author's alternative names, if any. /// The GitHub repo, if any. /// The URL to the mod's source code, if any. /// The compatibility status for the stable version of the game. /// The compatibility status for the beta version of the game. /// Links to the available mod pages. /// The human-readable warnings for players about this mod. /// The URL of the pull request which submits changes for an unofficial update to the author, if any. /// Special notes intended for developers who maintain unofficial updates or submit pull requests. /// A unique identifier for the mod that can be used in an anchor URL. [JsonConstructor] public ModModel(string? name, string alternateNames, string author, string alternateAuthors, string gitHubRepo, string sourceUrl, ModCompatibilityModel compatibility, ModCompatibilityModel betaCompatibility, ModLinkModel[] modPages, string[] warnings, string pullRequestUrl, string devNote, string slug) { this.Name = name; this.AlternateNames = alternateNames; this.Author = author; this.AlternateAuthors = alternateAuthors; this.GitHubRepo = gitHubRepo; this.SourceUrl = sourceUrl; this.Compatibility = compatibility; this.BetaCompatibility = betaCompatibility; this.ModPages = modPages; this.Warnings = warnings; this.PullRequestUrl = pullRequestUrl; this.DevNote = devNote; this.Slug = slug; } /// Construct an instance. /// The mod metadata. public ModModel(WikiModEntry entry) { // basic info this.Name = entry.Name.FirstOrDefault(); this.AlternateNames = string.Join(", ", entry.Name.Skip(1).ToArray()); this.Author = entry.Author.FirstOrDefault(); this.AlternateAuthors = string.Join(", ", entry.Author.Skip(1).ToArray()); this.GitHubRepo = entry.GitHubRepo; this.SourceUrl = this.GetSourceUrl(entry); this.Compatibility = new ModCompatibilityModel(entry.Compatibility); this.BetaCompatibility = entry.BetaCompatibility != null ? new ModCompatibilityModel(entry.BetaCompatibility) : null; this.ModPages = this.GetModPageUrls(entry).ToArray(); this.Warnings = entry.Warnings; this.PullRequestUrl = entry.PullRequestUrl; this.DevNote = entry.DevNote; this.Slug = entry.Anchor; } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Get the web URL for the mod's source code repository, if any. /// The mod metadata. private string? GetSourceUrl(WikiModEntry entry) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.GitHubRepo)) return $"{entry.GitHubRepo}"; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.CustomSourceUrl)) return entry.CustomSourceUrl; return null; } /// Get the web URLs for the mod pages, if any. /// The mod metadata. private IEnumerable GetModPageUrls(WikiModEntry entry) { bool anyFound = false; // normal mod pages if (entry.NexusID.HasValue) { anyFound = true; yield return new ModLinkModel($"{entry.NexusID}", "Nexus"); } if (entry.ModDropID.HasValue) { anyFound = true; yield return new ModLinkModel($"{entry.ModDropID}", "ModDrop"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.CurseForgeKey)) { anyFound = true; yield return new ModLinkModel($"{entry.CurseForgeKey}", "CurseForge"); } if (entry.ChucklefishID.HasValue) { anyFound = true; yield return new ModLinkModel($"{entry.ChucklefishID}", "Chucklefish"); } // fallback if (!anyFound && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.CustomUrl)) { anyFound = true; yield return new ModLinkModel(entry.CustomUrl, "custom"); } if (!anyFound && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.GitHubRepo)) yield return new ModLinkModel($"{entry.GitHubRepo}/releases", "GitHub"); } } }