@using StardewModdingAPI.Web.ViewModels.JsonValidator @model JsonValidatorModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "JSON validator"; } @section Head { @if (Model.PasteID != null) { } } @* upload result banner *@ @if (Model.UploadError != null) { } else if (Model.ParseError != null) { } else if (Model.PasteID != null) { } @* upload new file *@ @if (Model.Content == null) {

Upload a JSON file

  1. Choose the JSON format:
  2. Drag the file onto this textbox (or paste the text in):
  3. Click this button:
} @* validation results *@ @if (Model.Content != null) {
@if (Model.UploadError == null) {
Change JSON format:

Validation errors

@if (Model.FormatUrl != null) {

See format documentation.

} @if (Model.Errors.Any()) { @foreach (JsonValidatorErrorModel error in Model.Errors) { }
Line Field Error
@error.Line @error.Path @error.Message
} else {

No errors found.

} }

Raw content
