/* globals $, Vue */ /** * The global SMAPI module. */ var smapi = smapi || {}; /** * The Vue app for the current page. * @type {Vue} */ var app; // Use a scroll event to apply a sticky effect to the filters / pagination // bar. We can't just use "position: sticky" due to how the page is structured // but this works well enough. $(function () { let sticking = false; document.addEventListener("scroll", function () { const filters = document.getElementById("filters"); const holder = document.getElementById("filterHolder"); if (!filters || !holder) return; const offset = holder.offsetTop; const shouldStick = window.pageYOffset > offset; if (shouldStick === sticking) return; sticking = shouldStick; if (sticking) { holder.style.marginBottom = `calc(1em + ${filters.offsetHeight}px)`; filters.classList.add("sticky"); } else { filters.classList.remove("sticky"); holder.style.marginBottom = ""; } }); }); /** * Initialize a log parser view on the current page. * @param {object} state The state options to use. * @returns {void} */ smapi.logParser = function (state) { if (!state) state = {}; // internal helpers const helpers = { /** * Get a handler which invokes the callback after a set delay, resetting the delay each time it's called. * @param {(...*) => void} action The callback to invoke when the delay ends. * @param {number} delay The number of milliseconds to delay the action after each call. * @returns {() => void} */ getDebouncedHandler(action, delay) { let timeoutId = null; return function () { clearTimeout(timeoutId); const args = arguments; const self = this; timeoutId = setTimeout( function () { action.apply(self, args); }, delay ); } }, /** * Escape regex special characters in the given string. * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ escapeRegex(text) { return text.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); }, /** * Format a number for the user's locale. * @param {number} value The number to format. * @returns {string} */ formatNumber(value) { const formatter = window.Intl && Intl.NumberFormat && new Intl.NumberFormat(); return formatter && formatter.format ? formatter.format(value) : `${value}`; } }; // internal event handlers const handlers = { /** * Method called when the user clicks a log line to toggle the visibility of a section. Binding methods is problematic with functional components so we just use the `data-section` parameter and our global reference to the app. * @param {any} event * @returns {false} */ clickLogLine(event) { app.toggleSection(event.currentTarget.dataset.section); event.preventDefault(); return false; }, /** * Navigate to the previous page of messages in the log. * @returns {void} */ prevPage() { app.prevPage(); }, /** * Navigate to the next page of messages in the log. * @returns {void} */ nextPage() { app.nextPage(); }, /** * Handle a click on a page number element. * @param {number | Event} event * @returns {void} */ changePage(event) { if (typeof event === "number") app.changePage(event); else if (event) { const page = parseInt(event.currentTarget.dataset.page); if (!isNaN(page) && isFinite(page)) app.changePage(page); } } }; // internal filter counts const stats = state.stats = { modsShown: 0, modsHidden: 0 }; function updateModFilters() { // counts stats.modsShown = 0; stats.modsHidden = 0; for (let key in state.showMods) { if (state.showMods.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (state.showMods[key]) stats.modsShown++; else stats.modsHidden++; } } } // load raw log data { const dataElement = document.querySelector(state.dataElement); state.data = JSON.parse(dataElement.textContent.trim()); dataElement.remove(); // let browser unload the data element since we won't need it anymore } // preprocess data for display state.messages = state.data.messages || []; if (state.messages.length) { const levels = state.data.logLevels; const sections = state.data.sections; const modSlugs = state.data.modSlugs; for (let i = 0, length = state.messages.length; i < length; i++) { const message = state.messages[i]; // add unique ID message.id = i; // add display values message.LevelName = levels[message.Level]; message.SectionName = sections[message.Section]; message.ModSlug = modSlugs[message.Mod] || message.Mod; // For repeated messages, since our component // can't return two rows, just insert a second message // which will display as the message repeated notice. if (message.Repeated > 0 && !message.isRepeated) { const repeatNote = { id: i + 1, Level: message.Level, Section: message.Section, Mod: message.Mod, Repeated: message.Repeated, isRepeated: true }; state.messages.splice(i + 1, 0, repeatNote); length++; } // let Vue know the message won't change, so it doesn't need to monitor it Object.freeze(message); } } Object.freeze(state.messages); // set local time started if (state.logStarted) state.localTimeStarted = ("0" + state.logStarted.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0" + state.logStarted.getMinutes()).slice(-2); // add the properties we're passing to Vue state.totalMessages = state.messages.length; state.filterText = ""; state.filterRegex = ""; state.showContentPacks = true; state.useHighlight = true; state.useRegex = false; state.useInsensitive = true; state.useWord = false; state.perPage = 1000; state.page = 1; // load saved values, if any if (localStorage.settings) { try { const saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.settings); state.showContentPacks = saved.showContentPacks ?? state.showContentPacks; state.useHighlight = saved.useHighlight ?? state.useHighlight; state.useRegex = saved.useRegex ?? state.useRegex; state.useInsensitive = saved.useInsensitive ?? state.useInsensitive; state.useWord = saved.useWord ?? state.useWord; } catch (error) { // ignore settings if invalid } } // add a number formatter so our numbers look nicer Vue.filter("number", handlers.formatNumber); // Strictly speaking, we don't need this. However, due to the way our // Vue template is living in-page the browser is "helpful" and moves // our s outside of a basic since obviously they // aren't table rows and don't belong inside a table. By using another // Vue component, we avoid that. Vue.component("log-table", { functional: true, render: function (createElement, context) { return createElement( "table", { attrs: { id: "log" } }, context.children ); } }); // The component draws a nice message under the filters // telling a user how many messages match their filters, and also expands // on how many of them they're seeing because of pagination. Vue.component("filter-stats", { functional: true, render: function (createElement, context) { const props = context.props; if (props.pages > 1) { return createElement( "div", { class: "stats" }, [ "showing ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.start + 1)), " to ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.end)), " of ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.filtered)), " (total: ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.total)), ")" ] ); } return createElement( "div", { class: "stats" }, [ "showing ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.filtered)), " out of ", createElement("strong", helpers.formatNumber(props.total)) ] ); } }); // Next up we have which renders the pagination list. This has a // helper method to make building the list of links easier. function addPageLink(page, links, visited, createElement, currentPage) { if (visited.has(page)) return; if (page > 1 && !visited.has(page - 1)) links.push(" … "); visited.add(page); links.push(createElement( "span", { class: page === currentPage ? "active" : null, attrs: { "data-page": page }, on: { click: handlers.changePage } }, helpers.formatNumber(page) )); } Vue.component("pager", { functional: true, render: function (createElement, context) { const props = context.props; if (props.pages <= 1) return null; const visited = new Set(); const pageLinks = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) addPageLink(i, pageLinks, visited, createElement, props.page); for (let i = props.page - 2; i <= props.page + 2; i++) { if (i >= 1 && i <= props.pages) addPageLink(i, pageLinks, visited, createElement, props.page); } for (let i = props.pages - 2; i <= props.pages; i++) { if (i >= 1) addPageLink(i, pageLinks, visited, createElement, props.page); } return createElement( "div", { class: "pager" }, [ createElement( "span", { class: props.page <= 1 ? "disabled" : null, on: { click: handlers.prevPage } }, "Prev" ), " ", "Page ", helpers.formatNumber(props.page), " of ", helpers.formatNumber(props.pages), " ", createElement( "span", { class: props.page >= props.pages ? "disabled" : null, on: { click: handlers.nextPage } }, "Next" ), createElement("div", {}, pageLinks) ] ); } }); // Our functional component draws each log line. Vue.component("log-line", { functional: true, props: { showScreenId: { type: Boolean, required: true }, message: { type: Object, required: true }, highlight: { type: Boolean, required: false } }, render: function (createElement, context) { const message = context.props.message; const level = message.LevelName; if (message.isRepeated) return createElement( "tr", { class: [ "mod", level, "mod-repeat" ] }, [ createElement( "td", { attrs: { colspan: context.props.showScreenId ? 4 : 3 } }, "" ), createElement("td", `repeats ${message.Repeated} times`) ] ); const events = {}; let toggleMessage; if (message.IsStartOfSection) { const visible = message.SectionName && window.app && app.sectionsAllow(message.SectionName); events.click = handlers.clickLogLine; toggleMessage = visible ? "This section is shown. Click here to hide it." : "This section is hidden. Click here to show it."; } let text = message.Text; const filter = window.app && app.filterRegex; if (text && filter && context.props.highlight) { text = []; let match; let consumed = 0; let index = 0; filter.lastIndex = -1; // Our logic to highlight the text is a bit funky because we // want to group consecutive matches to avoid a situation // where a ton of single characters are in their own elements // if the user gives us bad input. while (true) { match = filter.exec(message.Text); if (!match) break; // Do we have an area of non-matching text? This // happens if the new match's index is further // along than the last index. if (match.index > index) { // Alright, do we have a previous match? If // we do, we need to consume some text. if (consumed < index) text.push(createElement("strong", {}, message.Text.slice(consumed, index))); text.push(message.Text.slice(index, match.index)); consumed = match.index; } index = match.index + match[0].length; } // Add any trailing text after the last match was found. if (consumed < message.Text.length) { if (consumed < index) text.push(createElement("strong", {}, message.Text.slice(consumed, index))); if (index < message.Text.length) text.push(message.Text.slice(index)); } } return createElement( "tr", { class: [ "mod", level, message.IsStartOfSection ? "section-start" : null ], attrs: { "data-section": message.SectionName }, on: events }, [ createElement("td", message.Time), context.props.showScreenId ? createElement("td", message.ScreenId) : null, createElement("td", level.toUpperCase()), createElement( "td", { attrs: { "data-title": message.Mod } }, message.Mod ), createElement( "td", [ createElement( "span", { class: "log-message-text" }, text ), message.IsStartOfSection ? createElement( "span", { class: "section-toggle-message" }, [ " ", toggleMessage ] ) : null ] ) ] ); } }); // init app app = new Vue({ el: "#output", data: state, computed: { anyModsHidden: function () { return stats.modsHidden > 0; }, anyModsShown: function () { return stats.modsShown > 0; }, showScreenId: function () { return this.data.screenIds.length > 1; }, // Maybe not strictly necessary, but the Vue template is being // weird about accessing data entries on the app rather than // computed properties. hideContentPacks: function () { return !state.showContentPacks; }, // Filter messages for visibility. filterUseRegex: function () { return state.useRegex; }, filterInsensitive: function () { return state.useInsensitive; }, filterUseWord: function () { return state.useWord; }, shouldHighlight: function () { return state.useHighlight; }, filteredMessages: function () { if (!state.messages) return []; const start = performance.now(); const filtered = []; // This is slightly faster than messages.filter(), which is // important when working with absolutely huge logs. for (let i = 0, length = state.messages.length; i < length; i++) { const msg = state.messages[i]; if (msg.SectionName && !msg.IsStartOfSection && !this.sectionsAllow(msg.SectionName)) continue; if (!this.filtersAllow(msg.ModSlug, msg.LevelName)) continue; const text = msg.Text || (i > 0 ? state.messages[i - 1].Text : null); if (this.filterRegex) { this.filterRegex.lastIndex = -1; if (!text || !this.filterRegex.test(text)) continue; } else if (this.filterText && (!text || text.indexOf(this.filterText) === -1)) continue; filtered.push(msg); } const end = performance.now(); //console.log(`applied ${(this.filterRegex ? "regex" : "text")} filter '${this.filterRegex || this.filterText}' in ${end - start}ms`); return filtered; }, // And the rest are about pagination. start: function () { return (this.page - 1) * state.perPage; }, end: function () { return this.start + this.visibleMessages.length; }, totalPages: function () { return Math.ceil(this.filteredMessages.length / state.perPage); }, // visibleMessages: function () { if (this.totalPages <= 1) return this.filteredMessages; const start = this.start; const end = start + state.perPage; return this.filteredMessages.slice(start, end); } }, created: function () { window.addEventListener("popstate", () => this.loadFromUrl()); this.loadFromUrl(); }, methods: { // Mostly I wanted people to know they can override the PerPage // message count with a URL parameter, but we can read Page too. // In the future maybe we should read *all* filter state so a // user can link to their exact page state for someone else? loadFromUrl: function () { const params = new URL(location).searchParams; if (params.has("PerPage")) { const perPage = parseInt(params.get("PerPage")); if (!isNaN(perPage) && isFinite(perPage) && perPage > 0) state.perPage = perPage; } if (params.has("Page")) { const page = parseInt(params.get("Page")); if (!isNaN(page) && isFinite(page) && page > 0) this.page = page; } }, toggleLevel: function (id) { if (!state.enableFilters) return; this.showLevels[id] = !this.showLevels[id]; }, toggleContentPacks: function () { state.showContentPacks = !state.showContentPacks; this.saveSettings(); }, toggleFilterUseRegex: function () { state.useRegex = !state.useRegex; this.saveSettings(); this.updateFilterText(); }, toggleFilterInsensitive: function () { state.useInsensitive = !state.useInsensitive; this.saveSettings(); this.updateFilterText(); }, toggleFilterWord: function () { state.useWord = !state.useWord; this.saveSettings(); this.updateFilterText(); }, toggleHighlight: function () { state.useHighlight = !state.useHighlight; this.saveSettings(); }, prevPage: function () { if (this.page <= 1) return; this.page--; this.updateUrl(); }, nextPage: function () { if (this.page >= this.totalPages) return; this.page++; this.updateUrl(); }, changePage: function (page) { if (page < 1 || page > this.totalPages) return; this.page = page; this.updateUrl(); }, // Persist settings into localStorage for use the next time // the user opens a log. saveSettings: function () { localStorage.settings = JSON.stringify({ showContentPacks: state.showContentPacks, useRegex: state.useRegex, useInsensitive: state.useInsensitive, useWord: state.useWord, useHighlight: state.useHighlight }); }, // Whenever the page is changed, replace the current page URL. Using // replaceState rather than pushState to avoid filling the tab history // with tons of useless history steps the user probably doesn't // really care about. updateUrl: function () { const url = new URL(location); url.searchParams.set("Page", state.page); url.searchParams.set("PerPage", state.perPage); window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, url.toString()); }, // We don't want to update the filter text often, so use a debounce with // a quarter second delay. We basically always build a regular expression // since we use it for highlighting, and it also make case insensitivity // much easier. updateFilterText: helpers.getDebouncedHandler( function () { let text = this.filterText = document.querySelector("input[type=text]").value; if (!text || !text.length) { this.filterText = ""; this.filterRegex = null; } else { if (!state.useRegex) text = helpers.escapeRegex(text); this.filterRegex = new RegExp( state.useWord ? `\\b${text}\\b` : text, state.useInsensitive ? "ig" : "g" ); } }, 250 ), toggleMod: function (id) { if (!state.enableFilters) return; const curShown = this.showMods[id]; // first filter: only show this by default if (stats.modsHidden === 0) { this.hideAllMods(); this.showMods[id] = true; } // unchecked last filter: reset else if (stats.modsShown === 1 && curShown) this.showAllMods(); // else toggle else this.showMods[id] = !this.showMods[id]; updateModFilters(); }, toggleSection: function (name) { if (!state.enableFilters) return; this.showSections[name] = !this.showSections[name]; }, showAllMods: function () { if (!state.enableFilters) return; for (let key in this.showMods) { if (this.showMods.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.showMods[key] = true; } } updateModFilters(); }, hideAllMods: function () { if (!state.enableFilters) return; for (let key in this.showMods) { if (this.showMods.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this.showMods[key] = false; } } updateModFilters(); }, filtersAllow: function (modId, level) { return this.showMods[modId] !== false && this.showLevels[level] !== false; }, sectionsAllow: function (section) { return this.showSections[section] !== false; } } }); /********** ** Upload form *********/ const input = $("#input"); if (input.length) { // file upload smapi.fileUpload({ chooseFileLink: $("#choose-file-link"), chooseFileInput: $("#inputFile"), contentArea: input, submitButton: $("#submit") }); } };