using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Mono.Cecil;
using StardewModdingAPI.Enums;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Utilities;
using StardewValley;
namespace StardewModdingAPI
/// Contains constants that are accessed before the game itself has been loaded.
/// Most code should use instead of this class directly.
internal static class EarlyConstants
// Note: this class *must not* depend on any external DLL beyond .NET Framework itself.
// That includes the game or SMAPI toolkit, since it's accessed before those are loaded.
// Adding an external dependency may seem to work in some cases, but will prevent SMAPI
// from showing a human-readable error if the game isn't available. To test this, just
// rename "Stardew Valley.exe" in the game folder; you should see an error like "Oops!
// SMAPI can't find the game", not a technical exception.
** Accessors
/// The path to the game folder.
public static string ExecutionPath { get; } = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
/// The absolute path to the folder containing SMAPI's internal files.
public static readonly string InternalFilesPath = Path.Combine(EarlyConstants.ExecutionPath, "smapi-internal");
/// The target game platform.
internal static GamePlatform Platform { get; } = (GamePlatform)Enum.Parse(typeof(GamePlatform), LowLevelEnvironmentUtility.DetectPlatform());
/// Whether SMAPI is being compiled for Windows with a 64-bit Linux version of the game. This is highly specialized and shouldn't be used in most cases.
internal static bool IsWindows64BitHack { get; } =
/// The game framework running the game.
internal static GameFramework GameFramework { get; } =
/// The game's assembly name.
internal static string GameAssemblyName => EarlyConstants.Platform == GamePlatform.Windows && !EarlyConstants.IsWindows64BitHack ? "Stardew Valley" : "StardewValley";
/// The value which should appear in the SMAPI log, if any.
internal static int? LogScreenId { get; set; }
/// SMAPI's current raw semantic version.
internal static string RawApiVersion = "3.12.2";
/// Contains SMAPI's constants and assumptions.
public static class Constants
** Accessors
** Public
/// SMAPI's current semantic version.
public static ISemanticVersion ApiVersion { get; } = new Toolkit.SemanticVersion(EarlyConstants.RawApiVersion);
/// The minimum supported version of Stardew Valley.
public static ISemanticVersion MinimumGameVersion { get; } = new GameVersion("1.5.4");
/// The maximum supported version of Stardew Valley.
public static ISemanticVersion MaximumGameVersion { get; } = null;
/// The target game platform.
public static GamePlatform TargetPlatform { get; } = EarlyConstants.Platform;
/// The game framework running the game.
public static GameFramework GameFramework { get; } = EarlyConstants.GameFramework;
/// The path to the game folder.
public static string ExecutionPath { get; } = EarlyConstants.ExecutionPath;
/// The directory path containing Stardew Valley's app data.
public static string DataPath { get; } = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "StardewValley");
/// The directory path in which error logs should be stored.
public static string LogDir { get; } = Path.Combine(Constants.DataPath, "ErrorLogs");
/// The directory path where all saves are stored.
public static string SavesPath { get; } = Path.Combine(Constants.DataPath, "Saves");
/// The name of the current save folder (if save info is available, regardless of whether the save file exists yet).
public static string SaveFolderName => Constants.GetSaveFolderName();
/// The absolute path to the current save folder (if save info is available and the save file exists).
public static string CurrentSavePath => Constants.GetSaveFolderPathIfExists();
** Internal
/// Whether SMAPI was compiled in debug mode.
internal const bool IsDebugBuild =
/// The URL of the SMAPI home page.
internal const string HomePageUrl = "";
/// The absolute path to the folder containing SMAPI's internal files.
internal static readonly string InternalFilesPath = EarlyConstants.InternalFilesPath;
/// The file path for the SMAPI configuration file.
internal static string ApiConfigPath => Path.Combine(Constants.InternalFilesPath, "config.json");
/// The file path for the overrides file for , which is applied over it.
internal static string ApiUserConfigPath => Path.Combine(Constants.InternalFilesPath, "config.user.json");
/// The file path for the SMAPI metadata file.
internal static string ApiMetadataPath => Path.Combine(Constants.InternalFilesPath, "metadata.json");
/// The filename prefix used for all SMAPI logs.
internal static string LogNamePrefix { get; } = "SMAPI-";
/// The filename for SMAPI's main log, excluding the .
internal static string LogFilename { get; } = $"{Constants.LogNamePrefix}latest";
/// The filename extension for SMAPI log files.
internal static string LogExtension { get; } = "txt";
/// The file path for the log containing the previous fatal crash, if any.
internal static string FatalCrashLog => Path.Combine(Constants.LogDir, "SMAPI-crash.txt");
/// The file path which stores a fatal crash message for the next run.
internal static string FatalCrashMarker => Path.Combine(Constants.InternalFilesPath, "StardewModdingAPI.crash.marker");
/// The file path which stores the detected update version for the next run.
internal static string UpdateMarker => Path.Combine(Constants.InternalFilesPath, "StardewModdingAPI.update.marker");
/// The default full path to search for mods.
internal static string DefaultModsPath { get; } = Path.Combine(Constants.ExecutionPath, "Mods");
/// The actual full path to search for mods.
internal static string ModsPath { get; set; }
/// The game's current semantic version.
internal static ISemanticVersion GameVersion { get; } = new GameVersion(Game1.version);
/// The target game platform as a SMAPI toolkit constant.
internal static Platform Platform { get; } = (Platform)Constants.TargetPlatform;
/// The language code for non-translated mod assets.
internal static LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode DefaultLanguage { get; } = LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en;
** Internal methods
/// Get the SMAPI version to recommend for an older game version, if any.
/// The game version to search.
/// Returns the compatible SMAPI version, or null if none was found.
internal static ISemanticVersion GetCompatibleApiVersion(ISemanticVersion version)
// This covers all officially supported public game updates. It might seem like version
// ranges would be better, but the given SMAPI versions may not be compatible with
// intermediate unlisted versions (e.g. private beta updates).
// Nonstandard versions are normalized by GameVersion (e.g. 1.07 => 1.0.7).
switch (version.ToString())
case "1.4.1":
case "1.4.0":
return new SemanticVersion("3.0.1");
case "1.3.36":
return new SemanticVersion("2.11.2");
case "1.3.33":
case "1.3.32":
return new SemanticVersion("2.10.2");
case "1.3.28":
return new SemanticVersion("2.7.0");
case "1.2.33":
case "1.2.32":
case "1.2.31":
case "1.2.30":
return new SemanticVersion("2.5.5");
case "1.2.29":
case "1.2.28":
case "1.2.27":
case "1.2.26":
return new SemanticVersion("1.13.1");
case "1.1.1":
case "1.1.0":
return new SemanticVersion("1.9.0");
case "":
case "1.0.7":
case "1.0.6":
case "":
case "":
case "1.0.5":
case "1.0.4":
case "1.0.3":
case "1.0.2":
case "1.0.1":
case "1.0.0":
return new SemanticVersion("0.40.0");
return null;
/// Configure the Mono.Cecil assembly resolver.
/// The assembly resolver.
internal static void ConfigureAssemblyResolver(AssemblyDefinitionResolver resolver)
// add search paths
// add SMAPI explicitly
// Normally this would be handled automatically by the search paths, but for some reason there's a specific
// case involving unofficial 64-bit Stardew Valley when launched through Steam (for some players only)
// where Mono.Cecil can't resolve references to SMAPI.
/// Get metadata for mapping assemblies to the current platform.
/// The target game platform.
/// The game framework running the game.
internal static PlatformAssemblyMap GetAssemblyMap(Platform targetPlatform, GameFramework framework)
var removeAssemblyReferences = new List();
var targetAssemblies = new List();
// get assembly renamed in SMAPI 3.0
// get changes for platform
if (Constants.Platform != Platform.Windows || EarlyConstants.IsWindows64BitHack)
"Stardew Valley"
typeof(StardewValley.Game1).Assembly // note: includes Netcode types on Linux/macOS
// get changes for game framework
switch (framework)
case GameFramework.MonoGame:
case GameFramework.Xna:
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown game framework '{framework}'.");
return new PlatformAssemblyMap(targetPlatform, removeAssemblyReferences.ToArray(), targetAssemblies.ToArray());
/// Get whether the game assembly was patched by Stardew64Installer.
/// The version of Stardew64Installer which was applied to the game assembly, if any.
internal static bool IsPatchedByStardew64Installer(out ISemanticVersion version)
PropertyInfo property = typeof(Game1).GetProperty("Stardew64InstallerVersion");
if (property == null)
version = null;
return false;
version = new SemanticVersion((string)property.GetValue(null));
return true;
** Private methods
/// Get the name of the save folder, if any.
private static string GetSaveFolderName()
return Constants.GetSaveFolder()?.Name;
/// Get the path to the current save folder, if any.
private static string GetSaveFolderPathIfExists()
DirectoryInfo saveFolder = Constants.GetSaveFolder();
return saveFolder?.Exists == true
? saveFolder.FullName
: null;
/// Get the current save folder, if any.
private static DirectoryInfo GetSaveFolder()
// save not available
if (Context.LoadStage == LoadStage.None)
return null;
// get basic info
string rawSaveName = Game1.GetSaveGameName(set_value: false);
ulong saveID = Context.LoadStage == LoadStage.SaveParsed
? SaveGame.loaded.uniqueIDForThisGame
: Game1.uniqueIDForThisGame;
// get best match (accounting for rare case where folder name isn't sanitized)
DirectoryInfo folder = null;
foreach (string saveName in new[] { rawSaveName, new string(rawSaveName.Where(char.IsLetterOrDigit).ToArray()) })
folder = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.SavesPath, $"{saveName}_{saveID}"));
if (folder.Exists)
return folder;
catch (ArgumentException)
// ignore invalid path
// if save doesn't exist yet, return the default one we expect to be created
return folder;