using System; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using StardewValley; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Events { /// Event arguments when a button is pressed or released. public class EventArgsInput : EventArgs { /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// The button on the controller, keyboard, or mouse. public SButton Button { get; } /// The current cursor position. public ICursorPosition Cursor { get; } /// Whether the input should trigger actions on the affected tile. public bool IsActionButton { get; } /// Whether the input should use tools on the affected tile. public bool IsUseToolButton { get; } /// Whether a mod has indicated the key was already handled. public bool IsSuppressed { get; private set; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The button on the controller, keyboard, or mouse. /// The cursor position. /// Whether the input should trigger actions on the affected tile. /// Whether the input should use tools on the affected tile. public EventArgsInput(SButton button, ICursorPosition cursor, bool isActionButton, bool isUseToolButton) { this.Button = button; this.Cursor = cursor; this.IsActionButton = isActionButton; this.IsUseToolButton = isUseToolButton; } /// Prevent the game from handling the vurrent button press. This doesn't prevent other mods from receiving the event. public void SuppressButton() { this.SuppressButton(this.Button); } /// Prevent the game from handling a button press. This doesn't prevent other mods from receiving the event. /// The button to suppress. public void SuppressButton(SButton button) { if (button == this.Button) this.IsSuppressed = true; // keyboard if (button.TryGetKeyboard(out Keys key)) Game1.oldKBState = new KeyboardState(Game1.oldKBState.GetPressedKeys().Union(new[] { key }).ToArray()); // controller else if (button.TryGetController(out Buttons controllerButton)) { var newState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); var thumbsticks = Game1.oldPadState.ThumbSticks; var triggers = Game1.oldPadState.Triggers; var buttons = Game1.oldPadState.Buttons; var dpad = Game1.oldPadState.DPad; switch (controllerButton) { // d-pad case Buttons.DPadDown: dpad = new GamePadDPad(dpad.Up, newState.DPad.Down, dpad.Left, dpad.Right); break; case Buttons.DPadLeft: dpad = new GamePadDPad(dpad.Up, dpad.Down, newState.DPad.Left, dpad.Right); break; case Buttons.DPadRight: dpad = new GamePadDPad(dpad.Up, dpad.Down, dpad.Left, newState.DPad.Right); break; case Buttons.DPadUp: dpad = new GamePadDPad(newState.DPad.Up, dpad.Down, dpad.Left, dpad.Right); break; // trigger case Buttons.LeftTrigger: triggers = new GamePadTriggers(newState.Triggers.Left, triggers.Right); break; case Buttons.RightTrigger: triggers = new GamePadTriggers(triggers.Left, newState.Triggers.Right); break; // thumbstick case Buttons.LeftThumbstickDown: case Buttons.LeftThumbstickLeft: case Buttons.LeftThumbstickRight: case Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp: thumbsticks = new GamePadThumbSticks(newState.ThumbSticks.Left, thumbsticks.Right); break; case Buttons.RightThumbstickDown: case Buttons.RightThumbstickLeft: case Buttons.RightThumbstickRight: case Buttons.RightThumbstickUp: thumbsticks = new GamePadThumbSticks(newState.ThumbSticks.Right, thumbsticks.Left); break; // buttons default: var mask = (buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.A : 0) | (buttons.B == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.B : 0) | (buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.Back : 0) | (buttons.BigButton == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.BigButton : 0) | (buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.LeftShoulder : 0) | (buttons.LeftStick == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.LeftStick : 0) | (buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.RightShoulder : 0) | (buttons.RightStick == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.RightStick : 0) | (buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.Start : 0) | (buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.X : 0) | (buttons.Y == ButtonState.Pressed ? Buttons.Y : 0); mask = mask ^ controllerButton; buttons = new GamePadButtons(mask); break; } Game1.oldPadState = new GamePadState(thumbsticks, triggers, buttons, dpad); } // mouse else if (button == SButton.MouseLeft || button == SButton.MouseMiddle || button == SButton.MouseRight || button == SButton.MouseX1 || button == SButton.MouseX2) { Game1.oldMouseState = new MouseState( x: Game1.oldMouseState.X, y: Game1.oldMouseState.Y, scrollWheel: Game1.oldMouseState.ScrollWheelValue, leftButton: button == SButton.MouseLeft ? ButtonState.Pressed : Game1.oldMouseState.LeftButton, middleButton: button == SButton.MouseMiddle ? ButtonState.Pressed : Game1.oldMouseState.MiddleButton, rightButton: button == SButton.MouseRight ? ButtonState.Pressed : Game1.oldMouseState.RightButton, xButton1: button == SButton.MouseX1 ? ButtonState.Pressed : Game1.oldMouseState.XButton1, xButton2: button == SButton.MouseX2 ? ButtonState.Pressed : Game1.oldMouseState.XButton2 ); } } } }