using System; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Events { /// <summary>Events raised for multiplayer messages and connections.</summary> public interface IMultiplayerEvents { /// <summary>Raised after the mod context for a peer is received. This happens before the game approves the connection (<see cref="PeerConnected"/>), so the player doesn't yet exist in the game. This is the earliest point where messages can be sent to the peer via SMAPI.</summary> event EventHandler<PeerContextReceivedEventArgs> PeerContextReceived; /// <summary>Raised after a peer connection is approved by the game.</summary> event EventHandler<PeerConnectedEventArgs> PeerConnected; /// <summary>Raised after a mod message is received over the network.</summary> event EventHandler<ModMessageReceivedEventArgs> ModMessageReceived; /// <summary>Raised after the connection with a peer is severed.</summary> event EventHandler<PeerDisconnectedEventArgs> PeerDisconnected; } }