using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Utilities; using xTile; using xTile.Layers; using xTile.Tiles; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Content { /// Encapsulates access and changes to image content being read from a data file. internal class AssetDataForMap : AssetData, IAssetDataForMap { /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The content's locale code, if the content is localized. /// The normalized asset name being read. /// The content data being read. /// Normalizes an asset key to match the cache key. /// A callback to invoke when the data is replaced (if any). public AssetDataForMap(string locale, string assetName, Map data, Func getNormalizedPath, Action onDataReplaced) : base(locale, assetName, data, getNormalizedPath, onDataReplaced) { } /// Copy layers, tiles, and tilesheets from another map onto the asset. /// The map from which to copy. /// The tile area within the source map to copy, or null for the entire source map size. This must be within the bounds of the map. /// The tile area within the target map to overwrite, or null to patch the whole map. The original content within this area will be erased. This must be within the bounds of the existing map. /// Derived from with a few changes: /// - can be applied directly to the maps when loading, before the location is created; /// - added support for source/target areas; /// - added disambiguation if source has a modified version of the same tilesheet, instead of copying tiles into the target tilesheet; /// - changed to always overwrite tiles within the target area (to avoid edge cases where some tiles are only partly applied); /// - fixed copying tilesheets (avoid "The specified TileSheet was not created for use with this map" error); /// - fixed tilesheets not added at the end (via z_ prefix), which can cause crashes in game code which depends on hardcoded tilesheet indexes; /// - fixed issue where different tilesheets are linked by ID. /// public void PatchMap(Map source, Rectangle? sourceArea = null, Rectangle? targetArea = null) { var target = this.Data; // get areas { Rectangle sourceBounds = this.GetMapArea(source); Rectangle targetBounds = this.GetMapArea(target); sourceArea ??= new Rectangle(0, 0, sourceBounds.Width, sourceBounds.Height); targetArea ??= new Rectangle(0, 0, Math.Min(sourceArea.Value.Width, targetBounds.Width), Math.Min(sourceArea.Value.Height, targetBounds.Height)); // validate if (sourceArea.Value.X < 0 || sourceArea.Value.Y < 0 || sourceArea.Value.Right > sourceBounds.Width || sourceArea.Value.Bottom > sourceBounds.Height) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(sourceArea), $"The source area ({sourceArea}) is outside the bounds of the source map ({sourceBounds})."); if (targetArea.Value.X < 0 || targetArea.Value.Y < 0 || targetArea.Value.Right > targetBounds.Width || targetArea.Value.Bottom > targetBounds.Height) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetArea), $"The target area ({targetArea}) is outside the bounds of the target map ({targetBounds})."); if (sourceArea.Value.Width != targetArea.Value.Width || sourceArea.Value.Height != targetArea.Value.Height) throw new InvalidOperationException($"The source area ({sourceArea}) and target area ({targetArea}) must be the same size."); } // apply tilesheets IDictionary tilesheetMap = new Dictionary(); foreach (TileSheet sourceSheet in source.TileSheets) { // copy tilesheets TileSheet targetSheet = target.GetTileSheet(sourceSheet.Id); if (targetSheet == null || this.NormalizeTilesheetPathForComparison(targetSheet.ImageSource) != this.NormalizeTilesheetPathForComparison(sourceSheet.ImageSource)) { // change ID if needed so new tilesheets are added after vanilla ones (to avoid errors in hardcoded game logic) string id = sourceSheet.Id; if (!id.StartsWith("z_", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) id = $"z_{id}"; // change ID if it conflicts with an existing tilesheet if (target.GetTileSheet(id) != null) { int disambiguator = Enumerable.Range(2, int.MaxValue - 1).First(p => target.GetTileSheet($"{id}_{p}") == null); id = $"{id}_{disambiguator}"; } // add tilesheet targetSheet = new TileSheet(id, target, sourceSheet.ImageSource, sourceSheet.SheetSize, sourceSheet.TileSize); for (int i = 0, tileCount = sourceSheet.TileCount; i < tileCount; ++i) targetSheet.TileIndexProperties[i].CopyFrom(sourceSheet.TileIndexProperties[i]); target.AddTileSheet(targetSheet); } tilesheetMap[sourceSheet] = targetSheet; } // get layer map IDictionary layerMap = source.Layers.ToDictionary(p => p, p => target.GetLayer(p.Id)); // apply tiles for (int x = 0; x < sourceArea.Value.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < sourceArea.Value.Height; y++) { // calculate tile positions Point sourcePos = new Point(sourceArea.Value.X + x, sourceArea.Value.Y + y); Point targetPos = new Point(targetArea.Value.X + x, targetArea.Value.Y + y); // merge layers foreach (Layer sourceLayer in source.Layers) { // get layer Layer targetLayer = layerMap[sourceLayer]; if (targetLayer == null) { target.AddLayer(targetLayer = new Layer(sourceLayer.Id, target, target.Layers[0].LayerSize, Layer.m_tileSize)); layerMap[sourceLayer] = target.GetLayer(sourceLayer.Id); } // copy layer properties targetLayer.Properties.CopyFrom(sourceLayer.Properties); // copy tiles Tile sourceTile = sourceLayer.Tiles[sourcePos.X, sourcePos.Y]; Tile targetTile; switch (sourceTile) { case StaticTile _: targetTile = new StaticTile(targetLayer, tilesheetMap[sourceTile.TileSheet], sourceTile.BlendMode, sourceTile.TileIndex); break; case AnimatedTile animatedTile: { StaticTile[] tileFrames = new StaticTile[animatedTile.TileFrames.Length]; for (int frame = 0; frame < animatedTile.TileFrames.Length; ++frame) { StaticTile frameTile = animatedTile.TileFrames[frame]; tileFrames[frame] = new StaticTile(targetLayer, tilesheetMap[frameTile.TileSheet], frameTile.BlendMode, frameTile.TileIndex); } targetTile = new AnimatedTile(targetLayer, tileFrames, animatedTile.FrameInterval); } break; default: // null or unhandled type targetTile = null; break; } targetTile?.Properties.CopyFrom(sourceTile.Properties); targetLayer.Tiles[targetPos.X, targetPos.Y] = targetTile; } } } } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Normalize a map tilesheet path for comparison. This value should *not* be used as the actual tilesheet path. /// The path to normalize. private string NormalizeTilesheetPathForComparison(string path) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path)) return string.Empty; path = PathUtilities.NormalizePathSeparators(path.Trim()); if (path.StartsWith($"Maps{PathUtilities.PreferredPathSeparator}", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) path = path.Substring($"Maps{PathUtilities.PreferredPathSeparator}".Length); if (path.EndsWith(".png", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 4); return path; } /// Get a rectangle which encompasses all layers for a map. /// The map to check. private Rectangle GetMapArea(Map map) { // get max map size int maxWidth = 0; int maxHeight = 0; foreach (Layer layer in map.Layers) { if (layer.LayerWidth > maxWidth) maxWidth = layer.LayerWidth; if (layer.LayerHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = layer.LayerHeight; } return new Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight); } } }