using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Content;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection;
using StardewValley;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers
/// A content manager which handles reading files from a SMAPI mod folder with support for unpacked files.
internal abstract class BaseContentManager : LocalizedContentManager, IContentManager
** Fields
/// The central coordinator which manages content managers.
protected readonly ContentCoordinator Coordinator;
/// The underlying asset cache.
protected readonly ContentCache Cache;
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging.
protected readonly IMonitor Monitor;
/// Simplifies access to private code.
protected readonly Reflector Reflection;
/// Whether to automatically try resolving keys to a localized form if available.
protected bool TryLocalizeKeys = true;
/// Whether the content coordinator has been disposed.
private bool IsDisposed;
/// A callback to invoke when the content manager is being disposed.
private readonly Action OnDisposing;
/// A list of disposable assets.
private readonly List> Disposables = new();
/// The disposable assets tracked by the base content manager.
/// This should be kept empty to avoid keeping disposable assets referenced forever, which prevents garbage collection when they're unused. Disposable assets are tracked by instead, which avoids a hard reference.
private readonly List BaseDisposableReferences;
** Accessors
public string Name { get; }
public LanguageCode Language => this.GetCurrentLanguage();
public string FullRootDirectory => Path.Combine(Constants.GamePath, this.RootDirectory);
public bool IsNamespaced { get; }
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// A name for the mod manager. Not guaranteed to be unique.
/// The service provider to use to locate services.
/// The root directory to search for content.
/// The current culture for which to localize content.
/// The central coordinator which manages content managers.
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging.
/// Simplifies access to private code.
/// A callback to invoke when the content manager is being disposed.
/// Whether this content manager handles managed asset keys (e.g. to load assets from a mod folder).
protected BaseContentManager(string name, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory, CultureInfo currentCulture, ContentCoordinator coordinator, IMonitor monitor, Reflector reflection, Action onDisposing, bool isNamespaced)
: base(serviceProvider, rootDirectory, currentCulture)
// init
this.Name = name;
this.Coordinator = coordinator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(coordinator));
// ReSharper disable once VirtualMemberCallInConstructor -- LoadedAssets isn't overridden by SMAPI or Stardew Valley
this.Cache = new ContentCache(this.LoadedAssets);
this.Monitor = monitor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monitor));
this.Reflection = reflection;
this.OnDisposing = onDisposing;
this.IsNamespaced = isNamespaced;
// get asset data
this.BaseDisposableReferences = reflection.GetField?>(this, "disposableAssets").GetValue()
?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't initialize content manager: the required 'disposableAssets' field wasn't found.");
public virtual bool DoesAssetExist(IAssetName assetName)
where T : notnull
return this.Cache.ContainsKey(assetName.Name);
[Obsolete("This method is implemented for the base game and should not be used directly. To load an asset from the underlying content manager directly, use " + nameof(BaseContentManager.RawLoad) + " instead.")]
public sealed override T LoadBase(string assetName)
return this.Load(assetName, LanguageCode.en);
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse", Justification = "Copied as-is from game code")]
public sealed override string LoadBaseString(string path)
// copied as-is from LocalizedContentManager.LoadBaseString
// This is only changed to call this.Load instead of base.Load, to support mod assets
this.ParseStringPath(path, out string assetName, out string key);
Dictionary strings = this.Load>(assetName, LanguageCode.en);
return strings != null && strings.ContainsKey(key)
? this.GetString(strings, key)
: path;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed loading string path '{path}' from '{this.Name}'.", ex);
public sealed override T Load(string assetName)
return this.Load(assetName, this.Language);
public sealed override T Load(string assetName, LanguageCode language)
assetName = this.PrenormalizeRawAssetName(assetName);
IAssetName parsedName = this.Coordinator.ParseAssetName(assetName, allowLocales: this.TryLocalizeKeys);
return this.LoadLocalized(parsedName, language, useCache: true);
public T LoadLocalized(IAssetName assetName, LanguageCode language, bool useCache)
where T : notnull
// ignore locale in English (or if disabled)
if (!this.TryLocalizeKeys || language == LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en)
return this.LoadExact(assetName, useCache: useCache);
// check for localized asset
if (!LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames.TryGetValue(assetName.Name, out _))
string localeCode = this.LanguageCodeString(language);
IAssetName localizedName = new AssetName(baseName: assetName.BaseName, localeCode: localeCode, languageCode: language);
T data = this.LoadExact(localizedName, useCache: useCache);
LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames[assetName.Name] = localizedName.Name;
return data;
catch (ContentLoadException)
localizedName = new AssetName(assetName.BaseName + "_international", null, null);
T data = this.LoadExact(localizedName, useCache: useCache);
LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames[assetName.Name] = localizedName.Name;
return data;
catch (ContentLoadException)
LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames[assetName.Name] = assetName.Name;
// use cached key
string rawName = LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames[assetName.Name];
if (assetName.Name != rawName)
assetName = this.Coordinator.ParseAssetName(rawName, allowLocales: this.TryLocalizeKeys);
return this.LoadExact(assetName, useCache: useCache);
public abstract T LoadExact(IAssetName assetName, bool useCache)
where T : notnull;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ParameterOnlyUsedForPreconditionCheck.Local", Justification = "Parameter is only used for assertion checks by design.")]
public string AssertAndNormalizeAssetName(string? assetName)
// NOTE: the game checks for ContentLoadException to handle invalid keys, so avoid
// throwing other types like ArgumentException here.
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(assetName))
throw new SContentLoadException(ContentLoadErrorType.InvalidName, "The asset key or local path is empty.");
if (assetName.Intersect(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()).Any())
throw new SContentLoadException(ContentLoadErrorType.InvalidName, "The asset key or local path contains invalid characters.");
return this.Cache.NormalizeKey(assetName);
** Content loading
public string GetLocale()
return this.GetLocale(this.GetCurrentLanguage());
public string GetLocale(LanguageCode language)
return this.LanguageCodeString(language);
public bool IsLoaded(IAssetName assetName)
return this.Cache.ContainsKey(assetName.Name);
** Cache invalidation
public IDictionary InvalidateCache(Func predicate, bool dispose = false)
IDictionary removeAssets = new Dictionary(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
this.Cache.Remove((key, asset) =>
string baseAssetName = this.Coordinator.ParseAssetName(key, allowLocales: this.TryLocalizeKeys).BaseName;
// check if asset should be removed
bool remove = removeAssets.ContainsKey(baseAssetName);
if (!remove && predicate(baseAssetName, asset.GetType()))
removeAssets[baseAssetName] = asset;
remove = true;
return remove;
}, dispose);
return removeAssets;
protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
// ignore if disposed
if (this.IsDisposed)
this.IsDisposed = true;
// dispose uncached assets
foreach (WeakReference reference in this.Disposables)
if (reference.TryGetTarget(out IDisposable? disposable))
catch { /* ignore dispose errors */ }
// raise event
public override void Unload()
if (this.IsDisposed)
return; // base logic doesn't allow unloading twice, which happens due to SMAPI and the game both unloading
** Private methods
/// Apply initial normalization to a raw asset name before it's parsed.
/// The asset name to normalize.
[return: NotNullIfNotNull("assetName")]
private string? PrenormalizeRawAssetName(string? assetName)
// trim
assetName = assetName?.Trim();
// For legacy reasons, mods can pass .xnb file extensions to the content pipeline which
// are then stripped. This will be re-added as needed when reading from raw files.
if (assetName?.EndsWith(".xnb") == true)
assetName = assetName[..^".xnb".Length];
return assetName;
/// Normalize path separators in a file path. For asset keys, see instead.
/// The file path to normalize.
[return: NotNullIfNotNull("path")]
protected string? NormalizePathSeparators(string? path)
return this.Cache.NormalizePathSeparators(path);
/// Load an asset file directly from the underlying content manager.
/// The type of asset to load.
/// The normalized asset key.
/// Whether to read/write the loaded asset to the asset cache.
protected virtual T RawLoad(IAssetName assetName, bool useCache)
return useCache
? base.LoadBase(assetName.Name)
: this.ReadAsset(assetName.Name, disposable => this.Disposables.Add(new WeakReference(disposable)));
/// Add tracking data to an asset and add it to the cache.
/// The type of asset to inject.
/// The asset path relative to the loader root directory, not including the .xnb extension.
/// The asset value.
/// Whether to save the asset to the asset cache.
protected virtual void TrackAsset(IAssetName assetName, T value, bool useCache)
where T : notnull
// track asset key
if (value is Texture2D texture)
texture.Name = assetName.Name;
// save to cache
// Note: even if the asset was loaded and cached right before this method was called,
// we need to fully re-inject it because a mod editor may have changed the asset in a
// way that doesn't change the instance stored in the cache, e.g. using
// `asset.ReplaceWith`.
if (useCache)
this.Cache[assetName.Name] = value;
// avoid hard disposable references; see remarks on the field
** Private methods copied from the game code
#pragma warning disable CS1574 // can't be resolved: the reference is valid but private
/// Parse a string path like assetName:key.
/// The string path.
/// The extracted asset name.
/// The extracted entry key.
/// The string path is not in a valid format.
/// This is copied as-is from .
private void ParseStringPath(string path, out string assetName, out string key)
int length = path.IndexOf(':');
assetName = length != -1 ? path.Substring(0, length) : throw new ContentLoadException("Unable to parse string path: " + path);
key = path.Substring(length + 1, path.Length - length - 1);
/// Get a string value from a dictionary asset.
/// The asset to read.
/// The string key to find.
/// This is copied as-is from .
private string GetString(Dictionary strings, string key)
return strings.TryGetValue(key + ".desktop", out string? str)
? str
: strings[key];
#pragma warning restore CS1574