using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using StardewModdingAPI.Events; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Content; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Utilities; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal; using StardewValley; using xTile; using xTile.Tiles; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers { /// A content manager which handles reading files from the game content folder with support for interception. internal class GameContentManager : BaseContentManager { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// The assets currently being intercepted by instances. This is used to prevent infinite loops when a loader loads a new asset. private readonly ContextHash AssetsBeingLoaded = new(); /// Whether the next load is the first for any game content manager. private static bool IsFirstLoad = true; /// A callback to invoke the first time *any* game content manager loads an asset. private readonly Action OnLoadingFirstAsset; /// A callback to invoke when an asset is fully loaded. private readonly Action OnAssetLoaded; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// A name for the mod manager. Not guaranteed to be unique. /// The service provider to use to locate services. /// The root directory to search for content. /// The current culture for which to localize content. /// The central coordinator which manages content managers. /// Encapsulates monitoring and logging. /// Simplifies access to private code. /// A callback to invoke when the content manager is being disposed. /// A callback to invoke the first time *any* game content manager loads an asset. /// A callback to invoke when an asset is fully loaded. /// Whether to enable more aggressive memory optimizations. public GameContentManager(string name, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory, CultureInfo currentCulture, ContentCoordinator coordinator, IMonitor monitor, Reflector reflection, Action onDisposing, Action onLoadingFirstAsset, Action onAssetLoaded, bool aggressiveMemoryOptimizations) : base(name, serviceProvider, rootDirectory, currentCulture, coordinator, monitor, reflection, onDisposing, isNamespaced: false, aggressiveMemoryOptimizations: aggressiveMemoryOptimizations) { this.OnLoadingFirstAsset = onLoadingFirstAsset; this.OnAssetLoaded = onAssetLoaded; } /// public override bool DoesAssetExist(IAssetName assetName) { if (base.DoesAssetExist(assetName)) return true; // vanilla asset if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(this.RootDirectory, $"{assetName.Name}.xnb"))) return true; // managed asset if (this.Coordinator.TryParseManagedAssetKey(assetName.Name, out string contentManagerID, out IAssetName relativePath)) return this.Coordinator.DoesManagedAssetExist(contentManagerID, relativePath); // custom asset from a loader string locale = this.GetLocale(); IAssetInfo info = new AssetInfo(locale, assetName, typeof(T), this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName); AssetLoadOperation[] loaders = this.GetLoaders(info).ToArray(); if (!this.AssertMaxOneRequiredLoader(info, loaders, out string error)) { this.Monitor.Log(error, LogLevel.Warn); return false; } return loaders.Any(); } /// public override T LoadExact(IAssetName assetName, bool useCache) { // raise first-load callback if (GameContentManager.IsFirstLoad) { GameContentManager.IsFirstLoad = false; this.OnLoadingFirstAsset(); } // get from cache if (useCache && this.IsLoaded(assetName)) return this.RawLoad(assetName, useCache: true); // get managed asset if (this.Coordinator.TryParseManagedAssetKey(assetName.Name, out string contentManagerID, out IAssetName relativePath)) { T managedAsset = this.Coordinator.LoadManagedAsset(contentManagerID, relativePath); this.TrackAsset(assetName, managedAsset, useCache); return managedAsset; } // load asset T data; if (this.AssetsBeingLoaded.Contains(assetName.Name)) { this.Monitor.Log($"Broke loop while loading asset '{assetName}'.", LogLevel.Warn); this.Monitor.Log($"Bypassing mod loaders for this asset. Stack trace:\n{Environment.StackTrace}"); data = this.RawLoad(assetName, useCache); } else { data = this.AssetsBeingLoaded.Track(assetName.Name, () => { IAssetInfo info = new AssetInfo(assetName.LocaleCode, assetName, typeof(T), this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName); IAssetData asset = this.ApplyLoader(info) ?? new AssetDataForObject(info, this.RawLoad(assetName, useCache), this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName); asset = this.ApplyEditors(info, asset); return (T)asset.Data; }); } // update cache this.TrackAsset(assetName, data, useCache); // raise event & return data this.OnAssetLoaded(this, assetName); return data; } /// public override LocalizedContentManager CreateTemporary() { return this.Coordinator.CreateGameContentManager("(temporary)"); } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Load the initial asset from the registered loaders. /// The basic asset metadata. /// Returns the loaded asset metadata, or null if no loader matched. private IAssetData ApplyLoader(IAssetInfo info) { // find matching loader AssetLoadOperation loader; { AssetLoadOperation[] loaders = this.GetLoaders(info).OrderByDescending(p => p.Priority).ToArray(); if (!this.AssertMaxOneRequiredLoader(info, loaders, out string error)) { this.Monitor.Log(error, LogLevel.Warn); return null; } loader = loaders.FirstOrDefault(); } // no loader found if (loader == null) return null; // fetch asset from loader IModMetadata mod = loader.Mod; T data; try { data = (T)loader.GetData(info); this.Monitor.Log($"{mod.DisplayName} loaded asset '{info.Name}'{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(loader.OnBehalfOf)}."); } catch (Exception ex) { mod.LogAsMod($"Mod crashed when loading asset '{info.Name}'{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(loader.OnBehalfOf)}. SMAPI will use the default asset instead. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error); return null; } // return matched asset return this.TryFixAndValidateLoadedAsset(info, data, loader) ? new AssetDataForObject(info, data, this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName) : null; } /// Apply any editors to a loaded asset. /// The asset type. /// The basic asset metadata. /// The loaded asset. private IAssetData ApplyEditors(IAssetInfo info, IAssetData asset) { IAssetData GetNewData(object data) => new AssetDataForObject(info, data, this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName); // special case: if the asset was loaded with a more general type like 'object', call editors with the actual type instead. { Type actualType = asset.Data.GetType(); Type actualOpenType = actualType.IsGenericType ? actualType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : null; if (typeof(T) != actualType && (actualOpenType == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || actualOpenType == typeof(List<>) || actualType == typeof(Texture2D) || actualType == typeof(Map))) { return (IAssetData)this.GetType() .GetMethod(nameof(this.ApplyEditors), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)! .MakeGenericMethod(actualType) .Invoke(this, new object[] { info, asset }); } } // edit asset AssetEditOperation[] editors = this.GetEditors(info).OrderBy(p => p.Priority).ToArray(); foreach (AssetEditOperation editor in editors) { IModMetadata mod = editor.Mod; // try edit object prevAsset = asset.Data; try { editor.ApplyEdit(asset); this.Monitor.Log($"{mod.DisplayName} edited {info.Name}{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(editor.OnBehalfOf)}."); } catch (Exception ex) { mod.LogAsMod($"Mod crashed when editing asset '{info.Name}'{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(editor.OnBehalfOf)}, which may cause errors in-game. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error); } // validate edit if (asset.Data == null) { mod.LogAsMod($"Mod incorrectly set asset '{info.Name}'{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(editor.OnBehalfOf)} to a null value; ignoring override.", LogLevel.Warn); asset = GetNewData(prevAsset); } else if (asset.Data is not T) { mod.LogAsMod($"Mod incorrectly set asset '{asset.Name}'{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(editor.OnBehalfOf)} to incompatible type '{asset.Data.GetType()}', expected '{typeof(T)}'; ignoring override.", LogLevel.Warn); asset = GetNewData(prevAsset); } } // return result return asset; } /// Get the asset loaders which handle an asset. /// The asset type. /// The basic asset metadata. private IEnumerable GetLoaders(IAssetInfo info) { return this.Coordinator .GetAssetOperations(info) .SelectMany(p => p.LoadOperations); } /// Get the asset editors to apply to an asset. /// The asset type. /// The basic asset metadata. private IEnumerable GetEditors(IAssetInfo info) { return this.Coordinator .GetAssetOperations(info) .SelectMany(p => p.EditOperations); } /// Assert that at most one loader will be applied to an asset. /// The basic asset metadata. /// The asset loaders to apply. /// The error message to show to the user, if the method returns false. /// Returns true if only one loader will apply, else false. private bool AssertMaxOneRequiredLoader(IAssetInfo info, AssetLoadOperation[] loaders, out string error) { AssetLoadOperation[] required = loaders.Where(p => p.Priority == AssetLoadPriority.Exclusive).ToArray(); if (required.Length <= 1) { error = null; return true; } string[] loaderNames = required .Select(p => p.Mod.DisplayName + this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(p.OnBehalfOf)) .OrderBy(p => p) .Distinct() .ToArray(); string errorPhrase = loaderNames.Length > 1 ? $"Multiple mods want to provide the '{info.Name}' asset: {string.Join(", ", loaderNames)}" : $"The '{loaderNames[0]}' mod wants to provide the '{info.Name}' asset multiple times"; error = $"{errorPhrase}. An asset can't be loaded multiple times, so SMAPI will use the default asset instead. Uninstall one of the mods to fix this. (Message for modders: you should usually use {typeof(IAssetEditor)} instead to avoid conflicts.)"; return false; } /// Get a parenthetical label for log messages for the content pack on whose behalf the action is being performed, if any. /// The content pack on whose behalf the action is being performed. /// whether to format the label as a parenthetical shown after the mod name like (for the 'X' content pack), instead of a standalone label like the 'X' content pack. /// Returns the on-behalf-of label if applicable, else null. private string GetOnBehalfOfLabel(IModMetadata onBehalfOf, bool parenthetical = true) { if (onBehalfOf == null) return null; return parenthetical ? $" (for the '{onBehalfOf.Manifest.Name}' content pack)" : $"the '{onBehalfOf.Manifest.Name}' content pack"; } /// Validate that an asset loaded by a mod is valid and won't cause issues, and fix issues if possible. /// The asset type. /// The basic asset metadata. /// The loaded asset data. /// The loader which loaded the asset. /// Returns whether the asset passed validation checks (after any fixes were applied). private bool TryFixAndValidateLoadedAsset(IAssetInfo info, T data, AssetLoadOperation loader) { IModMetadata mod = loader.Mod; // can't load a null asset if (data == null) { mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI blocked asset replacement for '{info.Name}': {this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(loader.OnBehalfOf, parenthetical: false) ?? "mod"} incorrectly set asset to a null value.", LogLevel.Error); return false; } // when replacing a map, the vanilla tilesheets must have the same order and IDs if (data is Map loadedMap) { TilesheetReference[] vanillaTilesheetRefs = this.Coordinator.GetVanillaTilesheetIds(info.Name.Name); foreach (TilesheetReference vanillaSheet in vanillaTilesheetRefs) { // add missing tilesheet if (loadedMap.GetTileSheet(vanillaSheet.Id) == null) { mod.Monitor.LogOnce("SMAPI fixed maps loaded by this mod to prevent errors. See the log file for details.", LogLevel.Warn); this.Monitor.Log($"Fixed broken map replacement: {mod.DisplayName} loaded '{info.Name}' without a required tilesheet (id: {vanillaSheet.Id}, source: {vanillaSheet.ImageSource})."); loadedMap.AddTileSheet(new TileSheet(vanillaSheet.Id, loadedMap, vanillaSheet.ImageSource, vanillaSheet.SheetSize, vanillaSheet.TileSize)); } // handle mismatch if (loadedMap.TileSheets.Count <= vanillaSheet.Index || loadedMap.TileSheets[vanillaSheet.Index].Id != vanillaSheet.Id) { // only show warning if not farm map // This is temporary: mods shouldn't do this for any vanilla map, but these are the ones we know will crash. Showing a warning for others instead gives modders time to update their mods, while still simplifying troubleshooting. bool isFarmMap = info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_Combat") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_Fishing") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_Foraging") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_FourCorners") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_Island") || info.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Maps/Farm_Mining"); string reason = $"{this.GetOnBehalfOfLabel(loader.OnBehalfOf, parenthetical: false) ?? "mod"} reordered the original tilesheets, which {(isFarmMap ? "would cause a crash" : "often causes crashes")}.\nTechnical details for mod author: Expected order: {string.Join(", ", vanillaTilesheetRefs.Select(p => p.Id))}. See for help."; SCore.DeprecationManager.PlaceholderWarn("3.8.2", DeprecationLevel.PendingRemoval); if (isFarmMap) { mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI blocked a '{info.Name}' map load: {reason}", LogLevel.Error); return false; } mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI found an issue with a '{info.Name}' map load: {reason}", LogLevel.Warn); } } } return true; } } }