using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Content;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Exceptions;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Utilities;
using StardewModdingAPI.Internal;
using StardewValley;
using xTile;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ContentManagers
/// A content manager which handles reading files from the game content folder with support for interception.
internal class GameContentManager : BaseContentManager
** Fields
/// The assets currently being intercepted by instances. This is used to prevent infinite loops when a loader loads a new asset.
private readonly ContextHash AssetsBeingLoaded = new ContextHash();
/// Interceptors which provide the initial versions of matching assets.
private IList> Loaders => this.Coordinator.Loaders;
/// Interceptors which edit matching assets after they're loaded.
private IList> Editors => this.Coordinator.Editors;
/// Maps asset names to their localized form, like LooseSprites\Billboard => LooseSprites\ (localized) or Maps\AnimalShop => Maps\AnimalShop (not localized).
private IDictionary LocalizedAssetNames => LocalizedContentManager.localizedAssetNames;
/// Whether the next load is the first for any game content manager.
private static bool IsFirstLoad = true;
/// A callback to invoke the first time *any* game content manager loads an asset.
private readonly Action OnLoadingFirstAsset;
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// A name for the mod manager. Not guaranteed to be unique.
/// The service provider to use to locate services.
/// The root directory to search for content.
/// The current culture for which to localize content.
/// The central coordinator which manages content managers.
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging.
/// Simplifies access to private code.
/// A callback to invoke when the content manager is being disposed.
/// A callback to invoke the first time *any* game content manager loads an asset.
/// Whether to enable more aggressive memory optimizations.
public GameContentManager(string name, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory, CultureInfo currentCulture, ContentCoordinator coordinator, IMonitor monitor, Reflector reflection, Action onDisposing, Action onLoadingFirstAsset, bool aggressiveMemoryOptimizations)
: base(name, serviceProvider, rootDirectory, currentCulture, coordinator, monitor, reflection, onDisposing, isNamespaced: false, aggressiveMemoryOptimizations: aggressiveMemoryOptimizations)
this.OnLoadingFirstAsset = onLoadingFirstAsset;
public override T Load(string assetName, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode language, bool useCache)
// raise first-load callback
if (GameContentManager.IsFirstLoad)
GameContentManager.IsFirstLoad = false;
// normalize asset name
assetName = this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName(assetName);
if (this.TryParseExplicitLanguageAssetKey(assetName, out string newAssetName, out LanguageCode newLanguage))
return this.Load(newAssetName, newLanguage, useCache);
// get from cache
if (useCache && this.IsLoaded(assetName, language))
return this.RawLoad(assetName, language, useCache: true);
// get managed asset
if (this.Coordinator.TryParseManagedAssetKey(assetName, out string contentManagerID, out string relativePath))
T managedAsset = this.Coordinator.LoadManagedAsset(contentManagerID, relativePath);
this.TrackAsset(assetName, managedAsset, language, useCache);
return managedAsset;
// load asset
T data;
if (this.AssetsBeingLoaded.Contains(assetName))
this.Monitor.Log($"Broke loop while loading asset '{assetName}'.", LogLevel.Warn);
this.Monitor.Log($"Bypassing mod loaders for this asset. Stack trace:\n{Environment.StackTrace}");
data = this.RawLoad(assetName, language, useCache);
data = this.AssetsBeingLoaded.Track(assetName, () =>
string locale = this.GetLocale(language);
IAssetInfo info = new AssetInfo(locale, assetName, typeof(T), this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName);
IAssetData asset =
?? new AssetDataForObject(info, this.RawLoad(assetName, language, useCache), this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName);
asset = this.ApplyEditors(info, asset);
return (T)asset.Data;
// update cache & return data
this.TrackAsset(assetName, data, language, useCache);
return data;
public override void OnLocaleChanged()
// find assets for which a translatable version was loaded
HashSet removeAssetNames = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (string key in this.LocalizedAssetNames.Where(p => p.Key != p.Value).Select(p => p.Key))
removeAssetNames.Add(this.TryParseExplicitLanguageAssetKey(key, out string assetName, out _) ? assetName : key);
// invalidate translatable assets
string[] invalidated = this
.InvalidateCache((key, type) =>
|| (this.TryParseExplicitLanguageAssetKey(key, out string assetName, out _) && removeAssetNames.Contains(assetName))
.Select(p => p.Key)
.OrderBy(p => p, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
if (invalidated.Any())
this.Monitor.Log($"Invalidated {invalidated.Length} asset names: {string.Join(", ", invalidated)} for locale change.");
public override LocalizedContentManager CreateTemporary()
return this.Coordinator.CreateGameContentManager("(temporary)");
** Private methods
protected override bool IsNormalizedKeyLoaded(string normalizedAssetName, LanguageCode language)
string cachedKey = null;
bool localized =
language != LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en
&& !this.Coordinator.IsManagedAssetKey(normalizedAssetName)
&& this.LocalizedAssetNames.TryGetValue(normalizedAssetName, out cachedKey);
return localized
? this.Cache.ContainsKey(cachedKey)
: this.Cache.ContainsKey(normalizedAssetName);
protected override void TrackAsset(string assetName, T value, LanguageCode language, bool useCache)
// handle explicit language in asset name
if (this.TryParseExplicitLanguageAssetKey(assetName, out string newAssetName, out LanguageCode newLanguage))
this.TrackAsset(newAssetName, value, newLanguage, useCache);
// save to cache
// Note: even if the asset was loaded and cached right before this method was called,
// we need to fully re-inject it here for two reasons:
// 1. So we can look up an asset by its base or localized key (the game/XNA logic
// only caches by the most specific key).
// 2. Because a mod asset loader/editor may have changed the asset in a way that
// doesn't change the instance stored in the cache, e.g. using `asset.ReplaceWith`.
if (useCache)
string translatedKey = $"{assetName}.{this.GetLocale(language)}";
base.TrackAsset(assetName, value, language, useCache: true);
if (this.Cache.ContainsKey(translatedKey))
base.TrackAsset(translatedKey, value, language, useCache: true);
// track whether the injected asset is translatable for is-loaded lookups
if (this.Cache.ContainsKey(translatedKey))
this.LocalizedAssetNames[assetName] = translatedKey;
else if (this.Cache.ContainsKey(assetName))
this.LocalizedAssetNames[assetName] = assetName;
this.Monitor.Log($"Asset '{assetName}' could not be found in the cache immediately after injection.", LogLevel.Error);
/// Load an asset file directly from the underlying content manager.
/// The type of asset to load.
/// The normalized asset key.
/// The language code for which to load content.
/// Whether to read/write the loaded asset to the asset cache.
/// Derived from .
private T RawLoad(string assetName, LanguageCode language, bool useCache)
// use cached key
if (language == this.Language && this.LocalizedAssetNames.TryGetValue(assetName, out string cachedKey))
return base.RawLoad(cachedKey, useCache);
// try translated key
if (language != LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode.en)
string translatedKey = $"{assetName}.{this.GetLocale(language)}";
T obj = base.RawLoad(translatedKey, useCache);
this.LocalizedAssetNames[assetName] = translatedKey;
return obj;
catch (ContentLoadException)
this.LocalizedAssetNames[assetName] = assetName;
// try base asset
return base.RawLoad(assetName, useCache);
catch (ContentLoadException ex) when (ex.InnerException is FileNotFoundException innerEx && innerEx.InnerException == null)
throw new SContentLoadException($"Error loading \"{assetName}\": it isn't in the Content folder and no mod provided it.");
/// Parse an asset key that contains an explicit language into its asset name and language, if applicable.
/// The asset key to parse.
/// The asset name without the language code.
/// The language code removed from the asset name.
/// Returns whether the asset key contains an explicit language and was successfully parsed.
private bool TryParseExplicitLanguageAssetKey(string rawAsset, out string assetName, out LanguageCode language)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rawAsset))
throw new SContentLoadException("The asset key is empty.");
// extract language code
int splitIndex = rawAsset.LastIndexOf('.');
if (splitIndex != -1 && this.Coordinator.TryGetLanguageEnum(rawAsset.Substring(splitIndex + 1), out language))
assetName = rawAsset.Substring(0, splitIndex);
return true;
// no explicit language code found
assetName = rawAsset;
language = this.Language;
return false;
/// Load the initial asset from the registered .
/// The basic asset metadata.
/// Returns the loaded asset metadata, or null if no loader matched.
private IAssetData ApplyLoader(IAssetInfo info)
// find matching loaders
var loaders = this.Loaders
.Where(entry =>
return entry.Data.CanLoad(info);
catch (Exception ex)
entry.Mod.LogAsMod($"Mod failed when checking whether it could load asset '{info.AssetName}', and will be ignored. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error);
return false;
// validate loaders
if (!loaders.Any())
return null;
if (loaders.Length > 1)
string[] loaderNames = loaders.Select(p => p.Mod.DisplayName).ToArray();
this.Monitor.Log($"Multiple mods want to provide the '{info.AssetName}' asset ({string.Join(", ", loaderNames)}), but an asset can't be loaded multiple times. SMAPI will use the default asset instead; uninstall one of the mods to fix this. (Message for modders: you should usually use {typeof(IAssetEditor)} instead to avoid conflicts.)", LogLevel.Warn);
return null;
// fetch asset from loader
IModMetadata mod = loaders[0].Mod;
IAssetLoader loader = loaders[0].Data;
T data;
data = loader.Load(info);
this.Monitor.Log($"{mod.DisplayName} loaded asset '{info.AssetName}'.", LogLevel.Trace);
catch (Exception ex)
mod.LogAsMod($"Mod crashed when loading asset '{info.AssetName}'. SMAPI will use the default asset instead. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error);
return null;
// return matched asset
return this.TryValidateLoadedAsset(info, data, mod)
? new AssetDataForObject(info, data, this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName)
: null;
/// Apply any to a loaded asset.
/// The asset type.
/// The basic asset metadata.
/// The loaded asset.
private IAssetData ApplyEditors(IAssetInfo info, IAssetData asset)
IAssetData GetNewData(object data) => new AssetDataForObject(info, data, this.AssertAndNormalizeAssetName);
// special case: if the asset was loaded with a more general type like 'object', call editors with the actual type instead.
Type actualType = asset.Data.GetType();
Type actualOpenType = actualType.IsGenericType ? actualType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() : null;
if (typeof(T) != actualType && (actualOpenType == typeof(Dictionary<,>) || actualOpenType == typeof(List<>) || actualType == typeof(Texture2D) || actualType == typeof(Map)))
return (IAssetData)this.GetType()
.GetMethod(nameof(this.ApplyEditors), BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Invoke(this, new object[] { info, asset });
// edit asset
foreach (var entry in this.Editors)
// check for match
IModMetadata mod = entry.Mod;
IAssetEditor editor = entry.Data;
if (!editor.CanEdit(info))
catch (Exception ex)
mod.LogAsMod($"Mod crashed when checking whether it could edit asset '{info.AssetName}', and will be ignored. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error);
// try edit
object prevAsset = asset.Data;
this.Monitor.Log($"{mod.DisplayName} edited {info.AssetName}.");
catch (Exception ex)
mod.LogAsMod($"Mod crashed when editing asset '{info.AssetName}', which may cause errors in-game. Error details:\n{ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error);
// validate edit
if (asset.Data == null)
mod.LogAsMod($"Mod incorrectly set asset '{info.AssetName}' to a null value; ignoring override.", LogLevel.Warn);
asset = GetNewData(prevAsset);
else if (!(asset.Data is T))
mod.LogAsMod($"Mod incorrectly set asset '{asset.AssetName}' to incompatible type '{asset.Data.GetType()}', expected '{typeof(T)}'; ignoring override.", LogLevel.Warn);
asset = GetNewData(prevAsset);
// return result
return asset;
/// Validate that an asset loaded by a mod is valid and won't cause issues.
/// The asset type.
/// The basic asset metadata.
/// The loaded asset data.
/// The mod which loaded the asset.
private bool TryValidateLoadedAsset(IAssetInfo info, T data, IModMetadata mod)
// can't load a null asset
if (data == null)
mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI blocked asset replacement for '{info.AssetName}': mod incorrectly set asset to a null value.", LogLevel.Error);
return false;
// when replacing a map, the vanilla tilesheets must have the same order and IDs
if (data is Map loadedMap)
TilesheetReference[] vanillaTilesheetRefs = this.Coordinator.GetVanillaTilesheetIds(info.AssetName);
foreach (TilesheetReference vanillaSheet in vanillaTilesheetRefs)
// skip if match
if (loadedMap.TileSheets.Count > vanillaSheet.Index && loadedMap.TileSheets[vanillaSheet.Index].Id == vanillaSheet.Id)
// handle mismatch
// only show warning if not farm map
// This is temporary: mods shouldn't do this for any vanilla map, but these are the ones we know will crash. Showing a warning for others instead gives modders time to update their mods, while still simplifying troubleshooting.
bool isFarmMap = info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_Combat") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_Fishing") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_Foraging") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_FourCorners") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_Island") || info.AssetNameEquals("Maps/Farm_Mining");
int loadedIndex = this.TryFindTilesheet(loadedMap, vanillaSheet.Id);
string reason = loadedIndex != -1
? $"mod reordered the original tilesheets, which {(isFarmMap ? "would cause a crash" : "often causes crashes")}.\nTechnical details for mod author: Expected order: {string.Join(", ", vanillaTilesheetRefs.Select(p => p.Id))}. See for help."
: $"mod has no tilesheet with ID '{vanillaSheet.Id}'. Map replacements must keep the original tilesheets to avoid errors or crashes.";
SCore.DeprecationManager.PlaceholderWarn("3.8.2", DeprecationLevel.PendingRemoval);
if (isFarmMap)
mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI blocked '{info.AssetName}' map load: {reason}", LogLevel.Error);
return false;
mod.LogAsMod($"SMAPI found an issue with '{info.AssetName}' map load: {reason}", LogLevel.Warn);
return true;
/// Find a map tilesheet by ID.
/// The map whose tilesheets to search.
/// The tilesheet ID to match.
private int TryFindTilesheet(Map map, string id)
for (int i = 0; i < map.TileSheets.Count; i++)
if (map.TileSheets[i].Id == id)
return i;
return -1;