using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Deprecations
/// Manages deprecation warnings.
internal class DeprecationManager
** Fields
/// The deprecations which have already been logged (as 'mod name::noun phrase::version').
private readonly HashSet LoggedDeprecations = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging for a given module.
private readonly IMonitor Monitor;
/// Tracks the installed mods.
private readonly ModRegistry ModRegistry;
/// The queued deprecation warnings to display.
private readonly IList QueuedWarnings = new List();
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging for a given module.
/// Tracks the installed mods.
public DeprecationManager(IMonitor monitor, ModRegistry modRegistry)
this.Monitor = monitor;
this.ModRegistry = modRegistry;
/// Get a mod for the closest assembly registered as a source of deprecation warnings.
/// Returns the source name, or null if no registered assemblies were found.
public IModMetadata? GetModFromStack()
return this.ModRegistry.GetFromStack();
/// Get a mod from its unique ID.
/// The mod's unique ID.
public IModMetadata? GetMod(string modId)
return this.ModRegistry.Get(modId);
/// Log a deprecation warning.
/// The mod which used the deprecated code, if known.
/// A noun phrase describing what is deprecated.
/// The SMAPI version which deprecated it.
/// How deprecated the code is.
/// A list of stack trace substrings which should suppress deprecation warnings if they appear in the stack trace.
public void Warn(IModMetadata? source, string nounPhrase, string version, DeprecationLevel severity, string[]? unlessStackIncludes = null)
// skip if already warned
string cacheKey = $"{source?.DisplayName ?? ""}::{nounPhrase}::{version}";
if (this.LoggedDeprecations.Contains(cacheKey))
// warn if valid
ImmutableStackTrace stack = ImmutableStackTrace.Get(skipFrames: 1);
if (!this.ShouldSuppress(stack, unlessStackIncludes))
this.QueuedWarnings.Add(new DeprecationWarning(source, nounPhrase, version, severity, stack));
/// A placeholder method used to track deprecated code for which a separate warning will be shown.
/// The SMAPI version which deprecated it.
/// How deprecated the code is.
public void PlaceholderWarn(string version, DeprecationLevel severity) { }
/// Print any queued messages.
public void PrintQueued()
foreach (DeprecationWarning warning in this.QueuedWarnings.OrderBy(p => p.ModName).ThenBy(p => p.NounPhrase))
// build message
string message = $"{warning.ModName} uses deprecated code ({warning.NounPhrase} is deprecated since SMAPI {warning.Version}).";
// get log level
LogLevel level;
switch (warning.Level)
case DeprecationLevel.Notice:
level = LogLevel.Trace;
case DeprecationLevel.Info:
level = LogLevel.Debug;
case DeprecationLevel.PendingRemoval:
level = LogLevel.Warn;
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown deprecation level '{warning.Level}'.");
// log message
if (level == LogLevel.Trace)
this.Monitor.Log($"{message}\n{this.GetSimplifiedStackTrace(warning.StackTrace, warning.Mod)}", level);
this.Monitor.Log(message, level);
this.Monitor.Log(this.GetSimplifiedStackTrace(warning.StackTrace, warning.Mod), LogLevel.Debug);
** Private methods
/// Get whether a deprecation warning should be suppressed.
/// The stack trace for which it was raised.
/// A list of stack trace substrings which should suppress deprecation warnings if they appear in the stack trace.
private bool ShouldSuppress(ImmutableStackTrace stack, string[]? unlessStackIncludes)
if (unlessStackIncludes?.Any() == true)
string stackTrace = stack.ToString();
foreach (string method in unlessStackIncludes)
if (stackTrace.Contains(method))
return true;
return false;
/// Get the simplest stack trace which shows where in the mod the deprecated code was called from.
/// The stack trace.
/// The mod for which to show a stack trace.
private string GetSimplifiedStackTrace(ImmutableStackTrace stack, IModMetadata? mod)
// unknown mod, show entire stack trace
if (mod == null)
return stack.ToString();
// get frame info
var frames = stack
.Select(frame => (Frame: frame, Mod: this.ModRegistry.GetFrom(frame)))
var modIds = new HashSet(
from frame in frames
let id = frame.Mod?.Manifest.UniqueID
where id != null
select id
// can't filter to the target mod
if (modIds.Count != 1 || !modIds.Contains(mod.Manifest.UniqueID))
return stack.ToString();
// get stack frames for the target mod, plus one for context
var framesStartingAtMod = frames.SkipWhile(p => p.Mod == null).ToArray();
var displayFrames = framesStartingAtMod.TakeWhile(p => p.Mod != null).ToArray();
displayFrames = displayFrames.Concat(framesStartingAtMod.Skip(displayFrames.Length).Take(1)).ToArray();
// build stack trace
StringBuilder str = new();
foreach (var frame in displayFrames)
str.Append(new StackTrace(frame.Frame));
return str.ToString().TrimEnd();