using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Deprecations
/// Manages deprecation warnings.
internal class DeprecationManager
** Fields
/// The deprecations which have already been logged (as 'mod name::noun phrase::version').
private readonly HashSet LoggedDeprecations = new(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging for a given module.
private readonly IMonitor Monitor;
/// Tracks the installed mods.
private readonly ModRegistry ModRegistry;
/// The queued deprecation warnings to display.
private readonly IList QueuedWarnings = new List();
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging for a given module.
/// Tracks the installed mods.
public DeprecationManager(IMonitor monitor, ModRegistry modRegistry)
this.Monitor = monitor;
this.ModRegistry = modRegistry;
/// Get a mod from its unique ID.
/// The mod's unique ID.
public IModMetadata? GetMod(string modId)
return this.ModRegistry.Get(modId);
/// Log a deprecation warning.
/// The mod which used the deprecated code, or null to get it heuristically. Note that getting it heuristically is very slow in some cases, and should be avoided if at all possible.
/// A noun phrase describing what is deprecated.
/// The SMAPI version which deprecated it.
/// How deprecated the code is.
/// A list of stack trace substrings which should suppress deprecation warnings if they appear in the stack trace.
/// Whether to log a stack trace showing where the deprecated code is in the mod.
public void Warn(IModMetadata? source, string nounPhrase, string version, DeprecationLevel severity, string[]? unlessStackIncludes = null, bool logStackTrace = true)
// get heuristic source
// The call stack is usually the most reliable way to get the source if it's unknown. This is *very* slow
// though, especially before we check whether this is a duplicate warning. The initial cache check uses a
// quick heuristic method if at all possible to avoid that.
IModMetadata? heuristicSource = source;
ImmutableStackTrace? stack = null;
if (heuristicSource is null)
Context.HeuristicModsRunningCode.TryPeek(out heuristicSource);
if (heuristicSource is null)
stack = ImmutableStackTrace.Get(skipFrames: 1);
heuristicSource = this.ModRegistry.GetFromStack(stack.GetFrames());
// skip if already warned
string cacheKey = $"{heuristicSource?.Manifest.UniqueID ?? ""}::{nounPhrase}::{version}";
if (this.LoggedDeprecations.Contains(cacheKey))
// get more accurate source
if (stack is not null)
source ??= heuristicSource!;
stack ??= ImmutableStackTrace.Get(skipFrames: 1);
source ??= this.ModRegistry.GetFromStack(stack.GetFrames());
// log unless suppressed
if (!this.ShouldSuppress(stack, unlessStackIncludes))
this.QueuedWarnings.Add(new DeprecationWarning(source, nounPhrase, version, severity, stack, logStackTrace));
/// A placeholder method used to track deprecated code for which a separate warning will be shown.
/// The SMAPI version which deprecated it.
/// How deprecated the code is.
public void PlaceholderWarn(string version, DeprecationLevel severity) { }
/// Print any queued messages.
public void PrintQueued()
if (!this.QueuedWarnings.Any())
foreach (DeprecationWarning warning in this.QueuedWarnings.OrderBy(p => p.ModName).ThenBy(p => p.NounPhrase))
// build message
string message = $"{warning.ModName} uses deprecated code ({warning.NounPhrase}) and will break in the upcoming SMAPI 4.0.0.";
// get log level
LogLevel level;
switch (warning.Level)
case DeprecationLevel.Notice:
level = LogLevel.Trace;
case DeprecationLevel.Info:
level = LogLevel.Debug;
case DeprecationLevel.PendingRemoval:
level = LogLevel.Warn;
throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown deprecation level '{warning.Level}'.");
// log message
if (level is LogLevel.Trace or LogLevel.Debug)
if (warning.LogStackTrace)
message += $"\n{this.GetSimplifiedStackTrace(warning.StackTrace, warning.Mod)}";
this.Monitor.Log(message, level);
this.Monitor.Log(message, level);
if (warning.LogStackTrace)
this.Monitor.Log(this.GetSimplifiedStackTrace(warning.StackTrace, warning.Mod), LogLevel.Debug);
** Private methods
/// Get whether a deprecation warning should be suppressed.
/// The stack trace for which it was raised.
/// A list of stack trace substrings which should suppress deprecation warnings if they appear in the stack trace.
private bool ShouldSuppress(ImmutableStackTrace stack, string[]? unlessStackIncludes)
if (unlessStackIncludes?.Any() == true)
string stackTrace = stack.ToString();
foreach (string method in unlessStackIncludes)
if (stackTrace.Contains(method))
return true;
return false;
/// Get the simplest stack trace which shows where in the mod the deprecated code was called from.
/// The stack trace.
/// The mod for which to show a stack trace.
private string GetSimplifiedStackTrace(ImmutableStackTrace stack, IModMetadata? mod)
// unknown mod, show entire stack trace
if (mod == null)
return stack.ToString();
// get frame info
var frames = stack
.Select(frame => (Frame: frame, Mod: this.ModRegistry.GetFrom(frame)))
var modIds = new HashSet(
from frame in frames
let id = frame.Mod?.Manifest.UniqueID
where id != null
select id
// can't filter to the target mod
if (modIds.Count != 1 || !modIds.Contains(mod.Manifest.UniqueID))
return stack.ToString();
// get stack frames for the target mod, plus one for context
var framesStartingAtMod = frames.SkipWhile(p => p.Mod == null).ToArray();
var displayFrames = framesStartingAtMod.TakeWhile(p => p.Mod != null).ToArray();
displayFrames = displayFrames.Concat(framesStartingAtMod.Skip(displayFrames.Length).Take(1)).ToArray();
// build stack trace
StringBuilder str = new();
foreach (var frame in displayFrames)
str.Append(new StackTrace(frame.Frame));
return str.ToString().TrimEnd();