using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Commands; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Models; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal.ConsoleWriting; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Framework.ModData; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Utilities; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Logging { /// Manages the SMAPI console window and log file. internal class LogManager : IDisposable { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// The log file to which to write messages. private readonly LogFileManager LogFile; /// The text writer which intercepts console output. private readonly InterceptingTextWriter ConsoleInterceptor; /// Prefixing a low-level message with this character indicates that the console interceptor should write the string without intercepting it. (The character itself is not written.) private const char IgnoreChar = InterceptingTextWriter.IgnoreChar; /// Create a monitor instance given the ID and name. private readonly Func GetMonitorImpl; /// Regex patterns which match console non-error messages to suppress from the console and log. private readonly Regex[] SuppressConsolePatterns = { new(@"^TextBox\.Selected is now '(?:True|False)'\.$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), new(@"^loadPreferences\(\); begin", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), new(@"^savePreferences\(\); async=", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), new(@"^DebugOutput:\s+(?:added cricket|dismount tile|Ping|playerPos)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), new(@"^Ignoring keys: ", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant) }; /// Regex patterns which match console messages to show a more friendly error for. private readonly ReplaceLogPattern[] ReplaceConsolePatterns = { // Steam not loaded new( search: new Regex(@"^System\.InvalidOperationException: Steamworks is not initialized\.[\s\S]+$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), replacement: #if SMAPI_FOR_WINDOWS "Oops! Steam achievements won't work because Steam isn't loaded. See 'Configure your game client' in the install guide for more info:", #else "Oops! Steam achievements won't work because Steam isn't loaded. You can launch the game through Steam to fix that.", #endif logLevel: LogLevel.Error ), // save file not found error new( search: new Regex(@"^System\.IO\.FileNotFoundException: [^\n]+\n[^:]+: '[^\n]+[/\\]Saves[/\\]([^'\r\n]+)[/\\]([^'\r\n]+)'[\s\S]+LoadGameMenu\.FindSaveGames[\s\S]+$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), replacement: "The game can't find the '$2' file for your '$1' save. See for help.", logLevel: LogLevel.Error ) }; /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// The core logger and monitor for SMAPI. public Monitor Monitor { get; } /// The core logger and monitor on behalf of the game. public Monitor MonitorForGame { get; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /**** ** Initialization ****/ /// Construct an instance. /// The log file path to write. /// The colors to use for text written to the SMAPI console. /// Whether to output log messages to the console. /// The log contexts for which to enable verbose logging, which may show a lot more information to simplify troubleshooting. /// Whether to enable full console output for developers. /// Get the screen ID that should be logged to distinguish between players in split-screen mode, if any. public LogManager(string logPath, ColorSchemeConfig colorConfig, bool writeToConsole, HashSet verboseLogging, bool isDeveloperMode, Func getScreenIdForLog) { // init log file this.LogFile = new LogFileManager(logPath); // init monitor this.GetMonitorImpl = (id, name) => new Monitor(name, LogManager.IgnoreChar, this.LogFile, colorConfig, verboseLogging.Contains("*") || verboseLogging.Contains(id), getScreenIdForLog) { WriteToConsole = writeToConsole, ShowTraceInConsole = isDeveloperMode, ShowFullStampInConsole = isDeveloperMode }; this.Monitor = this.GetMonitor("SMAPI", "SMAPI"); this.MonitorForGame = this.GetMonitor("game", "game"); // redirect direct console output this.ConsoleInterceptor = new InterceptingTextWriter( output: Console.Out, onMessageIntercepted: writeToConsole ? message => this.HandleConsoleMessage(this.MonitorForGame, message) : _ => { } ); Console.SetOut(this.ConsoleInterceptor); // enable Unicode handling on Windows // (the terminal defaults to UTF-8 on Linux/macOS) #if SMAPI_FOR_WINDOWS Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; #endif } /// Get a monitor instance derived from SMAPI's current settings. /// The unique ID for the mod context. /// The name of the module which will log messages with this instance. public Monitor GetMonitor(string id, string name) { return this.GetMonitorImpl(id, name); } /// Set the title of the SMAPI console window. /// The new window title. public void SetConsoleTitle(string title) { Console.Title = title; } /**** ** Console input ****/ /// Run a loop handling console input. [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "FunctionNeverReturns", Justification = "The thread is aborted when the game exits.")] public void RunConsoleInputLoop(CommandManager commandManager, Action reloadTranslations, Action handleInput, Func continueWhile) { // prepare console this.Monitor.Log("Type 'help' for help, or 'help ' for a command's usage", LogLevel.Info); commandManager .Add(new HelpCommand(commandManager), this.Monitor) .Add(new HarmonySummaryCommand(), this.Monitor) .Add(new ReloadI18nCommand(reloadTranslations), this.Monitor); // start handling command line input Thread inputThread = new(() => { while (true) { // get input string? input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) continue; // handle command this.Monitor.LogUserInput(input); handleInput(input); } }); inputThread.Start(); // keep console thread alive while the game is running while (continueWhile()) Thread.Sleep(1000 / 10); } /// Show a 'press any key to exit' message, and exit when they press a key. public void PressAnyKeyToExit() { this.Monitor.Log("Game has ended. Press any key to exit.", LogLevel.Info); this.PressAnyKeyToExit(showMessage: false); } /// Show a 'press any key to exit' message, and exit when they press a key. /// Whether to print a 'press any key to exit' message to the console. public void PressAnyKeyToExit(bool showMessage) { if (showMessage) this.Monitor.Log("Game has ended. Press any key to exit."); Thread.Sleep(100); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } /**** ** Crash/update handling ****/ /// Create a crash marker and duplicate the log into the crash log. public void WriteCrashLog() { try { File.WriteAllText(Constants.FatalCrashMarker, string.Empty); File.Copy(this.LogFile.Path, Constants.FatalCrashLog, overwrite: true); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Monitor.Log($"SMAPI failed trying to track the crash details: {ex.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error); } } /// Write an update alert marker file. /// The new version found. /// The download URL for the update. public void WriteUpdateMarker(string version, string url) { File.WriteAllText(Constants.UpdateMarker, $"{version}|{url}"); } /// Check whether SMAPI crashed or detected an update during the last session, and display them in the SMAPI console. public void HandleMarkerFiles() { // show update alert if (File.Exists(Constants.UpdateMarker)) { string[] rawUpdateFound = File.ReadAllText(Constants.UpdateMarker).Split('|', 2); if (SemanticVersion.TryParse(rawUpdateFound[0], out ISemanticVersion? updateFound)) { if (Constants.ApiVersion.IsPrerelease() && updateFound.IsNewerThan(Constants.ApiVersion)) { string url = rawUpdateFound.Length > 1 ? rawUpdateFound[1] : Constants.HomePageUrl; this.Monitor.Log("A new version of SMAPI was detected last time you played.", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log($"You can update to {updateFound}: {url}.", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log("Press any key to continue playing anyway. (This only appears when using a SMAPI beta.)", LogLevel.Info); Console.ReadKey(); } } File.Delete(Constants.UpdateMarker); } // show details if game crashed during last session if (File.Exists(Constants.FatalCrashMarker)) { this.Monitor.Log("The game crashed last time you played. If it happens repeatedly, see 'get help' on", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log("If you ask for help, make sure to share your SMAPI log:", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log("Press any key to delete the crash data and continue playing.", LogLevel.Info); Console.ReadKey(); File.Delete(Constants.FatalCrashLog); File.Delete(Constants.FatalCrashMarker); } } /// Log a fatal exception which prevents SMAPI from launching. /// The exception details. public void LogFatalLaunchError(Exception exception) { this.MonitorForGame.Log($"The game failed to launch: {exception.GetLogSummary()}", LogLevel.Error); } /**** ** General log output ****/ /// Log the initial header with general SMAPI and system details. /// The path from which mods will be loaded. /// The custom SMAPI settings. public void LogIntro(string modsPath, IDictionary customSettings) { // log platform this.Monitor.Log($"SMAPI {Constants.ApiVersion} with Stardew Valley {Constants.GameVersion} (build {Constants.GetBuildVersionLabel()}) on {EnvironmentUtility.GetFriendlyPlatformName(Constants.Platform)}", LogLevel.Info); // log basic info this.Monitor.Log($"Mods go here: {modsPath}", LogLevel.Info); if (modsPath != Constants.DefaultModsPath) this.Monitor.Log("(Using custom --mods-path argument.)"); this.Monitor.Log($"Log started at {DateTime.UtcNow:s} UTC"); // log custom settings if (customSettings.Any()) this.Monitor.Log($"Loaded with custom settings: {string.Join(", ", customSettings.OrderBy(p => p.Key).Select(p => $"{p.Key}: {p.Value}"))}"); } /// Log details for settings that don't match the default. /// The settings to log. public void LogSettingsHeader(SConfig settings) { // developer mode if (settings.DeveloperMode) this.Monitor.Log("You enabled developer mode, so the console will be much more verbose. You can disable it by installing the non-developer version of SMAPI.", LogLevel.Info); // warnings if (!settings.CheckForUpdates) this.Monitor.Log("You disabled update checks, so you won't be notified of new SMAPI or mod updates. Running an old version of SMAPI is not recommended. You can undo this by reinstalling SMAPI.", LogLevel.Warn); if (!settings.RewriteMods) this.Monitor.Log("You disabled rewriting broken mods, so many older mods may fail to load. You can undo this by reinstalling SMAPI.", LogLevel.Info); if (!this.Monitor.WriteToConsole) this.Monitor.Log("Writing to the terminal is disabled because the --no-terminal argument was received. This usually means launching the terminal failed.", LogLevel.Warn); // verbose logging this.Monitor.VerboseLog("Verbose logging enabled."); } /// Log info about loaded mods. /// The full list of loaded content packs and mods. /// The loaded content packs. /// The loaded mods. /// The mods which could not be loaded. /// Whether to log issues for mods which directly use potentially sensitive .NET APIs like file or shell access. public void LogModInfo(IModMetadata[] loaded, IModMetadata[] loadedContentPacks, IModMetadata[] loadedMods, IModMetadata[] skippedMods, bool logParanoidWarnings) { // log loaded mods this.Monitor.Log($"Loaded {loadedMods.Length} mods" + (loadedMods.Length > 0 ? ":" : "."), LogLevel.Info); foreach (IModMetadata metadata in loadedMods.OrderBy(p => p.DisplayName)) { IManifest manifest = metadata.Manifest; this.Monitor.Log( $" {metadata.DisplayName} {manifest.Version}" + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.Author) ? $" by {manifest.Author}" : "") + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.Description) ? $" | {manifest.Description}" : ""), LogLevel.Info ); } this.Monitor.Newline(); // log loaded content packs if (loadedContentPacks.Any()) { string? GetModDisplayName(string id) => loadedMods.FirstOrDefault(p => p.HasID(id))?.DisplayName; this.Monitor.Log($"Loaded {loadedContentPacks.Length} content packs:", LogLevel.Info); foreach (IModMetadata metadata in loadedContentPacks.OrderBy(p => p.DisplayName)) { IManifest manifest = metadata.Manifest; this.Monitor.Log( $" {metadata.DisplayName} {manifest.Version}" + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.Author) ? $" by {manifest.Author}" : "") + $" | for {GetModDisplayName(metadata.Manifest.ContentPackFor!.UniqueID)}" + (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.Description) ? $" | {manifest.Description}" : ""), LogLevel.Info ); } this.Monitor.Newline(); } // log mod warnings this.LogModWarnings(loaded, skippedMods, logParanoidWarnings); } /// public void Dispose() { this.LogFile.Dispose(); } /********* ** Protected methods *********/ /// Redirect messages logged directly to the console to the given monitor. /// The monitor with which to log messages as the game. /// The message to log. private void HandleConsoleMessage(IMonitor gameMonitor, string message) { // detect exception LogLevel level = message.Contains("Exception") ? LogLevel.Error : LogLevel.Trace; // ignore suppressed message if (level != LogLevel.Error && this.SuppressConsolePatterns.Any(p => p.IsMatch(message))) { this.ConsoleInterceptor.IgnoreNextIfNewline = true; return; } // show friendly error if applicable foreach (ReplaceLogPattern entry in this.ReplaceConsolePatterns) { string newMessage = entry.Search.Replace(message, entry.Replacement); if (message != newMessage) { gameMonitor.Log(newMessage, entry.LogLevel); gameMonitor.Log(message); return; } } // simplify exception messages if (level == LogLevel.Error) message = ExceptionHelper.SimplifyExtensionMessage(message); // forward to monitor gameMonitor.Log(message, level); this.ConsoleInterceptor.IgnoreNextIfNewline = true; } /// Write a summary of mod warnings to the console and log. /// The loaded mods. /// The mods which could not be loaded. /// Whether to log issues for mods which directly use potentially sensitive .NET APIs like file or shell access. [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ConditionalAccessQualifierIsNonNullableAccordingToAPIContract", Justification = "Manifests aren't guaranteed non-null at this point in the loading process.")] private void LogModWarnings(IEnumerable mods, IModMetadata[] skippedMods, bool logParanoidWarnings) { // get mods with warnings IModMetadata[] modsWithWarnings = mods.Where(p => p.Warnings != ModWarning.None).ToArray(); if (!modsWithWarnings.Any() && !skippedMods.Any()) return; // log intro { int count = modsWithWarnings.Length + skippedMods.Length; this.Monitor.Log($"Found {count} mod{(count == 1 ? "" : "s")} with warnings:", LogLevel.Info); } // log skipped mods if (skippedMods.Any()) { var loggedDuplicateIds = new HashSet(); this.Monitor.Log(" Skipped mods", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log(" " + "".PadRight(50, '-'), LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Log(" These mods could not be added to your game.", LogLevel.Error); this.Monitor.Newline(); foreach (var list in this.GroupFailedModsByPriority(skippedMods)) { if (list.Any()) { foreach (IModMetadata mod in list.OrderBy(p => p.DisplayName)) { string message = $" - {mod.DisplayName}{(" " + mod.Manifest?.Version?.ToString()).TrimEnd()} because {mod.Error}"; // duplicate mod: log first one only, don't show redundant version if (mod.FailReason == ModFailReason.Duplicate && mod.HasManifest()) { if (loggedDuplicateIds.Add(mod.Manifest!.UniqueID)) continue; // already logged message = $" - {mod.DisplayName} because {mod.Error}"; } // log message this.Monitor.Log(message, LogLevel.Error); if (mod.ErrorDetails != null) this.Monitor.Log($" ({mod.ErrorDetails})"); } this.Monitor.Newline(); } } } // log warnings if (modsWithWarnings.Any()) { // broken code this.LogModWarningGroup(modsWithWarnings, ModWarning.BrokenCodeLoaded, LogLevel.Error, "Broken mods", "These mods have broken code, but you configured SMAPI to load them anyway. This may cause bugs,", "errors, or crashes in-game." ); // changes serializer this.LogModWarningGroup(modsWithWarnings, ModWarning.ChangesSaveSerializer, LogLevel.Warn, "Changed save serializer", "These mods change the save serializer. They may corrupt your save files, or make them unusable if", "you uninstall these mods." ); // patched game code this.LogModWarningGroup(modsWithWarnings, ModWarning.PatchesGame, LogLevel.Info, "Patched game code", "These mods directly change the game code. They're more likely to cause errors or bugs in-game; if", "your game has issues, try removing these first. Otherwise you can ignore this warning." ); // unvalidated update tick this.LogModWarningGroup(modsWithWarnings, ModWarning.UsesUnvalidatedUpdateTick, LogLevel.Info, "Bypassed safety checks", "These mods bypass SMAPI's normal safety checks, so they're more likely to cause errors or save", "corruption. If your game has issues, try removing these first." ); // paranoid warnings if (logParanoidWarnings) { this.LogModWarningGroup( modsWithWarnings, match: mod => mod.HasWarnings(ModWarning.AccessesConsole, ModWarning.AccessesFilesystem, ModWarning.AccessesShell), level: LogLevel.Debug, heading: "Direct system access", blurb: new[] { "You enabled paranoid warnings and these mods directly access the filesystem, shells/processes, or", "SMAPI console. (This is usually legitimate and innocent usage; this warning is only useful for", "further investigation.)" }, modLabel: mod => { List labels = new List(); if (mod.HasWarnings(ModWarning.AccessesConsole)) labels.Add("console"); if (mod.HasWarnings(ModWarning.AccessesFilesystem)) labels.Add("files"); if (mod.HasWarnings(ModWarning.AccessesShell)) labels.Add("shells/processes"); return $"{mod.DisplayName} ({string.Join(", ", labels)})"; } ); } // no update keys this.LogModWarningGroup(modsWithWarnings, ModWarning.NoUpdateKeys, LogLevel.Debug, "No update keys", "These mods have no update keys in their manifest. SMAPI may not notify you about updates for these", "mods. Consider notifying the mod authors about this problem." ); } } /// Group failed mods by the priority players should update them, where mods in earlier groups are more likely to fix multiple mods. /// The failed mods to group. private IEnumerable> GroupFailedModsByPriority(IList failedMods) { var failedOthers = failedMods.ToList(); var skippedModIds = new HashSet(from mod in failedMods where mod.HasID() select mod.Manifest.UniqueID, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // group B: dependencies which failed var failedOtherDependencies = new List(); { // get failed dependency IDs var skippedDependencyIds = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (IModMetadata mod in failedMods) { foreach (string requiredId in skippedModIds.Intersect(mod.GetRequiredModIds())) skippedDependencyIds.Add(requiredId); } // group matching mods this.FilterThrough( fromList: failedOthers, toList: failedOtherDependencies, match: mod => mod.HasID() && skippedDependencyIds.Contains(mod.Manifest.UniqueID) ); } // group A: failed root dependencies which other dependencies need var failedRootDependencies = new List(); { var skippedDependencyIds = new HashSet(failedOtherDependencies.Select(p => p.Manifest.UniqueID)); this.FilterThrough( fromList: failedOtherDependencies, toList: failedRootDependencies, match: mod => { // has no failed dependency foreach (string requiredId in mod.GetRequiredModIds()) { if (skippedDependencyIds.Contains(requiredId)) return false; } // another dependency depends on this mod bool isDependedOn = false; foreach (IModMetadata other in failedOtherDependencies) { if (other.HasRequiredModId(mod.Manifest.UniqueID, includeOptional: false)) { isDependedOn = true; break; } } return isDependedOn; } ); } // return groups return new[] { failedRootDependencies, failedOtherDependencies, failedOthers }; } /// Filter matching items from one list and add them to the other. /// The list item type. /// The list to filter. /// The list to which to add filtered items. /// Matches items to filter through. private void FilterThrough(IList fromList, IList toList, Func match) { for (int i = 0; i < fromList.Count; i++) { TItem item = fromList[i]; if (match(item)) { toList.Add(item); fromList.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } /// Write a mod warning group to the console and log. /// The mods to search. /// Matches mods to include in the warning group. /// The log level for the logged messages. /// A brief heading label for the group. /// A detailed explanation of the warning, split into lines. /// Formats the mod label, or null to use the . private void LogModWarningGroup(IModMetadata[] mods, Func match, LogLevel level, string heading, string[] blurb, Func? modLabel = null) { // get matching mods string[] modLabels = mods .Where(match) .Select(mod => modLabel?.Invoke(mod) ?? mod.DisplayName) .OrderBy(p => p) .ToArray(); if (!modLabels.Any()) return; // log header/blurb this.Monitor.Log(" " + heading, level); this.Monitor.Log(" " + "".PadRight(50, '-'), level); foreach (string line in blurb) this.Monitor.Log(" " + line, level); this.Monitor.Newline(); // log mod list foreach (string label in modLabels) this.Monitor.Log($" - {label}", level); this.Monitor.Newline(); } /// Write a mod warning group to the console and log. /// The mods to search. /// The mod warning to match. /// The log level for the logged messages. /// A brief heading label for the group. /// A detailed explanation of the warning, split into lines. private void LogModWarningGroup(IModMetadata[] mods, ModWarning warning, LogLevel level, string heading, params string[] blurb) { this.LogModWarningGroup(mods, mod => mod.HasWarnings(warning), level, heading, blurb); } /********* ** Protected types *********/ /// A console log pattern to replace with a different message. private class ReplaceLogPattern { /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// The regex pattern matching the portion of the message to replace. public Regex Search { get; } /// The replacement string. public string Replacement { get; } /// The log level for the new message. public LogLevel LogLevel { get; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The regex pattern matching the portion of the message to replace. /// The replacement string. /// The log level for the new message. public ReplaceLogPattern(Regex search, string replacement, LogLevel logLevel) { this.Search = search; this.Replacement = replacement; this.LogLevel = logLevel; } } } }