using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers { /// Provides metadata about installed mods. internal class ModRegistryHelper : BaseHelper, IModRegistry { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// The underlying mod registry. private readonly ModRegistry Registry; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The unique ID of the relevant mod. /// The underlying mod registry. public ModRegistryHelper(string modID, ModRegistry registry) : base(modID) { this.Registry = registry; } /// Get metadata for all loaded mods. public IEnumerable GetAll() { return this.Registry.GetAll().Select(p => p.Manifest); } /// Get metadata for a loaded mod. /// The mod's unique ID. /// Returns the matching mod's metadata, or null if not found. public IManifest Get(string uniqueID) { return this.Registry.Get(uniqueID)?.Manifest; } /// Get whether a mod has been loaded. /// The mod's unique ID. public bool IsLoaded(string uniqueID) { return this.Registry.Get(uniqueID) != null; } } }