using System; using System.Reflection; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModHelpers { /// Provides helper methods for accessing private game code. /// This implementation searches up the type hierarchy, and caches the reflected fields and methods with a sliding expiry (to optimize performance without unnecessary memory usage). internal class ReflectionHelper : BaseHelper, IReflectionHelper { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// The underlying reflection helper. private readonly Reflector Reflector; /// The mod name for error messages. private readonly string ModName; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The unique ID of the relevant mod. /// The mod name for error messages. /// The underlying reflection helper. public ReflectionHelper(string modID, string modName, Reflector reflector) : base(modID) { this.ModName = modName; this.Reflector = reflector; } /// public IReflectedField GetField(object obj, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetField(obj, name, required) )!; } /// public IReflectedField GetField(Type type, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetField(type, name, required) )!; } /// public IReflectedProperty GetProperty(object obj, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetProperty(obj, name, required) )!; } /// public IReflectedProperty GetProperty(Type type, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetProperty(type, name, required) )!; } /// public IReflectedMethod GetMethod(object obj, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetMethod(obj, name, required) )!; } /// public IReflectedMethod GetMethod(Type type, string name, bool required = true) { return this.AssertAccessAllowed( this.Reflector.GetMethod(type, name, required) )!; } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Assert that mods can use the reflection helper to access the given member. /// The field value type. /// The field being accessed. /// Returns the same field instance for convenience. private IReflectedField? AssertAccessAllowed(IReflectedField? field) { this.AssertAccessAllowed(field?.FieldInfo); return field; } /// Assert that mods can use the reflection helper to access the given member. /// The property value type. /// The property being accessed. /// Returns the same property instance for convenience. private IReflectedProperty? AssertAccessAllowed(IReflectedProperty? property) { this.AssertAccessAllowed(property?.PropertyInfo.GetMethod?.GetBaseDefinition()); this.AssertAccessAllowed(property?.PropertyInfo.SetMethod?.GetBaseDefinition()); return property; } /// Assert that mods can use the reflection helper to access the given member. /// The method being accessed. /// Returns the same method instance for convenience. private IReflectedMethod? AssertAccessAllowed(IReflectedMethod? method) { this.AssertAccessAllowed(method?.MethodInfo.GetBaseDefinition()); return method; } /// Assert that mods can use the reflection helper to access the given member. /// The member being accessed. private void AssertAccessAllowed(MemberInfo? member) { if (member == null) return; // get type which defines the member Type? declaringType = member.DeclaringType; if (declaringType == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't validate access to {member.MemberType} {member.Name} because it has no declaring type."); // should never happen // validate access string? rootNamespace = typeof(Program).Namespace; if (declaringType.Namespace == rootNamespace || declaringType.Namespace?.StartsWith(rootNamespace + ".") == true) throw new InvalidOperationException($"SMAPI blocked access by {this.ModName} to its internals through the reflection API. Accessing the SMAPI internals is strongly discouraged since they're subject to change, which means the mod can break without warning. (Detected access to {declaringType.FullName}.{member.Name}.)"); } } }