using System; using HarmonyLib; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.Framework; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.RewriteFacades; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.Rewriters { /// Rewrites Harmony 1.x assembly references to work with Harmony 2.x. internal class Harmony1AssemblyRewriter : BaseInstructionHandler { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// Whether any Harmony 1.x types were replaced. private bool ReplacedTypes; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. public Harmony1AssemblyRewriter() : base(defaultPhrase: "Harmony 1.x") { } /// Rewrite a type reference if needed. /// The assembly module containing the instruction. /// The type definition to handle. /// Replaces the type reference with a new one. /// Returns whether the type was changed. public override bool Handle(ModuleDefinition module, TypeReference type, Action replaceWith) { // rewrite Harmony 1.x type to Harmony 2.0 type if (type.Scope is AssemblyNameReference scope && scope.Name == "0Harmony" && scope.Version.Major == 1) { Type targetType = this.GetMappedType(type); replaceWith(module.ImportReference(targetType)); this.MarkRewritten(); this.ReplacedTypes = true; return true; } return false; } /// Rewrite a CIL instruction reference if needed. /// The assembly module containing the instruction. /// The CIL processor. /// The CIL instruction to handle. /// Replaces the CIL instruction with a new one. /// Returns whether the instruction was changed. public override bool Handle(ModuleDefinition module, ILProcessor cil, Instruction instruction, Action replaceWith) { // rewrite Harmony 1.x methods to Harmony 2.0 MethodReference methodRef = RewriteHelper.AsMethodReference(instruction); if (this.TryRewriteMethodsToFacade(module, methodRef)) return true; return false; } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// Rewrite methods to use Harmony facades if needed. /// The assembly module containing the method reference. /// The method reference to map. private bool TryRewriteMethodsToFacade(ModuleDefinition module, MethodReference methodRef) { if (!this.ReplacedTypes) return false; // not Harmony (or already using Harmony 2.0) // get facade type Type toType; switch (methodRef?.DeclaringType.FullName) { case "HarmonyLib.Harmony": toType = typeof(HarmonyInstanceMethods); break; case "HarmonyLib.AccessTools": toType = typeof(AccessToolsMethods); break; default: return false; } // map if there's a matching method if (RewriteHelper.HasMatchingSignature(toType, methodRef)) { methodRef.DeclaringType = module.ImportReference(toType); return true; } return false; } /// Get an equivalent Harmony 2.x type. /// The Harmony 1.x method. private Type GetMappedType(TypeReference type) { // main Harmony object if (type.FullName == "Harmony.HarmonyInstance") return typeof(Harmony); // other objects string fullName = type.FullName.Replace("Harmony.", "HarmonyLib."); string targetName = typeof(Harmony).AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace(typeof(Harmony).FullName, fullName); return Type.GetType(targetName, throwOnError: true); } } }