#nullable disable using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.Framework; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.Rewriters { /// <summary>Automatically fix references to fields that have been replaced by a property or const field.</summary> internal class HeuristicFieldRewriter : BaseInstructionHandler { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// <summary>The assembly names to which to rewrite broken references.</summary> private readonly ISet<string> RewriteReferencesToAssemblies; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="rewriteReferencesToAssemblies">The assembly names to which to rewrite broken references.</param> public HeuristicFieldRewriter(ISet<string> rewriteReferencesToAssemblies) : base(defaultPhrase: "field changed to property") // ignored since we specify phrases { this.RewriteReferencesToAssemblies = rewriteReferencesToAssemblies; } /// <inheritdoc /> public override bool Handle(ModuleDefinition module, ILProcessor cil, Instruction instruction) { // get field ref FieldReference fieldRef = RewriteHelper.AsFieldReference(instruction); if (fieldRef == null || !this.ShouldValidate(fieldRef.DeclaringType)) return false; // skip if not broken FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = fieldRef.Resolve(); if (fieldDefinition?.HasConstant == false) return false; // rewrite if possible TypeDefinition declaringType = fieldRef.DeclaringType.Resolve(); bool isRead = instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldsfld || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld; return this.TryRewriteToProperty(module, instruction, fieldRef, declaringType, isRead) || this.TryRewriteToConstField(instruction, fieldDefinition); } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// <summary>Whether references to the given type should be validated.</summary> /// <param name="type">The type reference.</param> private bool ShouldValidate(TypeReference type) { return type != null && this.RewriteReferencesToAssemblies.Contains(type.Scope.Name); } /// <summary>Try rewriting the field into a matching property.</summary> /// <param name="module">The assembly module containing the instruction.</param> /// <param name="instruction">The CIL instruction to rewrite.</param> /// <param name="fieldRef">The field reference.</param> /// <param name="declaringType">The type on which the field was defined.</param> /// <param name="isRead">Whether the field is being read; else it's being written to.</param> private bool TryRewriteToProperty(ModuleDefinition module, Instruction instruction, FieldReference fieldRef, TypeDefinition declaringType, bool isRead) { // get equivalent property PropertyDefinition property = declaringType?.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == fieldRef.Name); MethodDefinition method = isRead ? property?.GetMethod : property?.SetMethod; if (method == null) return false; // rewrite field to property instruction.OpCode = OpCodes.Call; instruction.Operand = module.ImportReference(method); this.Phrases.Add($"{fieldRef.DeclaringType.Name}.{fieldRef.Name} (field => property)"); return this.MarkRewritten(); } /// <summary>Try rewriting the field into a matching const field.</summary> /// <param name="instruction">The CIL instruction to rewrite.</param> /// <param name="field">The field definition.</param> private bool TryRewriteToConstField(Instruction instruction, FieldDefinition field) { // must have been a static field read, and the new field must be const if (instruction.OpCode != OpCodes.Ldsfld || field?.HasConstant != true) return false; // get opcode for value type Instruction loadInstruction = RewriteHelper.GetLoadValueInstruction(field.Constant); if (loadInstruction == null) return false; // rewrite to constant instruction.OpCode = loadInstruction.OpCode; instruction.Operand = loadInstruction.Operand; this.Phrases.Add($"{field.DeclaringType.Name}.{field.Name} (field => const)"); return this.MarkRewritten(); } } }