using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using StardewModdingAPI.Internal.ConsoleWriting; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Models { /// The SMAPI configuration settings. internal class SConfig { /******** ** Fields ********/ /// The default config values, for fields that should be logged if different. private static readonly IDictionary DefaultValues = new Dictionary { [nameof(CheckForUpdates)] = true, [nameof(ParanoidWarnings)] = Constants.IsDebugBuild, [nameof(UseBetaChannel)] = Constants.ApiVersion.IsPrerelease(), [nameof(GitHubProjectName)] = "Pathoschild/SMAPI", [nameof(WebApiBaseUrl)] = "", [nameof(VerboseLogging)] = false, [nameof(LogNetworkTraffic)] = false, [nameof(RewriteMods)] = true, [nameof(AggressiveMemoryOptimizations)] = true }; /// The default values for , to log changes if different. private static readonly HashSet DefaultSuppressUpdateChecks = new HashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { "SMAPI.ConsoleCommands", "SMAPI.ErrorHandler", "SMAPI.SaveBackup" }; /******** ** Accessors ********/ /// Whether to enable development features. public bool DeveloperMode { get; set; } /// Whether to check for newer versions of SMAPI and mods on startup. public bool CheckForUpdates { get; set; } /// Whether to add a section to the 'mod issues' list for mods which which directly use potentially sensitive .NET APIs like file or shell access. public bool ParanoidWarnings { get; set; } = (bool)SConfig.DefaultValues[nameof(SConfig.ParanoidWarnings)]; /// Whether to show beta versions as valid updates. public bool UseBetaChannel { get; set; } = (bool)SConfig.DefaultValues[nameof(SConfig.UseBetaChannel)]; /// SMAPI's GitHub project name, used to perform update checks. public string GitHubProjectName { get; set; } /// Stardew64Installer's GitHub project name, used to perform update checks. public string Stardew64InstallerGitHubProjectName { get; set; } /// The base URL for SMAPI's web API, used to perform update checks. public string WebApiBaseUrl { get; set; } /// Whether SMAPI should log more information about the game context. public bool VerboseLogging { get; set; } /// Whether SMAPI should rewrite mods for compatibility. public bool RewriteMods { get; set; } = (bool)SConfig.DefaultValues[nameof(SConfig.RewriteMods)]; /// Whether to enable more aggressive memory optimizations. public bool AggressiveMemoryOptimizations { get; set; } = (bool)SConfig.DefaultValues[nameof(SConfig.AggressiveMemoryOptimizations)]; /// Whether SMAPI should log network traffic. Best combined with , which includes network metadata. public bool LogNetworkTraffic { get; set; } /// The colors to use for text written to the SMAPI console. public ColorSchemeConfig ConsoleColors { get; set; } /// The mod IDs SMAPI should ignore when performing update checks or validating update keys. public string[] SuppressUpdateChecks { get; set; } /******** ** Public methods ********/ /// Get the settings which have been customized by the player. public IDictionary GetCustomSettings() { IDictionary custom = new Dictionary(); foreach (var pair in SConfig.DefaultValues) { object value = typeof(SConfig).GetProperty(pair.Key)?.GetValue(this); if (!pair.Value.Equals(value)) custom[pair.Key] = value; } HashSet curSuppressUpdateChecks = new HashSet(this.SuppressUpdateChecks ?? new string[0], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (SConfig.DefaultSuppressUpdateChecks.Count != curSuppressUpdateChecks.Count || SConfig.DefaultSuppressUpdateChecks.Any(p => !curSuppressUpdateChecks.Contains(p))) custom[nameof(this.SuppressUpdateChecks)] = "[" + string.Join(", ", this.SuppressUpdateChecks ?? new string[0]) + "]"; return custom; } } }