#nullable disable

using System;
using StardewValley.Network;

namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Networking
    /// <summary>A multiplayer client used to connect to a hosted server. This is an implementation of <see cref="LidgrenClient"/> with callbacks for SMAPI functionality.</summary>
    internal class SLidgrenClient : LidgrenClient
        ** Fields
        /// <summary>A callback to raise when receiving a message. This receives the incoming message, a method to send an arbitrary message, and a callback to run the default logic.</summary>
        private readonly Action<IncomingMessage, Action<OutgoingMessage>, Action> OnProcessingMessage;

        /// <summary>A callback to raise when sending a message. This receives the outgoing message, a method to send an arbitrary message, and a callback to resume the default logic.</summary>
        private readonly Action<OutgoingMessage, Action<OutgoingMessage>, Action> OnSendingMessage;

        ** Public methods
        /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
        /// <param name="address">The remote address being connected.</param>
        /// <param name="onProcessingMessage">A callback to raise when receiving a message. This receives the incoming message, a method to send an arbitrary message, and a callback to run the default logic.</param>
        /// <param name="onSendingMessage">A callback to raise when sending a message. This receives the outgoing message, a method to send an arbitrary message, and a callback to resume the default logic.</param>
        public SLidgrenClient(string address, Action<IncomingMessage, Action<OutgoingMessage>, Action> onProcessingMessage, Action<OutgoingMessage, Action<OutgoingMessage>, Action> onSendingMessage)
            : base(address)
            this.OnProcessingMessage = onProcessingMessage;
            this.OnSendingMessage = onSendingMessage;

        /// <summary>Send a message to the connected peer.</summary>
        public override void sendMessage(OutgoingMessage message)
            this.OnSendingMessage(message, base.sendMessage, () => base.sendMessage(message));

        ** Protected methods
        /// <summary>Process an incoming network message.</summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message to process.</param>
        protected override void processIncomingMessage(IncomingMessage message)
            this.OnProcessingMessage(message, base.sendMessage, () => base.processIncomingMessage(message));