#nullable disable

using System;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using xTile.Dimensions;
using xTile.Layers;
using xTile.ObjectModel;
using xTile.Tiles;

namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Rendering
    /// <summary>A map display device which overrides the draw logic to support tile rotation.</summary>
    internal class SDisplayDevice : SXnaDisplayDevice
        ** Public methods
        /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary>
        /// <param name="contentManager">The content manager through which to load tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice">The graphics device with which to render tiles.</param>
        public SDisplayDevice(ContentManager contentManager, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            : base(contentManager, graphicsDevice) { }

        /// <summary>Draw a tile to the screen.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="location">The tile position to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="layerDepth">The layer depth at which to draw.</param>
        public override void DrawTile(Tile tile, Location location, float layerDepth)
            // identical to XnaDisplayDevice
            if (tile == null)
            xTile.Dimensions.Rectangle tileImageBounds = tile.TileSheet.GetTileImageBounds(tile.TileIndex);
            Texture2D tileSheetTexture = this.m_tileSheetTextures[tile.TileSheet];
            if (tileSheetTexture.IsDisposed)
            this.m_tilePosition.X = location.X;
            this.m_tilePosition.Y = location.Y;
            this.m_sourceRectangle.X = tileImageBounds.X;
            this.m_sourceRectangle.Y = tileImageBounds.Y;
            this.m_sourceRectangle.Width = tileImageBounds.Width;
            this.m_sourceRectangle.Height = tileImageBounds.Height;

            // get rotation and effects
            float rotation = this.GetRotation(tile);
            SpriteEffects effects = this.GetSpriteEffects(tile);
            var origin = new Vector2(tileImageBounds.Width / 2f, tileImageBounds.Height / 2f);
            this.m_tilePosition.X += origin.X * Layer.zoom;
            this.m_tilePosition.Y += origin.X * Layer.zoom;

            // apply
            this.m_spriteBatchAlpha.Draw(tileSheetTexture, this.m_tilePosition, this.m_sourceRectangle, this.m_modulationColour, rotation, origin, Layer.zoom, effects, layerDepth);

        /// <summary>Get the sprite effects to apply for a tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile being drawn.</param>
        private SpriteEffects GetSpriteEffects(Tile tile)
            return tile.Properties.TryGetValue("@Flip", out PropertyValue propertyValue) && int.TryParse(propertyValue, out int value)
                ? (SpriteEffects)value
                : SpriteEffects.None;

        /// <summary>Get the draw rotation to apply for a tile.</summary>
        /// <param name="tile">The tile being drawn.</param>
        private float GetRotation(Tile tile)
            if (!tile.Properties.TryGetValue("@Rotation", out PropertyValue propertyValue) || !int.TryParse(propertyValue, out int value))
                return 0;

            value %= 360;
            if (value == 0)
                return 0;

            return (float)(Math.PI / (180.0 / value));