using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Menus; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework { /// <summary>SMAPI's implementation of the chatbox which intercepts errors for logging.</summary> internal class SChatBox : ChatBox { /********* ** Fields *********/ /// <summary>Encapsulates monitoring and logging.</summary> private readonly IMonitor Monitor; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="monitor">Encapsulates monitoring and logging.</param> public SChatBox(IMonitor monitor) { this.Monitor = monitor; } /// <inheritdoc /> protected override void runCommand(string command) { this.Monitor.Log($"> chat command: {command}"); base.runCommand(command); } /// <inheritdoc /> public override void receiveChatMessage(long sourceFarmer, int chatKind, LocalizedContentManager.LanguageCode language, string message) { if (chatKind == ChatBox.errorMessage) { // log error this.Monitor.Log(message, LogLevel.Error); // add event details if applicable if (Game1.CurrentEvent != null && message.StartsWith("Event script error:")) this.Monitor.Log($"In event #{} for location {Game1.currentLocation?.NameOrUniqueName}", LogLevel.Error); } base.receiveChatMessage(sourceFarmer, chatKind, language, message); } } }