using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Galaxy.Api; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using StardewModdingAPI.Events; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Networking; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection; using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialisation; using StardewValley; using StardewValley.Network; using StardewValley.SDKs; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework { /// <summary>SMAPI's implementation of the game's core multiplayer logic.</summary> /// <remarks> /// SMAPI syncs mod context to all players through the host as such: /// 1. Farmhand sends ModContext + PlayerIntro. /// 2. If host receives ModContext: it stores the context, replies with known contexts, and forwards it to other farmhands. /// 3. If host receives PlayerIntro before ModContext: it stores a 'vanilla player' context, and forwards it to other farmhands. /// 4. If farmhand receives ModContext: it stores it. /// 5. If farmhand receives ServerIntro without a preceding ModContext: it stores a 'vanilla host' context. /// 6. If farmhand receives PlayerIntro without a preceding ModContext AND it's not the host peer: it stores a 'vanilla player' context. /// /// Once a farmhand/server stored a context, messages can be sent to that player through the SMAPI APIs. /// </remarks> internal class SMultiplayer : Multiplayer { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// <summary>Encapsulates monitoring and logging.</summary> private readonly IMonitor Monitor; /// <summary>Tracks the installed mods.</summary> private readonly ModRegistry ModRegistry; /// <summary>Encapsulates SMAPI's JSON file parsing.</summary> private readonly JsonHelper JsonHelper; /// <summary>Simplifies access to private code.</summary> private readonly Reflector Reflection; /// <summary>Manages SMAPI events.</summary> private readonly EventManager EventManager; /// <summary>A callback to invoke when a mod message is received.</summary> private readonly Action<ModMessageModel> OnModMessageReceived; /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// <summary>The metadata for each connected peer.</summary> public IDictionary<long, MultiplayerPeer> Peers { get; } = new Dictionary<long, MultiplayerPeer>(); /// <summary>The metadata for the host player, if the current player is a farmhand.</summary> public MultiplayerPeer HostPeer; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="monitor">Encapsulates monitoring and logging.</param> /// <param name="eventManager">Manages SMAPI events.</param> /// <param name="jsonHelper">Encapsulates SMAPI's JSON file parsing.</param> /// <param name="modRegistry">Tracks the installed mods.</param> /// <param name="reflection">Simplifies access to private code.</param> /// <param name="onModMessageReceived">A callback to invoke when a mod message is received.</param> public SMultiplayer(IMonitor monitor, EventManager eventManager, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ModRegistry modRegistry, Reflector reflection, Action<ModMessageModel> onModMessageReceived) { this.Monitor = monitor; this.EventManager = eventManager; this.JsonHelper = jsonHelper; this.ModRegistry = modRegistry; this.Reflection = reflection; this.OnModMessageReceived = onModMessageReceived; } /// <summary>Perform cleanup needed when a multiplayer session ends.</summary> public void CleanupOnMultiplayerExit() { this.Peers.Clear(); this.HostPeer = null; } #if !SMAPI_3_0_STRICT /// <summary>Handle sync messages from other players and perform other initial sync logic.</summary> public override void UpdateEarly() { this.EventManager.Legacy_BeforeMainSync.Raise(); base.UpdateEarly(); this.EventManager.Legacy_AfterMainSync.Raise(); } /// <summary>Broadcast sync messages to other players and perform other final sync logic.</summary> public override void UpdateLate(bool forceSync = false) { this.EventManager.Legacy_BeforeMainBroadcast.Raise(); base.UpdateLate(forceSync); this.EventManager.Legacy_AfterMainBroadcast.Raise(); } #endif /// <summary>Initialise a client before the game connects to a remote server.</summary> /// <param name="client">The client to initialise.</param> public override Client InitClient(Client client) { switch (client) { case LidgrenClient _: { string address = this.Reflection.GetField<string>(client, "address").GetValue(); return new SLidgrenClient(address, this.OnClientProcessingMessage, this.OnClientSendingMessage); } case GalaxyNetClient _: { GalaxyID address = this.Reflection.GetField<GalaxyID>(client, "lobbyId").GetValue(); return new SGalaxyNetClient(address, this.OnClientProcessingMessage, this.OnClientSendingMessage); } default: this.Monitor.Log($"Unknown multiplayer client type: {client.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName}", LogLevel.Trace); return client; } } /// <summary>Initialise a server before the game connects to an incoming player.</summary> /// <param name="server">The server to initialise.</param> public override Server InitServer(Server server) { switch (server) { case LidgrenServer _: { IGameServer gameServer = this.Reflection.GetField<IGameServer>(server, "gameServer").GetValue(); return new SLidgrenServer(gameServer, this, this.OnServerProcessingMessage); } case GalaxyNetServer _: { IGameServer gameServer = this.Reflection.GetField<IGameServer>(server, "gameServer").GetValue(); return new SGalaxyNetServer(gameServer, this, this.OnServerProcessingMessage); } default: this.Monitor.Log($"Unknown multiplayer server type: {server.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName}", LogLevel.Trace); return server; } } /// <summary>A callback raised when sending a message as a farmhand.</summary> /// <param name="message">The message being sent.</param> /// <param name="sendMessage">Send an arbitrary message through the client.</param> /// <param name="resume">Resume sending the underlying message.</param> protected void OnClientSendingMessage(OutgoingMessage message, Action<OutgoingMessage> sendMessage, Action resume) { if (this.Monitor.IsVerbose) this.Monitor.Log($"CLIENT SEND {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace); switch (message.MessageType) { // sync mod context (step 1) case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction: sendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields())); resume(); break; // run default logic default: resume(); break; } } /// <summary>Process an incoming network message as the host player.</summary> /// <param name="message">The message to process.</param> /// <param name="sendMessage">A method which sends the given message to the client.</param> /// <param name="resume">Process the message using the game's default logic.</param> public void OnServerProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action<OutgoingMessage> sendMessage, Action resume) { if (this.Monitor.IsVerbose) this.Monitor.Log($"SERVER RECV {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace); switch (message.MessageType) { // sync mod context (step 2) case (byte)MessageType.ModContext: { // parse message RemoteContextModel model = this.ReadContext(message.Reader); this.Monitor.Log($"Received context for farmhand {message.FarmerID} running {(model != null ? $"SMAPI {model.ApiVersion} with {model.Mods.Length} mods" : "vanilla")}.", LogLevel.Trace); // store peer MultiplayerPeer newPeer = new MultiplayerPeer(message.FarmerID, model, sendMessage, isHost: false); if (this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID)) { this.Monitor.Log($"Rejected mod context from farmhand {message.FarmerID}: already received context for that player.", LogLevel.Error); return; } this.AddPeer(newPeer, canBeHost: false, raiseEvent: false); // reply with own context this.Monitor.VerboseLog(" Replying with host context..."); newPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields())); // reply with other players' context foreach (MultiplayerPeer otherPeer in this.Peers.Values.Where(p => p.PlayerID != newPeer.PlayerID)) { this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Replying with context for player {otherPeer.PlayerID}..."); newPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, otherPeer.PlayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields(otherPeer))); } // forward to other peers if (this.Peers.Count > 1) { object[] fields = this.GetContextSyncMessageFields(newPeer); foreach (MultiplayerPeer otherPeer in this.Peers.Values.Where(p => p.PlayerID != newPeer.PlayerID)) { this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Forwarding context to player {otherPeer.PlayerID}..."); otherPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, newPeer.PlayerID, fields)); } } // raise event this.EventManager.PeerContextReceived.Raise(new PeerContextReceivedEventArgs(newPeer)); } break; // handle player intro case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction: // store peer if new if (!this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID)) { this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla player {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace); MultiplayerPeer peer = new MultiplayerPeer(message.FarmerID, null, sendMessage, isHost: false); this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: false); } resume(); break; // handle mod message case (byte)MessageType.ModMessage: this.ReceiveModMessage(message); break; default: resume(); break; } } /// <summary>Process an incoming network message as a farmhand.</summary> /// <param name="message">The message to process.</param> /// <param name="sendMessage">Send an arbitrary message through the client.</param> /// <param name="resume">Resume processing the message using the game's default logic.</param> /// <returns>Returns whether the message was handled.</returns> public void OnClientProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action<OutgoingMessage> sendMessage, Action resume) { if (this.Monitor.IsVerbose) this.Monitor.Log($"CLIENT RECV {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace); switch (message.MessageType) { // mod context sync (step 4) case (byte)MessageType.ModContext: { // parse message RemoteContextModel model = this.ReadContext(message.Reader); this.Monitor.Log($"Received context for {(model?.IsHost == true ? "host" : "farmhand")} {message.FarmerID} running {(model != null ? $"SMAPI {model.ApiVersion} with {model.Mods.Length} mods" : "vanilla")}.", LogLevel.Trace); // store peer MultiplayerPeer peer = new MultiplayerPeer(message.FarmerID, model, sendMessage, isHost: model?.IsHost ?? this.HostPeer == null); if (peer.IsHost && this.HostPeer != null) { this.Monitor.Log($"Rejected mod context from host player {peer.PlayerID}: already received host data from {(peer.PlayerID == this.HostPeer.PlayerID ? "that player" : $"player {peer.PlayerID}")}.", LogLevel.Error); return; } this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: true); } break; // handle server intro case (byte)MessageType.ServerIntroduction: { // store peer if (!this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID) && this.HostPeer == null) { this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla host {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace); this.AddPeer(new MultiplayerPeer(message.FarmerID, null, sendMessage, isHost: true), canBeHost: false); } resume(); break; } // handle player intro case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction: { // store peer if (!this.Peers.TryGetValue(message.FarmerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer)) { peer = new MultiplayerPeer(message.FarmerID, null, sendMessage, isHost: this.HostPeer == null); this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla {(peer.IsHost ? "host" : "farmhand")} {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace); this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: true); } resume(); break; } // handle mod message case (byte)MessageType.ModMessage: this.ReceiveModMessage(message); break; default: resume(); break; } } /// <summary>Remove players who are disconnecting.</summary> protected override void removeDisconnectedFarmers() { foreach (long playerID in this.disconnectingFarmers) { if (this.Peers.TryGetValue(playerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer)) { this.Monitor.Log($"Player quit: {playerID}", LogLevel.Trace); this.Peers.Remove(playerID); this.EventManager.PeerDisconnected.Raise(new PeerDisconnectedEventArgs(peer)); } } base.removeDisconnectedFarmers(); } /// <summary>Broadcast a mod message to matching players.</summary> /// <param name="message">The data to send over the network.</param> /// <param name="messageType">A message type which receiving mods can use to decide whether it's the one they want to handle, like <c>SetPlayerLocation</c>. This doesn't need to be globally unique, since mods should check the originating mod ID.</param> /// <param name="fromModID">The unique ID of the mod sending the message.</param> /// <param name="toModIDs">The mod IDs which should receive the message on the destination computers, or <c>null</c> for all mods. Specifying mod IDs is recommended to improve performance, unless it's a general-purpose broadcast.</param> /// <param name="toPlayerIDs">The <see cref="Farmer.UniqueMultiplayerID" /> values for the players who should receive the message, or <c>null</c> for all players. If you don't need to broadcast to all players, specifying player IDs is recommended to reduce latency.</param> public void BroadcastModMessage<TMessage>(TMessage message, string messageType, string fromModID, string[] toModIDs, long[] toPlayerIDs) { // validate if (message == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType)); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromModID)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fromModID)); if (!this.Peers.Any()) { this.Monitor.VerboseLog($"Ignored '{messageType}' broadcast from mod {fromModID}: not connected to any players."); return; } // filter player IDs HashSet<long> playerIDs = null; if (toPlayerIDs != null && toPlayerIDs.Any()) { playerIDs = new HashSet<long>(toPlayerIDs); playerIDs.RemoveWhere(id => !this.Peers.ContainsKey(id)); if (!playerIDs.Any()) { this.Monitor.VerboseLog($"Ignored '{messageType}' broadcast from mod {fromModID}: none of the specified player IDs are connected."); return; } } // get data to send ModMessageModel model = new ModMessageModel( fromPlayerID: Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, fromModID: fromModID, toModIDs: toModIDs, toPlayerIDs: playerIDs?.ToArray(), type: messageType, data: JToken.FromObject(message) ); string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model, Formatting.None); // log message if (this.Monitor.IsVerbose) this.Monitor.Log($"Broadcasting '{messageType}' message: {data}.", LogLevel.Trace); // send message if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { foreach (MultiplayerPeer peer in this.Peers.Values) { if (playerIDs == null || playerIDs.Contains(peer.PlayerID)) { model.ToPlayerIDs = new[] { peer.PlayerID }; peer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, peer.PlayerID, data)); } } } else if (this.HostPeer != null && this.HostPeer.HasSmapi) this.HostPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, this.HostPeer.PlayerID, data)); else this.Monitor.VerboseLog(" Can't send message because no valid connections were found."); } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// <summary>Save a received peer.</summary> /// <param name="peer">The peer to add.</param> /// <param name="canBeHost">Whether to track the peer as the host if applicable.</param> /// <param name="raiseEvent">Whether to raise the <see cref="Events.EventManager.PeerContextReceived"/> event.</param> private void AddPeer(MultiplayerPeer peer, bool canBeHost, bool raiseEvent = true) { // store this.Peers[peer.PlayerID] = peer; if (canBeHost && peer.IsHost) this.HostPeer = peer; // raise event if (raiseEvent) this.EventManager.PeerContextReceived.Raise(new PeerContextReceivedEventArgs(peer)); } /// <summary>Read the metadata context for a player.</summary> /// <param name="reader">The stream reader.</param> private RemoteContextModel ReadContext(BinaryReader reader) { string data = reader.ReadString(); RemoteContextModel model = this.JsonHelper.Deserialise<RemoteContextModel>(data); return model.ApiVersion != null ? model : null; // no data available for unmodded players } /// <summary>Receive a mod message sent from another player's mods.</summary> /// <param name="message">The raw message to parse.</param> private void ReceiveModMessage(IncomingMessage message) { // parse message string json = message.Reader.ReadString(); ModMessageModel model = this.JsonHelper.Deserialise<ModMessageModel>(json); HashSet<long> playerIDs = new HashSet<long>(model.ToPlayerIDs ?? this.GetKnownPlayerIDs()); if (this.Monitor.IsVerbose) this.Monitor.Log($"Received message: {json}."); // notify local mods if (playerIDs.Contains(Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID)) this.OnModMessageReceived(model); // forward to other players if (Context.IsMainPlayer && playerIDs.Any(p => p != Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID)) { ModMessageModel newModel = new ModMessageModel(model); foreach (long playerID in playerIDs) { if (playerID != Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID && playerID != model.FromPlayerID && this.Peers.TryGetValue(playerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer)) { newModel.ToPlayerIDs = new[] { peer.PlayerID }; this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Forwarding message to player {peer.PlayerID}."); peer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, peer.PlayerID, this.JsonHelper.Serialise(newModel, Formatting.None))); } } } } /// <summary>Get all connected player IDs, including the current player.</summary> private IEnumerable<long> GetKnownPlayerIDs() { yield return Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID; foreach (long peerID in this.Peers.Keys) yield return peerID; } /// <summary>Get the fields to include in a context sync message sent to other players.</summary> private object[] GetContextSyncMessageFields() { RemoteContextModel model = new RemoteContextModel { IsHost = Context.IsWorldReady && Context.IsMainPlayer, Platform = Constants.TargetPlatform, ApiVersion = Constants.ApiVersion, GameVersion = Constants.GameVersion, Mods = this.ModRegistry .GetAll() .Select(mod => new RemoteContextModModel { ID = mod.Manifest.UniqueID, Name = mod.Manifest.Name, Version = mod.Manifest.Version }) .ToArray() }; return new object[] { this.JsonHelper.Serialise(model, Formatting.None) }; } /// <summary>Get the fields to include in a context sync message sent to other players.</summary> /// <param name="peer">The peer whose data to represent.</param> private object[] GetContextSyncMessageFields(IMultiplayerPeer peer) { if (!peer.HasSmapi) return new object[] { "{}" }; RemoteContextModel model = new RemoteContextModel { IsHost = peer.IsHost, Platform = peer.Platform.Value, ApiVersion = peer.ApiVersion, GameVersion = peer.GameVersion, Mods = peer.Mods .Select(mod => new RemoteContextModModel { ID = mod.ID, Name = mod.Name, Version = mod.Version }) .ToArray() }; return new object[] { this.JsonHelper.Serialise(model, Formatting.None) }; } } }