using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Galaxy.Api;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using StardewModdingAPI.Events;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Networking;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection;
using StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit.Serialization;
using StardewModdingAPI.Utilities;
using StardewValley;
using StardewValley.Network;
using StardewValley.SDKs;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework
/// SMAPI's implementation of the game's core multiplayer logic.
/// SMAPI syncs mod context to all players through the host as such:
/// 1. Farmhand sends ModContext + PlayerIntro.
/// 2. If host receives ModContext: it stores the context, replies with known contexts, and forwards it to other farmhands.
/// 3. If host receives PlayerIntro before ModContext: it stores a 'vanilla player' context, and forwards it to other farmhands.
/// 4. If farmhand receives ModContext: it stores it.
/// 5. If farmhand receives ServerIntro without a preceding ModContext: it stores a 'vanilla host' context.
/// 6. If farmhand receives PlayerIntro without a preceding ModContext AND it's not the host peer: it stores a 'vanilla player' context.
/// Once a farmhand/server stored a context, messages can be sent to that player through the SMAPI APIs.
internal class SMultiplayer : Multiplayer
** Fields
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging.
private readonly IMonitor Monitor;
/// Tracks the installed mods.
private readonly ModRegistry ModRegistry;
/// Encapsulates SMAPI's JSON file parsing.
private readonly JsonHelper JsonHelper;
/// Simplifies access to private code.
private readonly Reflector Reflection;
/// Manages SMAPI events.
private readonly EventManager EventManager;
/// A callback to invoke when a mod message is received.
private readonly Action OnModMessageReceived;
/// Whether to log network traffic.
private readonly bool LogNetworkTraffic;
/// The backing field for .
private readonly PerScreen> PeersImpl = new(() => new Dictionary());
/// The backing field for .
private readonly PerScreen HostPeerImpl = new();
** Accessors
/// The metadata for each connected peer.
public IDictionary Peers => this.PeersImpl.Value;
/// The metadata for the host player, if the current player is a farmhand.
public MultiplayerPeer HostPeer
get => this.HostPeerImpl.Value;
private set => this.HostPeerImpl.Value = value;
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// Encapsulates monitoring and logging.
/// Manages SMAPI events.
/// Encapsulates SMAPI's JSON file parsing.
/// Tracks the installed mods.
/// Simplifies access to private code.
/// A callback to invoke when a mod message is received.
/// Whether to log network traffic.
public SMultiplayer(IMonitor monitor, EventManager eventManager, JsonHelper jsonHelper, ModRegistry modRegistry, Reflector reflection, Action onModMessageReceived, bool logNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor = monitor;
this.EventManager = eventManager;
this.JsonHelper = jsonHelper;
this.ModRegistry = modRegistry;
this.Reflection = reflection;
this.OnModMessageReceived = onModMessageReceived;
this.LogNetworkTraffic = logNetworkTraffic;
/// Perform cleanup needed when a multiplayer session ends.
public void CleanupOnMultiplayerExit()
this.HostPeer = null;
/// Initialize a client before the game connects to a remote server.
/// The client to initialize.
public override Client InitClient(Client client)
switch (client)
case LidgrenClient _:
string address = this.Reflection.GetField(client, "address").GetValue();
return new SLidgrenClient(address, this.OnClientProcessingMessage, this.OnClientSendingMessage);
case GalaxyNetClient _:
GalaxyID address = this.Reflection.GetField(client, "lobbyId").GetValue();
return new SGalaxyNetClient(address, this.OnClientProcessingMessage, this.OnClientSendingMessage);
this.Monitor.Log($"Unknown multiplayer client type: {client.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName}", LogLevel.Trace);
return client;
/// Initialize a server before the game connects to an incoming player.
/// The server to initialize.
public override Server InitServer(Server server)
switch (server)
case LidgrenServer _:
IGameServer gameServer = this.Reflection.GetField(server, "gameServer").GetValue();
return new SLidgrenServer(gameServer, this, this.OnServerProcessingMessage);
case GalaxyNetServer _:
IGameServer gameServer = this.Reflection.GetField(server, "gameServer").GetValue();
return new SGalaxyNetServer(gameServer, this, this.OnServerProcessingMessage);
this.Monitor.Log($"Unknown multiplayer server type: {server.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName}", LogLevel.Trace);
return server;
/// A callback raised when sending a message as a farmhand.
/// The message being sent.
/// Send an arbitrary message through the client.
/// Resume sending the underlying message.
protected void OnClientSendingMessage(OutgoingMessage message, Action sendMessage, Action resume)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"CLIENT SEND {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace);
switch (message.MessageType)
// sync mod context (step 1)
case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction:
sendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields()));
// run default logic
/// Process an incoming network message as the host player.
/// The message to process.
/// A method which sends the given message to the client.
/// Process the message using the game's default logic.
public void OnServerProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action sendMessage, Action resume)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"SERVER RECV {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace);
switch (message.MessageType)
// sync mod context (step 2)
case (byte)MessageType.ModContext:
// parse message
RemoteContextModel model = this.ReadContext(message.Reader);
this.Monitor.Log($"Received context for farmhand {message.FarmerID} running {(model != null ? $"SMAPI {model.ApiVersion} with {model.Mods.Length} mods" : "vanilla")}.", LogLevel.Trace);
// store peer
MultiplayerPeer newPeer = new MultiplayerPeer(
playerID: message.FarmerID,
screenID: this.GetScreenId(message.FarmerID),
model: model,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
isHost: false
if (this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID))
this.Monitor.Log($"Received mod context from farmhand {message.FarmerID}, but the game didn't see them disconnect. This may indicate issues with the network connection.", LogLevel.Info);
this.AddPeer(newPeer, canBeHost: false, raiseEvent: false);
// reply with own context
this.Monitor.VerboseLog(" Replying with host context...");
newPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields()));
// reply with other players' context
foreach (MultiplayerPeer otherPeer in this.Peers.Values.Where(p => p.PlayerID != newPeer.PlayerID))
this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Replying with context for player {otherPeer.PlayerID}...");
newPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, otherPeer.PlayerID, this.GetContextSyncMessageFields(otherPeer)));
// forward to other peers
if (this.Peers.Count > 1)
object[] fields = this.GetContextSyncMessageFields(newPeer);
foreach (MultiplayerPeer otherPeer in this.Peers.Values.Where(p => p.PlayerID != newPeer.PlayerID))
this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Forwarding context to player {otherPeer.PlayerID}...");
otherPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModContext, newPeer.PlayerID, fields));
// raise event
this.EventManager.PeerContextReceived.Raise(new PeerContextReceivedEventArgs(newPeer));
// handle player intro
case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction:
// store peer if new
if (!this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID))
this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla player {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace);
MultiplayerPeer peer = new MultiplayerPeer(
playerID: message.FarmerID,
screenID: this.GetScreenId(message.FarmerID),
model: null,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
isHost: false
this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: false);
// let game handle connection
// raise event
this.EventManager.PeerConnected.Raise(new PeerConnectedEventArgs(this.Peers[message.FarmerID]));
// handle mod message
case (byte)MessageType.ModMessage:
/// Process an incoming network message as a farmhand.
/// The message to process.
/// Send an arbitrary message through the client.
/// Resume processing the message using the game's default logic.
/// Returns whether the message was handled.
public void OnClientProcessingMessage(IncomingMessage message, Action sendMessage, Action resume)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"CLIENT RECV {(MessageType)message.MessageType} {message.FarmerID}", LogLevel.Trace);
switch (message.MessageType)
// mod context sync (step 4)
case (byte)MessageType.ModContext:
// parse message
RemoteContextModel model = this.ReadContext(message.Reader);
this.Monitor.Log($"Received context for {(model?.IsHost == true ? "host" : "farmhand")} {message.FarmerID} running {(model != null ? $"SMAPI {model.ApiVersion} with {model.Mods.Length} mods" : "vanilla")}.", LogLevel.Trace);
// store peer
MultiplayerPeer peer = new MultiplayerPeer(
playerID: message.FarmerID,
screenID: this.GetScreenId(message.FarmerID),
model: model,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
isHost: model?.IsHost ?? this.HostPeer == null
if (peer.IsHost && this.HostPeer != null)
this.Monitor.Log($"Rejected mod context from host player {peer.PlayerID}: already received host data from {(peer.PlayerID == this.HostPeer.PlayerID ? "that player" : $"player {peer.PlayerID}")}.", LogLevel.Error);
this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: true);
// handle server intro
case (byte)MessageType.ServerIntroduction:
// store peer
if (!this.Peers.ContainsKey(message.FarmerID) && this.HostPeer == null)
this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla host {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace);
var peer = new MultiplayerPeer(
playerID: message.FarmerID,
screenID: this.GetScreenId(message.FarmerID),
model: null,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
isHost: true
this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: false);
// handle player intro
case (byte)MessageType.PlayerIntroduction:
// store peer
if (!this.Peers.TryGetValue(message.FarmerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer))
peer = new MultiplayerPeer(
playerID: message.FarmerID,
screenID: this.GetScreenId(message.FarmerID),
model: null,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
isHost: this.HostPeer == null
this.Monitor.Log($"Received connection for vanilla {(peer.IsHost ? "host" : "farmhand")} {message.FarmerID}.", LogLevel.Trace);
this.AddPeer(peer, canBeHost: true);
// handle mod message
case (byte)MessageType.ModMessage:
/// Remove players who are disconnecting.
protected override void removeDisconnectedFarmers()
foreach (long playerID in this.disconnectingFarmers)
if (this.Peers.TryGetValue(playerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer))
this.Monitor.Log($"Player quit: {playerID}", LogLevel.Trace);
this.EventManager.PeerDisconnected.Raise(new PeerDisconnectedEventArgs(peer));
/// Broadcast a mod message to matching players.
/// The data to send over the network.
/// A message type which receiving mods can use to decide whether it's the one they want to handle, like SetPlayerLocation. This doesn't need to be globally unique, since mods should check the originating mod ID.
/// The unique ID of the mod sending the message.
/// The mod IDs which should receive the message on the destination computers, or null for all mods. Specifying mod IDs is recommended to improve performance, unless it's a general-purpose broadcast.
/// The values for the players who should receive the message, or null for all players. If you don't need to broadcast to all players, specifying player IDs is recommended to reduce latency.
public void BroadcastModMessage(TMessage message, string messageType, string fromModID, string[] toModIDs, long[] toPlayerIDs)
// validate input
if (message == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageType))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(messageType));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fromModID))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fromModID));
// get target players
long curPlayerId = Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID;
bool sendToSelf = false;
List sendToPeers = new List();
if (toPlayerIDs == null)
sendToSelf = true;
foreach (long id in toPlayerIDs.Distinct())
if (id == curPlayerId)
sendToSelf = true;
else if (this.Peers.TryGetValue(id, out MultiplayerPeer peer) && peer.HasSmapi)
// filter by mod ID
if (toModIDs != null)
HashSet sendToMods = new HashSet(toModIDs, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (sendToSelf && toModIDs.All(id => this.ModRegistry.Get(id) == null))
sendToSelf = false;
sendToPeers.RemoveAll(peer => peer.Mods.All(mod => !sendToMods.Contains(mod.ID)));
// validate recipients
if (!sendToSelf && !sendToPeers.Any())
this.Monitor.VerboseLog($"Ignored '{messageType}' broadcast from mod {fromModID}: none of the specified player IDs can receive this message.");
// get data to send
ModMessageModel model = new ModMessageModel(
fromPlayerID: Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID,
fromModID: fromModID,
toModIDs: toModIDs,
toPlayerIDs: sendToPeers.Select(p => p.PlayerID).ToArray(),
type: messageType,
data: JToken.FromObject(message)
string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model, Formatting.None);
// send self-message
if (sendToSelf)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"Broadcasting '{messageType}' message to self: {data}.", LogLevel.Trace);
// send message to peers
if (sendToPeers.Any())
if (Context.IsMainPlayer)
foreach (MultiplayerPeer peer in sendToPeers)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"Broadcasting '{messageType}' message to farmhand {peer.PlayerID}: {data}.", LogLevel.Trace);
peer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, peer.PlayerID, data));
else if (this.HostPeer?.HasSmapi == true)
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"Broadcasting '{messageType}' message to host {this.HostPeer.PlayerID}: {data}.", LogLevel.Trace);
this.HostPeer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, this.HostPeer.PlayerID, data));
this.Monitor.VerboseLog(" Can't send message because no valid connections were found.");
** Private methods
/// Save a received peer.
/// The peer to add.
/// Whether to track the peer as the host if applicable.
/// Whether to raise the event.
private void AddPeer(MultiplayerPeer peer, bool canBeHost, bool raiseEvent = true)
// store
this.Peers[peer.PlayerID] = peer;
if (canBeHost && peer.IsHost)
this.HostPeer = peer;
// raise event
if (raiseEvent)
this.EventManager.PeerContextReceived.Raise(new PeerContextReceivedEventArgs(peer));
/// Read the metadata context for a player.
/// The stream reader.
private RemoteContextModel ReadContext(BinaryReader reader)
string data = reader.ReadString();
RemoteContextModel model = this.JsonHelper.Deserialize(data);
return model.ApiVersion != null
? model
: null; // no data available for unmodded players
/// Receive a mod message sent from another player's mods.
/// The raw message to parse.
private void ReceiveModMessage(IncomingMessage message)
// parse message
string json = message.Reader.ReadString();
ModMessageModel model = this.JsonHelper.Deserialize(json);
HashSet playerIDs = new HashSet(model.ToPlayerIDs ?? this.GetKnownPlayerIDs());
if (this.LogNetworkTraffic)
this.Monitor.Log($"Received message: {json}.", LogLevel.Trace);
// notify local mods
if (playerIDs.Contains(Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID))
// forward to other players
if (Context.IsMainPlayer && playerIDs.Any(p => p != Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID))
ModMessageModel newModel = new ModMessageModel(model);
foreach (long playerID in playerIDs)
if (playerID != Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID && playerID != model.FromPlayerID && this.Peers.TryGetValue(playerID, out MultiplayerPeer peer))
newModel.ToPlayerIDs = new[] { peer.PlayerID };
this.Monitor.VerboseLog($" Forwarding message to player {peer.PlayerID}.");
peer.SendMessage(new OutgoingMessage((byte)MessageType.ModMessage, peer.PlayerID, this.JsonHelper.Serialize(newModel, Formatting.None)));
/// Get the screen ID for a given player ID, if the player is local.
/// The player ID to check.
private int? GetScreenId(long playerId)
return SGameRunner.Instance.GetScreenId(playerId);
/// Get all connected player IDs, including the current player.
private IEnumerable GetKnownPlayerIDs()
yield return Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID;
foreach (long peerID in this.Peers.Keys)
yield return peerID;
/// Get the fields to include in a context sync message sent to other players.
private object[] GetContextSyncMessageFields()
RemoteContextModel model = new RemoteContextModel
IsHost = Context.IsWorldReady && Context.IsMainPlayer,
Platform = Constants.TargetPlatform,
ApiVersion = Constants.ApiVersion,
GameVersion = Constants.GameVersion,
Mods = this.ModRegistry
.Select(mod => new RemoteContextModModel
ID = mod.Manifest.UniqueID,
Name = mod.Manifest.Name,
Version = mod.Manifest.Version
return new object[] { this.JsonHelper.Serialize(model, Formatting.None) };
/// Get the fields to include in a context sync message sent to other players.
/// The peer whose data to represent.
private object[] GetContextSyncMessageFields(IMultiplayerPeer peer)
if (!peer.HasSmapi)
return new object[] { "{}" };
RemoteContextModel model = new RemoteContextModel
IsHost = peer.IsHost,
Platform = peer.Platform.Value,
ApiVersion = peer.ApiVersion,
GameVersion = peer.GameVersion,
Mods = peer.Mods
.Select(mod => new RemoteContextModModel
ID = mod.ID,
Name = mod.Name,
Version = mod.Version
return new object[] { this.JsonHelper.Serialize(model, Formatting.None) };