using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Netcode;
using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.StateTracking.Comparers;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.StateTracking.FieldWatchers
/// Provides convenience wrappers for creating watchers.
internal static class WatcherFactory
** Public methods
/// Get a watcher which compares values using their method. This method should only be used when won't work, since this doesn't validate whether they're comparable.
/// The value type.
/// Get the current value.
public static ComparableWatcher ForGenericEquality(Func getValue) where T : struct
return new ComparableWatcher(getValue, new GenericEqualsComparer());
/// Get a watcher for an value.
/// The value type.
/// Get the current value.
public static ComparableWatcher ForEquatable(Func getValue) where T : IEquatable
return new ComparableWatcher(getValue, new EquatableComparer());
/// Get a watcher which detects when an object reference changes.
/// The value type.
/// Get the current value.
public static ComparableWatcher ForReference(Func getValue)
return new ComparableWatcher(getValue, new ObjectReferenceComparer());
/// Get a watcher for an observable collection.
/// The value type.
/// The observable collection.
public static ObservableCollectionWatcher ForObservableCollection(ObservableCollection collection)
return new ObservableCollectionWatcher(collection);
/// Get a watcher for a net collection.
/// The value type.
/// The net field instance type.
/// The net collection.
public static NetValueWatcher ForNetValue(NetFieldBase field) where TSelf : NetFieldBase
return new NetValueWatcher(field);
/// Get a watcher for a net collection.
/// The value type.
/// The net collection.
public static NetCollectionWatcher ForNetCollection(NetCollection collection) where T : INetObject
return new NetCollectionWatcher(collection);
/// Get a watcher for a net dictionary.
/// The dictionary key type.
/// The dictionary value type.
/// The net type equivalent to .
/// The serializable dictionary type that can store the keys and values.
/// The net field instance type.
/// The net field.
public static NetDictionaryWatcher ForNetDictionary(NetDictionary field)
where TField : class, INetObject, new()
where TSerialDict : IDictionary, new()
where TSelf : NetDictionary
return new NetDictionaryWatcher(field);