
This file contains advanced configuration for SMAPI. You generally shouldn't change this file.
The default values are mirrored in StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Models.SConfig to log custom changes.

This file is overwritten each time you update or reinstall SMAPI. To avoid losing custom settings,
create a 'config.user.json' file in the same folder with *only* the settings you want to change.
That file won't be overwritten, and any settings in it will override the default options. Don't
copy all the settings, or you may cause bugs due to overridden changes in future SMAPI versions.

     * Whether SMAPI should log more information about the game context.
    "VerboseLogging": false,

     * Whether SMAPI should check for newer versions of SMAPI and mods when you load the game. If new
     * versions are available, an alert will be shown in the console. This doesn't affect the load
     * time even if your connection is offline or slow, because it happens in the background.
    "CheckForUpdates": true,

     * Whether to enable features intended for mod developers. Currently this only makes TRACE-level
     * messages appear in the console.
    "DeveloperMode": true,

     * Whether SMAPI should rewrite mods for compatibility. This may prevent older mods from
     * loading, but bypasses a Visual Studio crash when debugging.
    "RewriteMods": true,

     * Whether to enable more aggressive memory optimizations.
     * If you get frequent 'OutOfMemoryException' errors, you can try enabling this to reduce their
     * frequency. This may cause crashes for farmhands in multiplayer.
    "AggressiveMemoryOptimizations": false,

     * Whether to add a section to the 'mod issues' list for mods which directly use potentially
     * sensitive .NET APIs like file or shell access. Note that many mods do this legitimately as
     * part of their normal functionality, so these warnings are meaningless without further
     * investigation.
     * When this is commented out, it'll be true for local debug builds and false otherwise.
    //"ParanoidWarnings": true,

     * Whether SMAPI should show newer beta versions as an available update.
     * When this is commented out, it'll be true if the current SMAPI version is beta, and false
     * otherwise.
    //"UseBetaChannel": true,

     * SMAPI's GitHub project name, used to perform update checks.
    "GitHubProjectName": "Pathoschild/SMAPI",

     * Stardew64Installer's GitHub project name, used to perform update checks.
    "Stardew64InstallerGitHubProjectName": "Steviegt6/Stardew64Installer",

     * The base URL for SMAPI's web API, used to perform update checks.
    "WebApiBaseUrl": "https://smapi.io/api/",

     * Whether SMAPI should log network traffic (may be very verbose). Best combined with VerboseLogging, which includes network metadata.
    "LogNetworkTraffic": false,

     * The colors to use for text written to the SMAPI console.
     * The possible values for 'UseScheme' are:
     *  - AutoDetect: SMAPI will assume a light background on macOS, and detect the background color
     *    automatically on Linux or Windows.
     *  - LightBackground: use darker text colors that look better on a white or light background.
     *  - DarkBackground: use lighter text colors that look better on a black or dark background.
     *  - None: disables all colors, so everything is written in the default terminal color.
     * For available color codes, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.consolecolor.
     * (These values are synched with ColorfulConsoleWriter.GetDefaultColorSchemeConfig in the
     * SMAPI code.)
    "ConsoleColors": {
        "UseScheme": "AutoDetect",

        "Schemes": {
            "DarkBackground": {
                "Trace": "DarkGray",
                "Debug": "DarkGray",
                "Info": "White",
                "Warn": "Yellow",
                "Error": "Red",
                "Alert": "Magenta",
                "Success": "DarkGreen"
            "LightBackground": {
                "Trace": "DarkGray",
                "Debug": "DarkGray",
                "Info": "Black",
                "Warn": "DarkYellow",
                "Error": "Red",
                "Alert": "DarkMagenta",
                "Success": "DarkGreen"

     * The mod IDs SMAPI should ignore when performing update checks or validating update keys.
    "SuppressUpdateChecks": [