
This file contains advanced configuration for SMAPI. You generally shouldn't change this file.

   * Whether to enable features intended for mod developers. Currently this only makes TRACE-level
   * messages appear in the console.
  "DeveloperMode": true,

   * Whether SMAPI should check for newer versions of SMAPI and mods when you load the game. If new
   * versions are available, an alert will be shown in the console. This doesn't affect the load
   * time even if your connection is offline or slow, because it happens in the background.
  "CheckForUpdates": true,

   * Whether SMAPI should show newer beta versions as an available update. If not specified, SMAPI
   * will only show beta updates if the current version is beta.
  //"UseBetaChannel": true,

   * SMAPI's GitHub project name, used to perform update checks.
  "GitHubProjectName": "Pathoschild/SMAPI",

   * The base URL for SMAPI's web API, used to perform update checks.
   * Note: the protocol will be changed to http:// on Linux/Mac due to OpenSSL issues with the
   * game's bundled Mono.
  "WebApiBaseUrl": "https://api.smapi.io",

   * Whether SMAPI should log more information about the game context.
  "VerboseLogging": false,

   * Whether to generate a 'SMAPI-latest.metadata-dump.json' file in the logs folder with the full mod
   * metadata for detected mods. This is only needed when troubleshooting some cases.
  "DumpMetadata": false,

   * The console color theme to use. The possible values are:
   *  - AutoDetect: SMAPI will assume a light background on Mac, and detect the background color automatically on Linux or Windows.
   *  - LightBackground: use darker text colors that look better on a white or light background.
   *  - DarkBackground: use lighter text colors that look better on a black or dark background.
  "ColorScheme": "AutoDetect",

   * The mod IDs SMAPI should ignore when performing update checks or validating update keys.
  "SuppressUpdateChecks": [