using System;
using System.Linq;
using StardewValley;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Utilities
/// Represents a Stardew Valley date.
public class SDate : IEquatable
** Fields
/// The internal season names in order.
private readonly string[] Seasons = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" };
/// The number of seasons in a year.
private int SeasonsInYear => this.Seasons.Length;
/// The number of days in a season.
private readonly int DaysInSeason = 28;
** Accessors
/// The day of month.
public int Day { get; }
/// The season name.
public string Season { get; }
/// The season index.
public int SeasonIndex { get; }
/// The year.
public int Year { get; }
/// The day of week.
public DayOfWeek DayOfWeek { get; }
/// The number of days since the game began (starting at 1 for the first day of spring in Y1).
public int DaysSinceStart { get; }
** Public methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// The day of month.
/// The season name.
/// One of the arguments has an invalid value (like day 35).
public SDate(int day, string season)
: this(day, season, Game1.year) { }
/// Construct an instance.
/// The day of month.
/// The season name.
/// The year.
/// One of the arguments has an invalid value (like day 35).
public SDate(int day, string season, int year)
: this(day, season, year, allowDayZero: false) { }
/// Get the current in-game date.
public static SDate Now()
return new SDate(Game1.dayOfMonth, Game1.currentSeason, Game1.year, allowDayZero: true);
/// Get the date falling the given number of days after 0 spring Y1.
/// The number of days since 0 spring Y1.
public static SDate FromDaysSinceStart(int daysSinceStart)
return new SDate(0, "spring", 1, allowDayZero: true).AddDays(daysSinceStart);
catch (ArithmeticException)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid daysSinceStart '{daysSinceStart}', must be at least 1.");
/// Get a new date with the given number of days added.
/// The number of days to add.
/// Returns the resulting date.
/// The offset would result in an invalid date (like year 0).
public SDate AddDays(int offset)
// get new hash code
int hashCode = this.DaysSinceStart + offset;
if (hashCode < 1)
throw new ArithmeticException($"Adding {offset} days to {this} would result in a date before 01 spring Y1.");
// get day
int day = hashCode % 28;
if (day == 0)
day = 28;
// get season index
int seasonIndex = hashCode / 28;
if (seasonIndex > 0 && hashCode % 28 == 0)
seasonIndex -= 1;
seasonIndex %= 4;
// get year
int year = (int)Math.Ceiling(hashCode / (this.Seasons.Length * this.DaysInSeason * 1m));
// create date
return new SDate(day, this.Seasons[seasonIndex], year);
/// Get a string representation of the date. This is mainly intended for debugging or console messages.
public override string ToString()
return $"{this.Day:00} {this.Season} Y{this.Year}";
/// Get a string representation of the date in the current game locale.
public string ToLocaleString()
return Utility.getDateStringFor(this.Day, this.SeasonIndex, this.Year);
** IEquatable
/// Get whether this instance is equal to another.
/// The other value to compare.
public bool Equals(SDate other)
return this == other;
/// Get whether this instance is equal to another.
/// The other value to compare.
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return obj is SDate other && this == other;
/// Get a hash code which uniquely identifies a date.
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.DaysSinceStart;
** Operators
/// Get the SDate equivalent to the given WorldDate.
/// A date returned from a core game property or method.
public static explicit operator SDate(WorldDate worldDate)
return new SDate(worldDate.DayOfMonth, worldDate.Season, worldDate.Year, allowDayZero: true);
/// Get the SDate as an instance of the game's WorldDate class. This is intended for passing to core game methods.
public static explicit operator WorldDate(SDate date)
return new WorldDate(date.Year, date.Season, date.Day);
/// Get whether one date is equal to another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
/// The equality of the dates
public static bool operator ==(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart == other?.DaysSinceStart;
/// Get whether one date is not equal to another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
public static bool operator !=(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart != other?.DaysSinceStart;
/// Get whether one date is more than another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
public static bool operator >(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart > other?.DaysSinceStart;
/// Get whether one date is more than or equal to another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
public static bool operator >=(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart >= other?.DaysSinceStart;
/// Get whether one date is less than or equal to another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
public static bool operator <=(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart <= other?.DaysSinceStart;
/// Get whether one date is less than another.
/// The base date to compare.
/// The other date to compare.
public static bool operator <(SDate date, SDate other)
return date?.DaysSinceStart < other?.DaysSinceStart;
** Private methods
/// Construct an instance.
/// The day of month.
/// The season name.
/// The year.
/// Whether to allow 0 spring Y1 as a valid date.
/// One of the arguments has an invalid value (like day 35).
private SDate(int day, string season, int year, bool allowDayZero)
// validate
if (season == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(season));
if (!this.Seasons.Contains(season))
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown season '{season}', must be one of [{string.Join(", ", this.Seasons)}].");
if (day < 0 || day > this.DaysInSeason)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid day '{day}', must be a value from 1 to {this.DaysInSeason}.");
if (day == 0 && !(allowDayZero && this.IsDayZero(day, season, year)))
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid day '{day}', must be a value from 1 to {this.DaysInSeason}.");
if (year < 1)
throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid year '{year}', must be at least 1.");
// initialize
this.Day = day;
this.Season = season;
this.SeasonIndex = this.GetSeasonIndex(season);
this.Year = year;
this.DayOfWeek = this.GetDayOfWeek(day);
this.DaysSinceStart = this.GetDaysSinceStart(day, season, year);
/// Get whether a date represents 0 spring Y1, which is the date during the in-game intro.
/// The day of month.
/// The season name.
/// The year.
private bool IsDayZero(int day, string season, int year)
return day == 0 && season == "spring" && year == 1;
/// Get the day of week for a given date.
/// The day of month.
private DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(int day)
switch (day % 7)
case 0:
return DayOfWeek.Sunday;
case 1:
return DayOfWeek.Monday;
case 2:
return DayOfWeek.Tuesday;
case 3:
return DayOfWeek.Wednesday;
case 4:
return DayOfWeek.Thursday;
case 5:
return DayOfWeek.Friday;
case 6:
return DayOfWeek.Saturday;
return 0;
/// Get the number of days since the game began (starting at 1 for the first day of spring in Y1).
/// The day of month.
/// The season name.
/// The year.
private int GetDaysSinceStart(int day, string season, int year)
// return the number of days since 01 spring Y1 (inclusively)
int yearIndex = year - 1;
yearIndex * this.DaysInSeason * this.SeasonsInYear
+ this.GetSeasonIndex(season) * this.DaysInSeason
+ day;
/// Get a season index.
/// The season name.
/// The current season wasn't recognized.
private int GetSeasonIndex(string season)
int index = Array.IndexOf(this.Seasons, season);
if (index == -1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The season '{season}' wasn't recognized.");
return index;