using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Toolkit { /// <summary>A semantic version with an optional release tag.</summary> /// <remarks>The implementation is defined by Semantic Version 2.0 (</remarks> public class SemanticVersion : ISemanticVersion { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// <summary>A regex pattern matching a valid prerelease tag.</summary> internal const string TagPattern = @"(?>[a-z0-9]+[\-\.]?)+"; /// <summary>A regex pattern matching a version within a larger string.</summary> internal const string UnboundedVersionPattern = @"(?>(?<major>0|[1-9]\d*))\.(?>(?<minor>0|[1-9]\d*))(?>(?:\.(?<patch>0|[1-9]\d*))?)(?:-(?<prerelease>" + SemanticVersion.TagPattern + "))?"; /// <summary>A regular expression matching a semantic version string.</summary> /// <remarks> /// This pattern is derived from the BNF documentation in the <a href="">semver repo</a>, /// with three important deviations intended to support Stardew Valley mod conventions: /// - allows short-form "x.y" versions; /// - allows hyphens in prerelease tags as synonyms for dots (like "-unofficial-update.3"); /// - doesn't allow '+build' suffixes. /// </remarks> internal static readonly Regex Regex = new Regex($@"^{SemanticVersion.UnboundedVersionPattern}$", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// <summary>The major version incremented for major API changes.</summary> public int MajorVersion { get; } /// <summary>The minor version incremented for backwards-compatible changes.</summary> public int MinorVersion { get; } /// <summary>The patch version for backwards-compatible bug fixes.</summary> public int PatchVersion { get; } /// <summary>An optional prerelease tag.</summary> public string Build { get; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="major">The major version incremented for major API changes.</param> /// <param name="minor">The minor version incremented for backwards-compatible changes.</param> /// <param name="patch">The patch version for backwards-compatible fixes.</param> /// <param name="tag">An optional prerelease tag.</param> public SemanticVersion(int major, int minor, int patch, string tag = null) { this.MajorVersion = major; this.MinorVersion = minor; this.PatchVersion = patch; this.Build = this.GetNormalisedTag(tag); this.AssertValid(); } /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="version">The assembly version.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="version"/> is null.</exception> public SemanticVersion(Version version) { if (version == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version), "The input version can't be null."); this.MajorVersion = version.Major; this.MinorVersion = version.Minor; this.PatchVersion = version.Build; this.AssertValid(); } /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="version">The semantic version string.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="version"/> is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="FormatException">The <paramref name="version"/> is not a valid semantic version.</exception> public SemanticVersion(string version) { // parse if (version == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(version), "The input version string can't be null."); var match = SemanticVersion.Regex.Match(version.Trim()); if (!match.Success) throw new FormatException($"The input '{version}' isn't a valid semantic version."); // initialise this.MajorVersion = int.Parse(match.Groups["major"].Value); this.MinorVersion = match.Groups["minor"].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups["minor"].Value) : 0; this.PatchVersion = match.Groups["patch"].Success ? int.Parse(match.Groups["patch"].Value) : 0; this.Build = match.Groups["prerelease"].Success ? this.GetNormalisedTag(match.Groups["prerelease"].Value) : null; this.AssertValid(); } /// <summary>Get an integer indicating whether this version precedes (less than 0), supercedes (more than 0), or is equivalent to (0) the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="other">The version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="other"/> value is null.</exception> public int CompareTo(ISemanticVersion other) { if (other == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other)); return this.CompareTo(other.MajorVersion, other.MinorVersion, other.PatchVersion, other.Build); } /// <summary>Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.</summary> /// <returns>true if the current object is equal to the <paramref name="other" /> parameter; otherwise, false.</returns> /// <param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param> public bool Equals(ISemanticVersion other) { return other != null && this.CompareTo(other) == 0; } /// <summary>Whether this is a pre-release version.</summary> public bool IsPrerelease() { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Build); } /// <summary>Get whether this version is older than the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="other">The version to compare with this instance.</param> public bool IsOlderThan(ISemanticVersion other) { return this.CompareTo(other) < 0; } /// <summary>Get whether this version is older than the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="other">The version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <exception cref="FormatException">The specified version is not a valid semantic version.</exception> public bool IsOlderThan(string other) { return this.IsOlderThan(new SemanticVersion(other)); } /// <summary>Get whether this version is newer than the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="other">The version to compare with this instance.</param> public bool IsNewerThan(ISemanticVersion other) { return this.CompareTo(other) > 0; } /// <summary>Get whether this version is newer than the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="other">The version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <exception cref="FormatException">The specified version is not a valid semantic version.</exception> public bool IsNewerThan(string other) { return this.IsNewerThan(new SemanticVersion(other)); } /// <summary>Get whether this version is between two specified versions (inclusively).</summary> /// <param name="min">The minimum version.</param> /// <param name="max">The maximum version.</param> public bool IsBetween(ISemanticVersion min, ISemanticVersion max) { return this.CompareTo(min) >= 0 && this.CompareTo(max) <= 0; } /// <summary>Get whether this version is between two specified versions (inclusively).</summary> /// <param name="min">The minimum version.</param> /// <param name="max">The maximum version.</param> /// <exception cref="FormatException">One of the specified versions is not a valid semantic version.</exception> public bool IsBetween(string min, string max) { return this.IsBetween(new SemanticVersion(min), new SemanticVersion(max)); } /// <summary>Get a string representation of the version.</summary> public override string ToString() { // version string result = this.PatchVersion != 0 ? $"{this.MajorVersion}.{this.MinorVersion}.{this.PatchVersion}" : $"{this.MajorVersion}.{this.MinorVersion}"; // tag string tag = this.Build; if (tag != null) result += $"-{tag}"; return result; } /// <summary>Parse a version string without throwing an exception if it fails.</summary> /// <param name="version">The version string.</param> /// <param name="parsed">The parsed representation.</param> /// <returns>Returns whether parsing the version succeeded.</returns> public static bool TryParse(string version, out ISemanticVersion parsed) { try { parsed = new SemanticVersion(version); return true; } catch { parsed = null; return false; } } /********* ** Private methods *********/ /// <summary>Get a normalised build tag.</summary> /// <param name="tag">The tag to normalise.</param> private string GetNormalisedTag(string tag) { tag = tag?.Trim(); return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tag) ? tag : null; } /// <summary>Get an integer indicating whether this version precedes (less than 0), supercedes (more than 0), or is equivalent to (0) the specified version.</summary> /// <param name="otherMajor">The major version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <param name="otherMinor">The minor version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <param name="otherPatch">The patch version to compare with this instance.</param> /// <param name="otherTag">The prerelease tag to compare with this instance.</param> private int CompareTo(int otherMajor, int otherMinor, int otherPatch, string otherTag) { const int same = 0; const int curNewer = 1; const int curOlder = -1; // compare stable versions if (this.MajorVersion != otherMajor) return this.MajorVersion.CompareTo(otherMajor); if (this.MinorVersion != otherMinor) return this.MinorVersion.CompareTo(otherMinor); if (this.PatchVersion != otherPatch) return this.PatchVersion.CompareTo(otherPatch); if (this.Build == otherTag) return same; // stable supercedes pre-release bool curIsStable = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.Build); bool otherIsStable = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(otherTag); if (curIsStable) return curNewer; if (otherIsStable) return curOlder; // compare two pre-release tag values string[] curParts = this.Build.Split('.', '-'); string[] otherParts = otherTag.Split('.', '-'); for (int i = 0; i < curParts.Length; i++) { // longer prerelease tag supercedes if otherwise equal if (otherParts.Length <= i) return curNewer; // compare if different if (curParts[i] != otherParts[i]) { // compare numerically if possible { if (int.TryParse(curParts[i], out int curNum) && int.TryParse(otherParts[i], out int otherNum)) return curNum.CompareTo(otherNum); } // else compare lexically return string.Compare(curParts[i], otherParts[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); } } // fallback (this should never happen) return string.Compare(this.ToString(), new SemanticVersion(otherMajor, otherMinor, otherPatch, otherTag).ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } /// <summary>Assert that the current version is valid.</summary> private void AssertValid() { if (this.MajorVersion < 0 || this.MinorVersion < 0 || this.PatchVersion < 0) throw new FormatException($"{this} isn't a valid semantic version. The major, minor, and patch numbers can't be negative."); if (this.MajorVersion == 0 && this.MinorVersion == 0 && this.PatchVersion == 0) throw new FormatException($"{this} isn't a valid semantic version. At least one of the major, minor, and patch numbers must be more than zero."); if (this.Build != null) { if (this.Build.Trim() == "") throw new FormatException($"{this} isn't a valid semantic version. The tag cannot be a blank string (but may be omitted)."); if (!Regex.IsMatch(this.Build, $"^{SemanticVersion.TagPattern}$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) throw new FormatException($"{this} isn't a valid semantic version. The tag is invalid."); } } } }