using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.ModLoading.Finders { /// Finds incompatible CIL instructions that reference a given field. internal class FieldFinder : IInstructionHandler { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// The full type name for which to find references. private readonly string FullTypeName; /// The field name for which to find references. private readonly string FieldName; /// The result to return for matching instructions. private readonly InstructionHandleResult Result; /********* ** Accessors *********/ /// A brief noun phrase indicating what the instruction finder matches. public string NounPhrase { get; } /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// Construct an instance. /// The full type name for which to find references. /// The field name for which to find references. /// The result to return for matching instructions. public FieldFinder(string fullTypeName, string fieldName, InstructionHandleResult result) { this.FullTypeName = fullTypeName; this.FieldName = fieldName; this.Result = result; this.NounPhrase = $"{fullTypeName}.{fieldName} field"; } /// Perform the predefined logic for a method if applicable. /// The mod containing the instruction. /// The assembly module containing the instruction. /// The method definition containing the instruction. /// Metadata for mapping assemblies to the current platform. /// Whether the mod was compiled on a different platform. public virtual InstructionHandleResult Handle(IModMetadata mod, ModuleDefinition module, MethodDefinition method, PlatformAssemblyMap assemblyMap, bool platformChanged) { return InstructionHandleResult.None; } /// Perform the predefined logic for an instruction if applicable. /// The mod containing the instruction. /// The assembly module containing the instruction. /// The CIL processor. /// The instruction to handle. /// Metadata for mapping assemblies to the current platform. /// Whether the mod was compiled on a different platform. public virtual InstructionHandleResult Handle(IModMetadata mod, ModuleDefinition module, ILProcessor cil, Instruction instruction, PlatformAssemblyMap assemblyMap, bool platformChanged) { return this.IsMatch(instruction) ? this.Result : InstructionHandleResult.None; } /********* ** Protected methods *********/ /// Get whether a CIL instruction matches. /// The IL instruction. protected bool IsMatch(Instruction instruction) { FieldReference fieldRef = RewriteHelper.AsFieldReference(instruction); return fieldRef != null && fieldRef.DeclaringType.FullName == this.FullTypeName && fieldRef.Name == this.FieldName; } } }