using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Models; namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework { /// <summary>Tracks the installed mods.</summary> internal class ModRegistry : IModRegistry { /********* ** Properties *********/ /// <summary>The registered mod data.</summary> private readonly List<IMod> Mods = new List<IMod>(); /// <summary>The friendly mod names treated as deprecation warning sources (assembly full name => mod name).</summary> private readonly IDictionary<string, string> ModNamesByAssembly = new Dictionary<string, string>(); /// <summary>The mod versions which should be disabled due to incompatibility.</summary> private readonly IncompatibleMod[] IncompatibleMods; /********* ** Public methods *********/ /// <summary>Construct an instance.</summary> /// <param name="incompatibleMods">The mod versions which should be disabled due to incompatibility.</param> public ModRegistry(IEnumerable<IncompatibleMod> incompatibleMods) { this.IncompatibleMods = incompatibleMods.ToArray(); } /**** ** IModRegistry ****/ /// <summary>Get metadata for all loaded mods.</summary> public IEnumerable<IManifest> GetAll() { return this.Mods.Select(p => p.ModManifest); } /// <summary>Get metadata for a loaded mod.</summary> /// <param name="uniqueID">The mod's unique ID.</param> /// <returns>Returns the matching mod's metadata, or <c>null</c> if not found.</returns> public IManifest Get(string uniqueID) { return this.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.UniqueID == uniqueID); } /// <summary>Get whether a mod has been loaded.</summary> /// <param name="uniqueID">The mod's unique ID.</param> public bool IsLoaded(string uniqueID) { return this.GetAll().Any(p => p.UniqueID == uniqueID); } /**** ** Internal methods ****/ /// <summary>Register a mod as a possible source of deprecation warnings.</summary> /// <param name="mod">The mod instance.</param> public void Add(IMod mod) { this.Mods.Add(mod); this.ModNamesByAssembly[mod.GetType().Assembly.FullName] = mod.ModManifest.Name; } /// <summary>Get all enabled mods.</summary> public IEnumerable<IMod> GetMods() { return (from mod in this.Mods select mod); } /// <summary>Get the friendly mod name which handles a delegate.</summary> /// <param name="delegate">The delegate to follow.</param> /// <returns>Returns the mod name, or <c>null</c> if the delegate isn't implemented by a known mod.</returns> public string GetModFrom(Delegate @delegate) { return @delegate?.Target != null ? this.GetModFrom(@delegate.Target.GetType()) : null; } /// <summary>Get the friendly mod name which defines a type.</summary> /// <param name="type">The type to check.</param> /// <returns>Returns the mod name, or <c>null</c> if the type isn't part of a known mod.</returns> public string GetModFrom(Type type) { // null if (type == null) return null; // known type string assemblyName = type.Assembly.FullName; if (this.ModNamesByAssembly.ContainsKey(assemblyName)) return this.ModNamesByAssembly[assemblyName]; // not found return null; } /// <summary>Get the friendly name for the closest assembly registered as a source of deprecation warnings.</summary> /// <returns>Returns the source name, or <c>null</c> if no registered assemblies were found.</returns> public string GetModFromStack() { // get stack frames StackTrace stack = new StackTrace(); StackFrame[] frames = stack.GetFrames(); if (frames == null) return null; // search stack for a source assembly foreach (StackFrame frame in frames) { MethodBase method = frame.GetMethod(); string name = this.GetModFrom(method.ReflectedType); if (name != null) return name; } // no known assembly found return null; } /// <summary>Get a record indicating why a mod is incompatible (if applicable).</summary> /// <param name="manifest">The mod manifest.</param> /// <returns>Returns the incompatibility record if applicable, else <c>null</c>.</returns> internal IncompatibleMod GetIncompatibilityRecord(IManifest manifest) { string key = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manifest.UniqueID) ? manifest.UniqueID : manifest.EntryDll; return ( from mod in this.IncompatibleMods where mod.ID == key && (mod.LowerSemanticVersion == null || !manifest.Version.IsOlderThan(mod.LowerSemanticVersion)) && !manifest.Version.IsNewerThan(mod.UpperSemanticVersion) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mod.ForceCompatibleVersion) || !Regex.IsMatch(manifest.Version.ToString(), mod.ForceCompatibleVersion, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) select mod ).FirstOrDefault(); } } }