using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Caching;
namespace StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Reflection
/// Provides helper methods for accessing private game code.
/// This implementation searches up the type hierarchy, and caches the reflected fields and methods with a sliding expiry (to optimise performance without unnecessary memory usage).
internal class ReflectionHelper : IReflectionHelper
** Properties
/// The cached fields and methods found via reflection.
private readonly MemoryCache Cache = new MemoryCache(typeof(ReflectionHelper).FullName);
/// The sliding cache expiration time.
private readonly TimeSpan SlidingCacheExpiry = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
** Public methods
** Fields
/// Get a private instance field.
/// The field type.
/// The object which has the field.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
/// Returns the field wrapper, or null if the field doesn't exist and is false.
public IPrivateField GetPrivateField(object obj, string name, bool required = true)
// validate
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj), "Can't get a private instance field from a null object.");
// get field from hierarchy
IPrivateField field = this.GetFieldFromHierarchy(obj.GetType(), obj, name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (required && field == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {obj.GetType().FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' instance field.");
return field;
/// Get a private static field.
/// The field type.
/// The type which has the field.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
public IPrivateField GetPrivateField(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
// get field from hierarchy
IPrivateField field = this.GetFieldFromHierarchy(type, null, name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (required && field == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {type.FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' static field.");
return field;
** Properties
/// Get a private instance property.
/// The property type.
/// The object which has the property.
/// The property name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private property is not found.
public IPrivateProperty GetPrivateProperty(object obj, string name, bool required = true)
// validate
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj), "Can't get a private instance property from a null object.");
// get property from hierarchy
IPrivateProperty property = this.GetPropertyFromHierarchy(obj.GetType(), obj, name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (required && property == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {obj.GetType().FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' instance property.");
return property;
/// Get a private static property.
/// The property type.
/// The type which has the property.
/// The property name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private property is not found.
public IPrivateProperty GetPrivateProperty(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
// get field from hierarchy
IPrivateProperty property = this.GetPropertyFromHierarchy(type, null, name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (required && property == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {type.FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' static property.");
return property;
** Field values
** (shorthand since this is the most common case)
/// Get the value of a private instance field.
/// The field type.
/// The object which has the field.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
/// Returns the field value, or the default value for if the field wasn't found and is false.
/// This is a shortcut for followed by .
/// When is false, this will return the default value if reflection fails. If you need to check whether the field exists, use instead.
public TValue GetPrivateValue(object obj, string name, bool required = true)
IPrivateField field = this.GetPrivateField(obj, name, required);
return field != null
? field.GetValue()
: default(TValue);
/// Get the value of a private static field.
/// The field type.
/// The type which has the field.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
/// Returns the field value, or the default value for if the field wasn't found and is false.
/// This is a shortcut for followed by .
/// When is false, this will return the default value if reflection fails. If you need to check whether the field exists, use instead.
public TValue GetPrivateValue(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
IPrivateField field = this.GetPrivateField(type, name, required);
return field != null
? field.GetValue()
: default(TValue);
** Methods
/// Get a private instance method.
/// The object which has the method.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
public IPrivateMethod GetPrivateMethod(object obj, string name, bool required = true)
// validate
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj), "Can't get a private instance method from a null object.");
// get method from hierarchy
IPrivateMethod method = this.GetMethodFromHierarchy(obj.GetType(), obj, name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
if (required && method == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {obj.GetType().FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' instance method.");
return method;
/// Get a private static method.
/// The type which has the method.
/// The field name.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
public IPrivateMethod GetPrivateMethod(Type type, string name, bool required = true)
// get method from hierarchy
IPrivateMethod method = this.GetMethodFromHierarchy(type, null, name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
if (required && method == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {type.FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' static method.");
return method;
** Methods by signature
/// Get a private instance method.
/// The object which has the method.
/// The field name.
/// The argument types of the method signature to find.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
public IPrivateMethod GetPrivateMethod(object obj, string name, Type[] argumentTypes, bool required = true)
// validate parent
if (obj == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj), "Can't get a private instance method from a null object.");
// get method from hierarchy
PrivateMethod method = this.GetMethodFromHierarchy(obj.GetType(), obj, name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, argumentTypes);
if (required && method == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {obj.GetType().FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' instance method with that signature.");
return method;
/// Get a private static method.
/// The type which has the method.
/// The field name.
/// The argument types of the method signature to find.
/// Whether to throw an exception if the private field is not found.
public IPrivateMethod GetPrivateMethod(Type type, string name, Type[] argumentTypes, bool required = true)
// get field from hierarchy
PrivateMethod method = this.GetMethodFromHierarchy(type, null, name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static, argumentTypes);
if (required && method == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The {type.FullName} object doesn't have a private '{name}' static method with that signature.");
return method;
** Private methods
/// Get a field from the type hierarchy.
/// The expected field type.
/// The type which has the field.
/// The object which has the field.
/// The field name.
/// The reflection binding which flags which indicates what type of field to find.
private IPrivateField GetFieldFromHierarchy(Type type, object obj, string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags)
bool isStatic = bindingFlags.HasFlag(BindingFlags.Static);
FieldInfo field = this.GetCached($"field::{isStatic}::{type.FullName}::{name}", () =>
FieldInfo fieldInfo = null;
for (; type != null && fieldInfo == null; type = type.BaseType)
fieldInfo = type.GetField(name, bindingFlags);
return fieldInfo;
return field != null
? new PrivateField(type, obj, field, isStatic)
: null;
/// Get a property from the type hierarchy.
/// The expected property type.
/// The type which has the property.
/// The object which has the property.
/// The property name.
/// The reflection binding which flags which indicates what type of property to find.
private IPrivateProperty GetPropertyFromHierarchy(Type type, object obj, string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags)
bool isStatic = bindingFlags.HasFlag(BindingFlags.Static);
PropertyInfo property = this.GetCached($"property::{isStatic}::{type.FullName}::{name}", () =>
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = null;
for (; type != null && propertyInfo == null; type = type.BaseType)
propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(name, bindingFlags);
return propertyInfo;
return property != null
? new PrivateProperty(type, obj, property, isStatic)
: null;
/// Get a method from the type hierarchy.
/// The type which has the method.
/// The object which has the method.
/// The method name.
/// The reflection binding which flags which indicates what type of method to find.
private IPrivateMethod GetMethodFromHierarchy(Type type, object obj, string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags)
bool isStatic = bindingFlags.HasFlag(BindingFlags.Static);
MethodInfo method = this.GetCached($"method::{isStatic}::{type.FullName}::{name}", () =>
MethodInfo methodInfo = null;
for (; type != null && methodInfo == null; type = type.BaseType)
methodInfo = type.GetMethod(name, bindingFlags);
return methodInfo;
return method != null
? new PrivateMethod(type, obj, method, isStatic: bindingFlags.HasFlag(BindingFlags.Static))
: null;
/// Get a method from the type hierarchy.
/// The type which has the method.
/// The object which has the method.
/// The method name.
/// The reflection binding which flags which indicates what type of method to find.
/// The argument types of the method signature to find.
private PrivateMethod GetMethodFromHierarchy(Type type, object obj, string name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Type[] argumentTypes)
bool isStatic = bindingFlags.HasFlag(BindingFlags.Static);
MethodInfo method = this.GetCached($"method::{isStatic}::{type.FullName}::{name}({string.Join(",", argumentTypes.Select(p => p.FullName))})", () =>
MethodInfo methodInfo = null;
for (; type != null && methodInfo == null; type = type.BaseType)
methodInfo = type.GetMethod(name, bindingFlags, null, argumentTypes, null);
return methodInfo;
return method != null
? new PrivateMethod(type, obj, method, isStatic)
: null;
/// Get a method or field through the cache.
/// The expected type.
/// The cache key.
/// Fetches a new value to cache.
private TMemberInfo GetCached(string key, Func fetch) where TMemberInfo : MemberInfo
// get from cache
if (this.Cache.Contains(key))
CacheEntry entry = (CacheEntry)this.Cache[key];
return entry.IsValid
? (TMemberInfo)entry.MemberInfo
: default(TMemberInfo);
// fetch & cache new value
TMemberInfo result = fetch();
CacheEntry cacheEntry = new CacheEntry(result != null, result);
this.Cache.Add(key, cacheEntry, new CacheItemPolicy { SlidingExpiration = this.SlidingCacheExpiry });
return result;